Chapter 64 - Family Dinner Part I

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"You need to calm your tits, Kat. I'm meeting your parents, not holding them hostage."

The two of them were walking up the doorstep of the Bakugou household; Katsuki had his hands stuffed into his pockets and looked like he was trying to retreat into his body like a turtle. She knew him well enough to know that the emotion he was feeling was panic.

"Fuck off," He grumbled. "My parents are just... they just... just don't be freaked out if they're weird about shit."

Y/N scoffed. "They can't be that bad." She took the doorknocker and rapped it a few times. "I've dealt with villains, how bad could--"

Before she could even finish her sentence, the door flew open and revealed an overenthusiastic Mitsuki with her arms out wide. "YOU'RE HERE!" She yelled, reaching out and grabbing the two of them by the arms to yank them into the house. "I'm so glad you're here! I half expected this boy to chicken out and bail--"

"I never chicken out of anything!" Bakugou snapped.

"Shut it, Katsuki. Go help your father with dinner. Y/N and I have some conversation to make." Without another word she took Y/N's arm again and lead her to the dining room. Y/N winked at Katsuki before disappearing behind the doorframe.

It wasn't panic he was feeling anymore. It was dread.

He took off his jacket and hung it up in the coat closet before removing his shoes to join his dad in the kitchen. Masaru was standing over the oven with a spatula and frying pan-- the smell of savory meat was wafting through the room. Katsuki's stomach growled.

"Ah, you're here! Welcome home, kid," His dad said sweetly. He turned and gave Katsuki a warm hug before returning to his task on the stove. "Your mother and I thought it could be fun to make an American dish tonight for your girlfriend, so we're making burgers!"

Katsuki tried not to cringe.

"Here, watch these patties. I'm gonna grab the tomatoes from the garage," Masaru said as he handed over the spatula.

Katsuki took it and checked the progress on the meat. His dad had always been the cook in the house and it was where he had learned most of his skills. He'd grown up on his dad's recipes. Though the meal choice was embarrassing, it certainly smelled heavenly.

He realized he was trying to distract himself from the fear of what his mom and Y/N could be talking about in the other room. Every humiliating moment of his life seemed to boil to the front of his mind.


"Come sit!" Mitsuki ordered.

The two of them sat at the dinner table; Mitsuki propped her chin up with her clasped hands and beamed at Y/N. "God, it's wonderful to meet you. I never thought I'd see the day where Katsuki brought someone home for dinner."

Y/N laughed. "I'll be honest, it took me off guard too," She admitted. "I thought he was telling me he was dying based on how he invited me. He barely managed it."

"That shitty boy," Mitsuki grunted. "Well, at least he actually did it. How did you guys meet? He won't tell us anything. Can barely get a peep out of him sometimes."

Y/N twiddled her fingers nervously. "I came to Japan after losing my quirk. I was being looked for by a major fuckhead villain--" She clapped her hand over her mouth after realizing her vulgarity. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, it just slipped out--"

But Mitsuki was cracking up. She was hunched over the table with laughter. Y/N's face burned with embarassment when Bakugou's mom met her eyes and said, "I see why he likes you."

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