Chapter 23 - Self Control

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Content Warning: Male Masturbation

"C'mon, faster, Tinkerbell," Bakugou demanded.

He was clutching the punching bag to keep it stable for Y/N as she jabbed it with all her might. It had been thirty minutes of nonstop boxing routines, and her muscles were screaming at her. Even with the boxing gloves the joints in her hands were aching for her to stop. She wanted to, so badly, but knew if she did that Bakugou would never let her hear the end of it.

He was a grueling teacher, but the progress she had made in only a few days was astounding; not just in her strength and agility, but her confidence too. She was more comfortable leaving her old scars unprotected-- Bakugou had drilled that out of her quickly. 

Knowing that her fighting abilities were improving was making her feel whole again. That emptiness from losing her quirk didn't feel quite so big, and though she'd never go back to the athletic prowess she'd had in America, it felt good to be able to take care of herself again.

Then again, it was also hell having to train with Katsuki.


Y/N huffed at him. "I can't move any faster than that, asshole!" She tilted her head back from exhaustion and let her boxing gloves dangle at her sides. "Jesus Christ, you're gonna kill me, man."

"If it doesn't hurt, it's not working," he grumbled.

"I get it. No pain no gain. But God, I need a break," she begged, sitting on the ground and grabbing her water bottle. She popped the cap and dumped it into her mouth without putting it to her lips, and seeing the liquid drain into her mouth with her tongue out made Bakugou's stomach do flips.

"I'm gonna shower. Don't touch my snacks," Y/N warned, making her way to the bathrooms.

He stayed there, drinking from his bottle and watching her as she left. It had been a few days of this now, and her determination was impressing him. For the most part, she kept up with his pace-- and she let him know when he was pushing too hard with some swearing at him. It was a good dynamic.

Kaminari's words from before flashed in his mind. 

"Cause I'm pretty sure I saw you taking her clothes off this morning..."

He didn't know why it bothered him so much. Maybe he was mad it had been misinterpreted. He didn't do it to get her naked, he did it to show her that her scar was healed. Was that bad?

Or maybe it was bad because he did want to take off more of her clothes.

"I don't blame you, Bakubro, she's got a nice--"

That part had really pissed Katsuki off. Hearing Denki talk about her body lit an angry fire in his gut that he was still struggling to put out. He didn't want Kaminari knowing that part of her, or even looking at that part of her. 

Bakugou had heard his friends talking about Y/N and the other girls in their class. Kaminari was clearly into Jirou, even Bakugou could see that-- but there was no way he would ever be reduced to that blushing mess that Denki was. He was in control of himself.

But sometimes his thoughts wandered when he wasn't paying attention. They wandered into dangerous territory. Deliciously dangerous territory. This hadn't ever been a problem... until Y/N.

When his mind wandered to thoughts of Y/N with Hawks, his blood boiled with anger, but there was a different sensation too--something he hadn't felt since he was a teenage boy. 

What was Y/N like in bed? Was she loud? 

He could feel his pants getting tighter as he hardened in his workout pants, his breathing getting heavier. 


No, this wasn't happening.

He snatched up his towel and bag, making his way to the boys' showers and throwing his things onto a nearby bench. After stripping down, he climbed into one of the showers and turned on the hot water.

Usually, Bakugou could ignore a boner until it faded, but this one was relentless. He washed his hair, trying to pretend it wasn't bothering him, letting the hot water wash over his body. He wanted so badly to ignore it, but blood kept rushing through his body when he couldn't help but picture Y/N in that swimsuit she wore.

Or her legs in those workout leggings.

At this point, he was practically throbbing. There was no way he was going to be able to ignore it. He was giving in as the seconds passed, the hot water only sending shivers down his spine and adding to the burning in his body. Was he seriously going to do this?

He had ignored the new dangerously sweet sensation for weeks now, not wanting to admit what it meant. He had felt lust for weeks now, shoving it down deeper, pretending it wasn't there. But his body was betraying him. Katsuki Bakugou, who prided himself on his self control, was giving in.

Katsuki didn't lust after people. It was something that separated him from his peers. He was always in control of his body and his emotions. Even if they came close to boiling over, he kept them from the breaking point.

But his breaking point had been reached with Y/N a long time ago.

His hand drifted down lower, lower, until contact was made and he practically moaned out loud. He bit the back of his hand to keep the noise from escaping and he started stroking himself. 

Bakugou had jerked off before, obviously, but usually to relieve stress-- not from lust. It was a completely different sensation. Chills were running up and down his body as the friction from his hand nearly made him double over in pleasure. 

Images of Y/N were flooding his mind, each thought making his dick feel harder and the stroking feel better. That need to touch her, lick her, be in her was growing. He had never felt desperation like this before. He needed to know what she felt like, what she sounded like. 

His hand was speeding up, the sensation building and building. God, it was addicting. He thought of Y/N underneath him, begging for him, nails dragging down his back. His body was tensing and tightening, carrying him higher and higher. If his hand felt this good, he couldn't even imagine what she felt like. 

He bit down hard on his palm as he started cumming, losing control of his hips as he started thrusting into his hand. It was pleasure unlike anything he'd ever felt before, thinking of her. Fireworks were blowing up through his entire body, and when his body finished throbbing, he slumped against the wall, his head pounding.


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