Chapter 5 - Overnight

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Bakugou was always first to arrive and last one to leave at UA.

In the mornings, he was able to have most of the gym to himself. Occasionally Kirishima would join him (without asking), and though he made a good workout buddy, he preferred to be on his own. All Might had installed fireproof top-quality punching bags that year.

He laid in hit after hit, sweat dripping down his chest and back. His knuckles screamed at him to take it easy, but he refused. With each smack of the bag, a tiny bit of his frustration faded. He went for longer today from the frustration of losing his gauntlets. It wasn't really Kirishima's fault. Maybe Y/N made a good point about the quality, but he would never admit that. Katsuki didn't like new people, but he acknowledged that Y/N may not be as horrible as some of the other losers. The tinker girl didn't take his shit, which was both infuriating and weirdly intriguing. Just a little.

An alarm from his phone beeped, which meant his workout was over. He took a step back from the punching back and tilted his head back, catching his breath. He sat down and cooled off, reading through the dozens of pointless texts from Kirishima.

Shitty Hair: hey bro u wanna get lunch today???? gang is meeting up later

Shitty Hair: will u check and see if Y/N is there?

Shitty Hair: don't have her number yet and mina says she didn't come home last night :/

Shitty Hair: get her number for me btw

Shitty Hair: if she's here

Shitty Hair: not like in a sex way lol just cause I have this funny vid she'd like

Bakugou rolled his eyes. Texts like this were constant, and not just with Bakugou; Kirishima loved being in constant contact with everyone around him. No wonder he made friends so easily.

Bakugou: I'll see if she's here. Not getting her number though. That's your fucking problem.

Shitty Hair: Pleeeeeaaaaaaase?????? :(((

Shitty Hair: I'll buy ur lunch later!!

Bakugou: God fine stop blowing up my phone

Shitty Hair: Hell yeah!!

After his shower, he dried off and checked the time. First period started in about 30 minutes, so he still had time to find Y/N for Eijirou. He made his way down to her workshop, scowling. Eijirou better fucking thank him for this.

When he reached the room, the door was open. He peeked inside and saw Y/N facedown on the workbench. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He sighed and stepped over to her. "Wake up."

Y/N's groaned, her head slowly rising. "What the hell..." she grumbled, obviously equally confused as Bakugou.

"Did you fucking sleep here?"

Reality seemed to hit and she shot up, processing her surroundings as she rubbed her eyes. "Shit, what time is it?"


"Oh my god," she croaked, burying her face in her hands. "Yeah. Yeah, I fucking slept here." She turned around to face him. "It was an accident. Don't tell anybody. God, this is embarrassing." Her face had marks all over from the table she slept on, and her hair was sporting was wild bedhead. She had oil (or grease, Bakugou couldn't tell the damn difference) on her cheeks.

"How the hell did you manage that?" He said, and a smile crept onto his face at her embarassment. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at her. She was turning a deep shade of pink. Bakugou liked having the upper hand against her for once. "Your boyfriend was worried."

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