Chapter 72 - Formalities

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Many of Y/N's friends were in the common room scattered amongst the couches as Y/N dashed around gathering her things.

"You're going to do wonderful, Y/N. I wouldn't stress so much," Momo said. "How hard will an interview be if you've already worked there before?"

"It's a different position this time," Y/N said. She was frantic as she dug through the coat closet to find her shoes. "Plus, I was technically let go from the company so I'm not sure how it works. The game may have changed since I've worked there, and I was an off-site hero, and--"

"Calm down, Y/N, it's gonna be just fine," Kirishima said as he handed her her jacket. "Hawks himself told you that the position is yours for the taking."

"That's another thing," Y/N groaned. "What if he only wanted to give me the position on grounds of, like, sleeping with him? Because that is not on the table." She slipped on her shoes, stumbling a bit, before using her quirk to glide her jacket onto her arms.

"Then don't work there. There are plenty of places that would love to have you," Jirou said. "You've still got your ranking in America, too."

"I'm not that high ranked in Japan," Y/N muttered. "My track record here is pretty shit after the bounty... and the airport incident... and the paparazzi on New Years... and that shit with Inasa--"

"You're getting worked up, babe," Mina soothed. "It's going to be just fine. Deep breaths, chin up."

"Go get 'em, Whirlwind!" Kirishima cheered.

Y/N took a deep breath before walking out the door.


"Looks like he's ready for you, miss. If you'll follow me I'll take you to his office."

Y/N stood up and brushed off her pants, straightened her button up and followed the ridiculously attractive secretary down the extravagant hallway of Hawks Agency. Funnily enough, it was her first time in the building. Because she'd been a remote hero in America she had only ever seen photos of the place-- and Jesus, was it glamorous.

Y/N hadn't realized how prestigious the company was. The windows looked out over a gorgeous view of Tokyo and the ceilings were several stories high. It was spacious and expensive, just like Hawks liked it. She had rolled her eyes a bit when pulling up to the building.

She followed the secretary to a room at the end of the hall, fidgeting with her sleeves as she did so. Was her collar too tight? Was it hot in here? Should she have worn a skirt? The secretary looked really pretty in that skirt.

The beautiful woman opened the door for Y/N and allowed her to step in, closing it behind her. Y/N gave a quick thank you before turning to face the office.

Keigo was facing away from her staring out the windows of his skyscraper. His wings were relaxed behind his arms as he took a sip from his mug-- did Hawks drink tea? He was in a white button-up with his sleeves rolled to the elbows and his shirt tucked into his pants.

When he turned to see her, he flashed a charming smile. "Good to see you, Whirlwind. Come sit."

It was weird. This was weird, right?

She did as she was told and sat across from him as he joined her in taking a seat. He reclined as much as his chair allowed and crossed his arms. "So how've you been?"

Y/N was a bit taken aback. "Uh... been peachy, I guess. Wasn't this supposed to be an interview?"

Hawks rolled his eyes and sat up, leaning on the desk in front of him and swirling his mug. "Ah, c'mon. You should know this is a formality. I told you I'd have a position for you here if you wanted it, didn't I?"

Y/N frowned. "I guess, but... I dunno. I thought we'd still go through the process or something."

"No need," Hawks shrugged. "You've worked for me before. I know you, and I know I still want you here."

Y/N leaned back in her chair, feeling a bit more at ease. "Won't you get in trouble for hiring me so easily?"

"As far as they know, it wasn't easy," He said. "Plus, it was never public that you stopped working here. So why not keep it that way?" He slid a clipboard across the desk with a pen. "There are a few things that'd be different, though, if you're working in Japan now."

Y/N took a deep breath. "Alright, hit me."

He smiled. "First thing: hours here aren't predetermined. You'll be on call-- an official pro hero responding to certain incidents. As long as you're filling out your paperwork and showing up when summoned, you'll get your paycheck."

Y/N nodded. "Okay. What else?"

"Second thing: Working for me, there's going to be a lot of press events. We need you acting professional. Back in America it was different; remote heroes aren't seen as serious embassies of the company, but here, it's serious. You represent my Agency and I want you impressing the public."

She nodded again. "Fair enough."

"Third thing: No dating other heroes."


"I mean it," Hawks said. "It causes too much shit with the media and the tabloids. The agency doesn't need that kind of publicity."

Y/N's mouth fell open in surprise. "Wait, so I'm not allowed to date anybody? What the hell?"

"You can date, just not heroes. I saw something going around about you and that other wind quirk boy--"

"Inasa. We aren't dating, that was fake."

"Whatever. I don't want to hear about you and any other hero."

Y/N sighed in frustration. "What if it's kept under wraps?"

Hawks shrugged. "Fine. But if I hear about it, you're gone."

She wanted desperately to point out how that rule was not in place when he had slept with her, but decided against it as he was now her boss again. Frustration was boiling inside her gut. Fucking hypocrite.

"You're wondering why it was okay for us to sleep together," He said, a slight smile forming in the corners of his mouth.

Y/N didn't respond, which was a response in and of itself.

"We kept it a secret. I knew you weren't going to go around telling people about it because it would've ruined your reputation as a new hero," He said nonchalantly. The way he said it made Y/N scowl. "Plus..." He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms with a smirk. "I really wanted to."

Y/N snorted and clenched her fists to avoid snapping at him. "Anything else I need to know?" She muttered, bitterness laced in her words.

"Nope. Just keep your phone handy and sign these papers." He tapped the clipboard before standing up and turning to face the window again. "I'll see you out in the field."

After signing the documents Y/N exited the building with both relief and frustration swirling in her head. Knowing that she had the budget to stay in Japan was elating, but the anger at having to deal with Hawks again was getting to her. She forgot how frustrating he could be.

Would Bakugou be upset that their relationship would have to stay private?

She pulled out her phone to shoot him a text about it but bumped into somebody before she could.

She stumbled back. "Woah, my bad. Didn't see you--" She looked up and froze.


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