Chapter 86 - About Time

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"Let loose, Bakubro! You should be celebrating!" Kirishima laughed.

Bakugou was having a very hard time 'letting loose' when he knew what was to come. The boys had already set the party up at the dorms (the girls had insisted since they had to "get ready" with the costumes) and the guys were now eagerly awaiting with perverted gazes.

Which is exactly what Bakugou was worried about.

Surely the costumes couldn't be that risqué. He whipped out his phone quickly. What had she called it? A playboy bunny? What the hell was a playboy? He typed up the odd name and hit search, his phone now flooded with pictures of scantily clad women with bunny ears.

Shit. Okay, that was bad.

"Damn, looks like you're excited," Sero teased. Bakugou whipped around to find Hanta grinning wickedly from over his shoulder.

Katsuki's face burned with embarrassment and he shoved Sero away. "Fuck off, tapeface. Just wanted to know what the hell you idiots had planned," He snapped. He crossed his arms defensively after cramming his phone back into his pocket.

"I think Kaminari outdid himself this year. After what happened last year..." Sero grumbled with a shiver, "...we deserve this."

Bakugou frowned. "The fuck happened last year?"

Kirishima patted Bakugou on the back with a laugh. "God, I forgot you didn't come. The girls won the bet and we had to dress in this," He said, holding his phone up so Katsuki could look.

The photo was of the boys in the group dressed in sexy maid costumes. While Kaminari sported an angry pout, Kirishima was flexing and almost ripping the delicate sleeves.

"Pretty great, huh?" Eijirou boasted as Bakugou barked out a laugh. Kaminari protested loudly and tried to swipe the phone from him, but to no avail— Kiri held it far above his head and continued cackling.

Bakugou slumped back in his chair before turning to Sero again. "What's this bet anyway?"

"We used to do it based on like... some weird drinking game, I think? The girls won every year since they had Mina." Sero's cheeks briefly turned a shade pinker and he took a swig of his drink before continuing. "But this year we compared work averages. Whichever side put away the most villains was the winner, and since Deku got that whole drug cartel a few months back..."

For a moment Bakugou was tempted to take Sero's drink and down the rest of it. Alcohol had helped getting him to chill the fuck out— but then again, he did dance like an idiot in front of everybody. Probably best to steer clear of the stuff.

"They're fuckin' late," Sero sighed. "I bet they're not gonna show. I knew Denki was too bold with his request—" Hanta was interrupted by the loud slamming of the front doors swinging open.

At the front stood Mina wearing stiletto heels, a black leotard and long pink bunny ears with her arms outstretched for her entrance. "WE'RE HERE MOTHERFUCKERS!"

Midoriya's jaw dropped and Kirishima immediately burst into hysterical laughter. "Holy shit, they actually did it!"

"Yeah yeah, enjoy it while it lasts. You get 30 minutes of this shit before we get changed," Mina snapped back, sauntering into the room as the rest of the girls sighed and filed in.

Across the room, Jirou locked eyes with Denki. "Get me a drink. Now," She demanded. Without missing a beat he sprung up from his chair and nearly tripped over himself as he rushed to the counter of bottles. Mina gave Jirou a fist bump before making her way over to Sero and sitting next to him.

Sero watched with wide eyes as Mina took his drink from the table and downed the rest of it. As she gulped, his eyes traced down her body and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He mentally yelled at himself to stop staring but he couldn't bring himself to stop.

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