Chapter 70 - Heaven & Head

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CONTENT WARNING: domination, oral (female receiving), tongue-fucking


Y/N felt a bit self conscious. Her oil-stained overalls weren't exactly screaming sex appeal and neither was her unkempt hair. She looked down at herself apprehensively.

Bakugou noticed. "What? Wanna stop?" He froze above her with a frown.

"No, I just... my clothes are gross."

Katsuki smirked at her and rolled her eyes. "'S okay, Tinkerbell, you won't be wearing them much longer." Without another word he continued his advance and unclipped her overalls, sliding them down her legs as she felt her body heating up at his words. "Better."

Now she was in a T-shirt and panties, suddenly feeling very self conscious of how wet she was. She clamped her legs together with a nervous look on her face, but Bakugou only shook his head at her.

"Nuh uh. Nice try, sweetheart." He gripped her knees and spread her open as she turned her head away. She felt dizzy with how vulnerable she was; her breathing was picking up and so was her body temperature.

He grabbed the side of her face and turned her head to face him. "Look at me," He demanded. "Want you to watch what I'm gonna do."

Y/N's eyes widened at his words and he smirked at her reaction, pulling her up with both hands and kissing just under her jaw. The kisses were slow and rough as he pressed his lips repeatedly to her skin, slowly making his way down her neck. When he reached the spot above her collarbone he nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin making her shiver.

Just as she was feeling relaxed again, Bakugou grabbed her bra and yanked it off of her chest with a devious look in his eye.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Stop destroying my clothes," Y/N snapped. "I'm not rich."

"Shut it. I told you, I'll pay you back," He retorted, but his eyes weren't looking at her face when he said it. He was staring right at chest with a hungry expression. He bent down and immediately put one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked. Hard. His hand was pinching and twisting the other making her squirm in his touch.

"Stop it," She groaned. "Touch me already."

"Jesus, you're always so impatient. Can't you just be fucking grateful?"

"It's my birthday, I'm allowed to be impatient."

Bakugou pulled back and stared at her before smirking. "You wanna be impatient? Fine."

Y/N was surprised when instead of leaning forward Katsuki climbed off of her and knelt down on the floor. "The hell? What are you--"

She was interrupted when Bakugou grabbed the hems of her panties and yanked them off her legs, once again grabbing her legs and forcing them open wide. Y/N yelped in surprise but he ignored her; he hooked his arms under her knees and yanked her to the edge of the mattress. He was now face to face with her pussy.

He'd definitely never done this before, but he remembered how it felt when she used her tongue on him-- surely it'd feel good for her too, right?

"W-wait, are you gonna-- Bakugou, you can't just--"

He didn't even start slow. In a second his mouth was on her, his warm tongue gliding up her slit as she cried out.

"Fuck! Wait!" She begged. "That's too much, it--"

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