Chapter 92 - Insatiable

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This chapter contains EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT.

Readers should be 18+. MINORS WILL BE BLOCKED

CONTENT WARNING: Oral (female receiving), Intoxication, Penetration, Domination, Multiple Orgasms


"I don't feel anything," Y/N said. "Maybe everyone online is just dramatic."

"Could be," Bakugou shrugged. "Or maybe this bottle's a fluke."

The two of them sat on the floor of the plane, Y/N leaning her back against the wall and Bakugou against the couch. They weren't quite sure what else to do– it didn't feel right to be apart, so they'd decided to stay in the common area while they waited for the effects to hit, but they both were too nervous to get too close to one another. If the internet was correct, it might be a good idea to start at a safe distance.

Katsuki had put headphones in to try and attempt a minor distraction. In all honesty, he wasn't really listening– his mind was busy swirling with the anxiety of what was going to happen next. Unlike Y/N, he had taken the recommended dose, and it was a few minutes after her too.

Whatever he was going to feel would only be a fraction of what she would; but he wanted it that way. Online sources said that for men the love potion would eliminate the refractory period. That was why he'd taken those 3 drops: no refractory period meant he could help her as long as she needed, and he wanted to help as much as he could.

"Maybe we should eat," Y/N suggested. "If it's anything like alcohol, food could minimize the effects. I've got stuff in my bag... we can eat that so we don't have to order from the attendants." She climbed to her feet and stepped over Katsuki to grab her bag on the dining table.

As she passed, Katsuki caught the smallest whiff of her perfume as he breathed in. Wow. Had she always had that? It smelled amazing. He blinked a few times as he exhaled.

Y/N rustled through her backpack and pulled out a small bag of plane snacks. "Probably not as good as what the attendants could get us, but I don't wanna risk calling them in," She muttered. "C'mere, take your pick."

Bakugou obeyed, standing up and turning to sit on the couch with her. He hadn't meant to, but when he sat down he was much closer than intended– that sweet smell of her perfume was stronger now. He blinked a few times again to try and remember what she had said. Candy. He was picking candy.

"I've got suckers, chips... granola bars..." She stopped moving for a moment and looked up at him. "Damn, are you wearing cologne?"

"No," He huffed. "Are you wearing perfume?"


The silence stretched out while they stared at each other, unmoving. Katsuki was the first to break away from her gaze. "I'm not hungry." He slumped down into the couch and closed his eyes a bit to at least try and focus on his music.

"Suit yourself." Y/N dug out a sucker, ripping off the wrapped and popping it into her mouth. "I don't think the effects are that bad. I mean, you smell nice, but I think that's it so far. I feel pretty good."

Bakugou's chest was starting to feel a bit odd. His breathing had picked up, he was noticing that now– and his heart was pounding faster than normal. His adrenaline was up.

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