Chapter 37 - The Little One

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The numbness overtook the guilt.

It had been two days since her arrival at the precinct. Every corner was armed with security. She couldn't go anywhere without being monitored and looked after; even going to the bathroom there was a guard stationed outside waiting for her. She was grateful for the protection, but time was starting to blur and she couldn't remember the names of all the escorts. 

Bakugou was stable for now, but still hadn't woken up. Seeing him covered in tubes and wires made her nauseous. Recovery Girl worked on his injury in increments; if she did it all at once, he would enter a coma or worse. The healing process had to be deliberate. This was her fault.

The gunshot wasn't the only wound he had acquired. There were burns and gashes spotted across his body, likely from his fight after causing the diversion for Y/N. This was all her fault. 

Y/N didn't know what was happening outside. It was hard to think of anything other than him. The guilt was excruciating, an no amount of reassurance from her friends was helping. They had put their lives on the line for her. If Bakugou didn't make it out of here...

She couldn't let herself think about that, or the aching sensation in her chest would worsen and make her throw up.

"You have to eat, Y/N," Uraraka said softly. They were sitting in the department's cafeteria and Ochaco had brought her a bento box. "You need to take care of yourself."

"I'm not hungry," Y/N whispered. "I'm sick to my stomach, dude."

"I love you, but you're being dramatic," Mina sighed. "They already said, Bakugou is going to be fine. He just needs a few days to recover--"

"I know!" Y/N said, the words coming out much harsher than she meant. "I'm sorry. I know. I just-- he literally got shot, and it was completely my fault."

"Bakugou is responsible for himself. He's going to be pissed if you try and take blame for what happened. He'll be offended that you're taking credit."

Y/N looked down at the bento box, too drained to formulate a response.

"Listen, I get it. We've all been there. It sucks when people get hurt when they're looking out for you, but Bakugou is a hero. This is his life."

Ochaco handed her a small juice box. "Drink this at least. Please."

Y/N finally gave in, slipping the straw past her lips and tasting the sickly sweet liquid. It definitely tasted healthy, which was not a good thing. Uraraka tried to get her to eat from the bento box, and she could only eat a few bites before the aching in her gut came back.

"Y/N. A word."

Y/N turned around and was surprised to find Aizawa looking down at her. The intense look in his eyes urged her into moving, and she climbed up from her seat to follow him as he lead her down the hall. Y/N waved at the girls quickly before she disappeared from view.

She hadn't been down this hallway before. The heroes had been meeting in here, so naturally she wasn't allowed. Aside from seeing her classmates leave and enter this area she knew nothing about it. Where was he taking her? Was she in trouble? Was it about Bakugou?

"There's someone I'd like you to meet," he said lowly as they stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall. He knocked gently on the door before opening it.

"Eri, Mirio, you have a guest."

Inside the room was a young girl with silver hair sitting in the lap of a much bigger blonde man. He seemed to be reading her a story from a picture book. The man, presumably Mirio, looked up at Y/N with a bright smile. Eri seemed much more apprehensive, shrinking back into Mirio's lap slightly as her cheeks turned pink. "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N! I'm Mirio. This here is Eri. Eri, would you like to say hi?"

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