Chapter 81 - Rescue

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Y/N felt Kenji get yanked by Aizawa's scarf and it snapped her back into consciousness just in time for her to slam against the concrete. Ow. 

She groaned in pain but no longer felt Kenji carrying her. She rolled over and surveyed the scene, watching as Aizawa threw Kenji all the way across the runway and slammed him into a nearby building.

Aizawa! Aizawa was here!

Relief flooded through Y/N's veins and she tried to push herself up through the pain. She had to get away. She had to get to him and away from these lunatics. 

With a grunt she stumbled to her feet and forced her legs to fall into a sprint as she dashed towards her teacher. I'm saved. I'm gonna get out of here. 

Her hope was cut short when a gust of wind launched her into the air in an attempt to stop her escape. Y/N screamed as she watched the environment shrink underneath her. Was she going to go through all of that shit just to fall to her death? Her breath caught in her throat as she started descending towards the earth again.

Wait, if she got hit by a wind quirk, then...

Duh. She could use her quirk again. 

Y/N thrusted her palms towards the incoming pavement and shot a gust of wind only seconds before she would've collided, throwing herself right back into the sky with a cackle. The impact was hell on her tied wrists, but it was worth it. She couldn't wait to tear those fuckers to shreds.

Unfortunately, the exertion of using her quirk was making her... a tad lightheaded again. Enough that she wasn't sure if she'd stay conscious long enough to make her landing. Shit, shit, shit. 

Something opened up underneath her; a dark cloud that she recognized with a gasp of panic. Kaito, Inasa's dad, had opened up his phasing portal underneath her. Shit, shit, shit. She gulped before the cloud engulfed her, for a moment withstanding freezing temperatures and zero gravity before hitting something solid. The ground.

She was back on the ground in front of that fucking plane, once again being thrown to the pavement. "You assholes," Y/N spat as the world spun around her. The phasing mixed with the concussion was a horrible combo. 

She felt somebody stomp on her stomach, pinning her against the ground. She cried out in pain and laid down again-- there was no way in hell she was getting back up with her head in that state. 

"Don't move or I'll kill her." Kaito.

Y/N fought through the dizziness and turned her head. To her relief she saw familiar faces-- Aizawa, Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki, Uraraka... Bakugou. Bakugou was here.

They locked eyes and Y/N smiled at him. It was ridiculous-- someone had just threatened to murder her, but the relief she felt when she saw him was overwhelming. He only looked back at her with worry; she'd never seen him like that before.

"No, you won't." Y/N turned to see who had spoken: Aizawa.

She felt Kaito flinch at Aizawa's words. "You really wanna call my bluff right now?" A hand grasped Y/N by her hair and yanked her up into a sitting position.

"Get your fuck ugly hands off of me!" Y/N yelled, reaching up to try and release his grip on her hair, but he only tightened it and pulled again. She winced in pain-- there was only so much she could do with her hands tied.

"I am calling your bluff. You won't kill her; not when you're trying to lock her in a quirk marriage."

Y/N looked over at Clara. For the first time, she saw fear in the woman's eyes. Adrenaline coursed through her veins at the sight and she turned back to Aizawa. "FUCK 'EM UP! THEY WON'T KILL M--" Before she could finish her sentence, Kaito stomped her head against the pavement and everything went black.

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