Chapter 61 - New Years Part III

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The paparazzi hadn't gone down without a fight, though it was a rather pathetic one. 

The man had tried to swing back after dropping his camera but Bakugou had caught his wrist mid-air and kicked him square in the chest sending him sprawling against the bar. Even while tipsy, Bakugou was a force to be reckoned with. A few of the other partygoers gasped and hurried out of the way.

Bakugou stalked towards him, explosions sparking from his hands. "Wanna try that again, short stack?" He grabbed the front of the man's collar and yanked him forward with alarming strength. "I think you owe her an apology."

"Y-you hit me!" The man cried. "You can't do that! I'll fucking sue your ass! This is--"

"I think he's right," Y/N said, crouching down next to Bakugou. "I think you do owe me an apology." She tiled her head to the side and raised her eyebrows expectantly. "Well?"

Bakugou had never been more proud. The man looked completely flabbergasted, absolutely terrified of the two heroes before him. It seemed this wasn't the reaction he was expecting.

"How about this," Y/N suggested. A glare was forming on her face. "You can tell Inasa to kiss my ass. 'Kay?"

Bakugou smirked, still not releasing the man from his grip.

"What the hell is going on here?" 

The three of them turned and saw Momo towering over them with an angry look on her face. 

"This asshole punched me! He assaulted me! Get him out of here!" The man shrieked. He did his best to wiggle out of Bakugou's grip, but Bakugou only snarled at him and tightened his grasp.

Momo crossed her arms. "Who are you? I don't recognize you."

The man paled.

"That's what I thought," Momo sighed. "Stand up. All of you."

They did as they were told, Bakugou stumbling a bit but still not letting go of the man. Y/N scoffed and turned away pouting.

"What happened?"

"This asshole called Y/N a--" Bakugou started, swaying a bit, but Momo held up her finger and he shut up. 

"No, I wanna hear from Y/N. Y/N, what happened?"

Y/N pointed a finger at the man. "This fucktwat called me a whore to get a reaction on video." She rolled her eyes. "It's not even a nice camera."

Momo narrowed her eyes at the man. "A paparazzi, huh?"

The man sputtered out a defense. "He fucking assaulted me! He should be arrested! I have connections in the police force--"

"So let me get this straight," Momo interrupted. "You trespass on my property, insult my guest, and when my friend defends her you threaten to call the police?" She walked closer to him. Momo wasn't usually the intimidating type, but this was scary. "I suggest you get the fuck out of here before you get torn to shreds for breaking and entering."

"Breaking and entering?! I didn't break shit! I just came for photos, I--"


Within seconds, Eijirou was at the scene shrugging off his jacket. "What's up, Momo?"

"Escort this man off my property, please. And call the police-- he's trespassing."

Kirishima grinned wickedly. "Of course, m'lady." He pranced over to the loudly protesting paparazzi and hoisted him over his shoulder like a child, carrying him with ease out of the room and to the street as the man shrieked.

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