Chapter 71 - Minecraft [Extra 1]

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"Wait, Y/N, my axe is gone!" Bakugou snapped. "Where the fuck did my axe go?"

"It broke, Kat. You gotta make a new one. Here, use some of this iron."

After Bakugou's shift he'd returned to Y/N's room and found her playing Minecraft on her Nintendo switch (he had brought her a bagel). The light from the screen illuminated her dark room and he sat next to her, watching her play, and when she offered to let him join he couldn't turn her down. Backing down was never his thing.

They were about 30 minutes in now and Bakugou seemed to be getting more frustrated by the second.

"I can't see shit in here!" He hollered. 

"That's what your torches are for, dumbass."

"It's not working."

"You gotta place it for it to work."

"What the fuck? That's not how torches work. It should light in my hand too--"

Y/N rolled her eyes as Bakugou prattled on about how shitty the game mechanics were; but he didn't stop playing. In fact, the longer they continued, the more invested he got.

"Wait a minute. I heard a bark. Do we have to fight wolves?" He demanded. "I left my sword back at the house, I gotta--"

"No, here. Take this bone and give it to him."


"Just do it."

Bakugou frowned but did as he was told. His blocky Minecraft character turned to the white wolf and fed the bones to him and in a poof of smoke the wolf became a dog. Katsuki's jaw dropped.

"Wait, what happened?"

"You have a dog now."

Bakugou gasped, a sound Y/N had never heard before, and she turned to find him staring at the screen with pure determination. "He's... he's my dog?"

"Yup, he's all yours. Keep him safe."

Katsuki seemed to be a bit overwhelmed with his new role as a dog parent. "What does he eat?"


"Where will he go?"

"He comes with you."

Bakugou let out a sound that almost sounded like a squeak. "He comes with me?"

"Yeah, if you want him to. But if that bugs you you can keep him at the house--"

"No!" He yelled. "Want to keep him with me."

Y/N tried not to laugh at her boyfriend's strong reaction to his new virtual pet. It was adorable really; he rarely displayed this kind of enthusiasm for things. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen for a single second.

There were other things that surprised her as well. For one, Bakugou was very particular about how their house was designed. He had a vision for it that he wouldn't let deviate at all. "No no no. That color doesn't match. You gotta go get that other wood, the dark kind," He had demanded. Y/N only chuckled a bit and did as she was told, happy to see him this excited.

The night trudged on and eventually it was 2:00 AM. The two of them were on the floor of Y/N's dorm room wrapped in blankets. Y/N was asleep on his shoulder as he continued to play. In all honestly he probably hadn't even noticed her drift off-- he was too swept up in the world of the game. 

It was the first time Bakugou had ever gotten interested in a video game. There had been times when he'd learned how to perform well, like with Super Smash Bros, but that wasn't exactly fun-- this was fun. He actually liked doing this with her (even if she did end up drifting off).

The next morning Y/N woke with a pounding headache and she realized she was still on Katsuki's shoulder. "Wait a minute, what time is it?" She grumbled, stretching her arms and trying to rub the kink out of her neck.

"Uh... like 8 or somethin."

Y/N snapped up to look around. "Did you... did you really play all night?"

"Yeah. Me and Ei beat the game 20 minutes ago."

Y/N frowned. "Who is Ei?"

A small bark on the screen caught her attention and she turned to see that Bakugou had named his dog Eijirou. 



Hello my dears!

I've decided that I'm going to occasionally include smaller chapters I'll call extras. These will usually have things that aren't crucial for the main story but are cute stories about things happening on the side.

This will hopefully give me a way to do smaller updates when I'm busy but still bring you guys some more fun moments from The Tinker.

Lots of love,

Polly (she/her)

┗ ( ・o・) ┓

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