Chapter 67 - Girl Talk / Guy Talk

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This chapter contains conversations about sex.


"Tell us everything!" Uraraka gushed.

"We uh... ate dinner. And mochi. I like mochi a lot," Y/N said. "Have you guys had mochi before?"

The second that Bakugou and Y/N returned to the dorms they were pulled off into their friends rooms. Bakugou had shouted a few curse words but Kirishima had overpowered him as he dragged the fiery blonde into his bedroom with Sero and Kaminari. The girls had settled in Uraraka's room.

"Do we look like we pulled you in here to talk about mochi?" Mina deadpanned. "We wanna hear about what happened with his family. Did it go well?"

"Of course it went well, the Bakugou's are a wonderful family," Momo said defensively. "Even if they didn't like Y/N they still would've been overwhelmingly kind."

"Well that doesn't help," Y/N muttered.

"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sure they loved you."

Uraraka shook her head. "I still can't believe Bakugou invited you to dinner. It took Kirishima two years to get invited."

"Kirishima and Bakugou never dated," Jirou laughed. "This is different. Y/N is Bakugou's first relationship."

"To be fair, he definitely didn't want to invite me over," Y/N admitted. "I'm, like, 99% sure his mom threatened him. He looked like he was going to vomit when he invited me."

The girls laughed at that.

"Have you and Bakugou.... y'know?" Uraraka asked. There was a small blush on her cheeks.

"Fucked?" Jirou said, finishing her friend's sentence.

"Don't say it like that!" Uraraka cried out. "It sounds so..."

"You and Deku have fucked, why is that a weird word?" Jirou retorted, this time throwing a pillow at Ochaco (who was now floating a few feet in the air with embarassment).

"I can't even imagine Bakugou liking sex," Momo said. "He seems way too guarded."

Mina shook her head. "Nah, girl. That's where you're wrong. The guarded ones are the freaks in the sheets."

Y/N leaned back in amusement watching the girls chatter amongst themselves. When they noticed that they were carrying on without her response, Mina halted the conversation and pointed an accusatory finger at Y/N. "Well?" She demanded. "Spill the details!"

Y/N shrugged. "Nah. It's more fun to watch you guys fight over it." She leaned back on Uraraka's bed with a satisfied smirk and the girls groaned in frustration. "I like hearing your theories."

"As long as he's not one of those assholes who don't go down on their girlfriends," Mina muttered."

Y/N paused. She was usually cool with sex talk, but for some reason this made her stop in her tracks. To be completely honest, that was something she'd never experienced-- or expected to experience. Hawks had always been a... selfish lover, and any other boys she'd fooled around with back in the states hadn't approached anything like that either.

Was it something she should expect? From... Bakugou? Her heart started pounding.

"He hasn't, has he? C'mon now. We don't fuck with men who don't go down on their girls," Mina said, her hands on her hips.

 "This might be different," Jirou corrected. "I doubt Bakugou knows the first thing about sex. I don't think it's his fault."

It seemed true-- though their experiences together had been incredible to say the least, much of what they'd done had been based on... instinct. The things Bakugou did with her didn't come from practice, but from need. It made things much more aggressive, but it left things like oral out of the picture. She remembered how uncomfortable he'd been at first when she went down on him for the first time. It would make sense for him to not even know what eating out was.

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