Chapter 97 - Peter

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Bakugou felt like he was forgetting something as he left for the store.

In his defense, it was early in the morning, and he knew Y/N despised mornings; Katsuki had already gotten completely ready for the day and planned his itinerary before she had even rolled over. He left a small note on the door that read:

getting groceries.

also i used all the hot water.


But in her defense, it was fucking 7 am.

Early hours had always been easier for him. Less people to worry about. Like now, for example: the streets of New York weren't nearly as packed as they'd been the night before. That meant he could relax a bit.

The store itself was a little corner shop only a few blocks from her apartment. Aside from a man outside trying way too hard to get him to sign some petition, the trip was undisturbed. He used his card to buy a few bags of simple groceries (he hoped she at least had basic cooking tools) and left the store without a hitch.

Even within those 30 minutes, the streets were now flooded with people. Should've left earlier, He thought to himself with a sigh.

He only got a few paces before someone stopped him.

She was short, maybe 5'2, and was clutching her phone against her chest as she beamed up at him with pure wonder in her eyes. "Are you Dynamight? You have to be him!"

A mask. That's what he'd forgotten.

Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut in annoyance at himself before looking down at the girl before him again.

Since he'd won his first sports festival, a few girls had started a sort of fan club online, and it had only grown as the years passed. With all of the awards he'd acquired in his line of work it was inevitable. It was routine for nearly every hero at UA, but especially with him.

For some reason, his dislike of the attention only seemed to garner him more of it.

"Uh... no. You're confused," he lied, turning his face away to obstruct her view a bit.

"No, you're definitely him! I'd know those eyes anywhere!"

Bakugou's stomach dropped– both at the fact that she wasn't letting up and the fact that some stranger claimed to know him by his eyes.

"Listen, I don't wanna chat, okay? Buzz off," He grumbled. He turned again, this time pushing past her to continue on his route.

"C'mon, I just want a photo! It'll only take a sec, alright? I'm such a huge fan, I should at least get a selfie."

He ignored her and continued down the sidewalk. His heartbeat was starting to pick up now and his throat tightened. Just keep walking. She'll leave eventually.

But then she grabbed his wrist. She said something, too, but he didn't hear what it was over the roar of adrenaline in his ears. "Let go," He warned, his voice dropping as he glared at the girl.

"I'll let go when you take a photo with me. Just one."

"If you don't fucking let go of me right now I'll blast you to hell. Let go."

The girl's smile fell and she dropped her hand, but it formed a fist at her side in frustration. "You're being so mean! All I want is a photo!"

Katsuki was already walking away at this point. He could hear the blood thundering in his ears as his anger grew in his chest, fighting every instinct to turn around and yell at the girl until she left him alone.

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