Chapter 35 - The Plan

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Deku had pulled the two of them aside behind the tree line, away from prying ears. He was rubbing his face in worry, struggling to get ahold of his stammering.

"I just got off the phone with All Might. Y/N, he--he knows you're here," he stammered, his voice trembling along with his hands. "All For One. He found out you're in Japan. We don't know how, but he sent out... he sent out this--it's--"

"Spit it out!" Bakugou snapped. The longer Deku talked, the more his muscles tensed in anticipation. 

"He sent out some kind of... like a bounty. He promised anyone whatever quirk they want if they bring Whirlwind to him dead or alive."

Bakugou and Y/N froze. Y/N's vision started to blur, the ground swaying beneath her feet. Her legs turned to jelly and she fell to her knees, trying to breathe through the dizziness.

"How do we know this?" Bakugou demanded.

"It's all over the news. Every news sight is covering the story. He sent out some massive message, we don't know how, but--but every villain is searching for you now. His message is everywhere, and he said you're in Japan," Midoriya breathed.

"Why her?" Bakugou roared. "She didn't fucking do anything!"

"She knows something about him. Or at least, she might remember something she knew about him. It's gotta be something big, some kind of weakness..."

Y/N was on the verge of passing out. She gripped the grass underneath her to try and steady herself. "I don't fucking know anything!" She cried. "I--I've tried, I really have, but I really don't remember anything! He's going to kill me for nothing--this is bullshit!"

Bakugou crouched down next to her and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Hey! He is not going to kill you, do you hear me?" He demanded. "You need to get your shit together. We have to get you out of here."

"And go where?!" She yelled, frustration building in her voice.

"We need to get you to All Might. He has people that can keep you safe," Midoriya said. "If we can get you to the authorities--"

"Are you fucking serious? She can't go back to the city. That place will be swarming with villains looking for her," Bakugou argued.

"We have to take her to people who can keep her safe!" Midoriya yelled.

Bakugou clenched his fists. "WE ARE HEROES, DEKU! We can keep her safe!"

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to get to her feet. "I need--I need to get back to my bike. I need to go somewhere, find a place to hide," she began, her hands shaking. "No fucking way I'm staying around you guys. I'm not letting you lose your quirks too. No way in hell."

She started walking towards the campsite, but Bakugou snatched her elbow and yanked her back to his side. "Absolutely not. Don't leave my fucking side until All for One is taken care of, do you understand?" he ordered, his grip tightening.

"I'm not let you guys get fucking killed because of me!" She spat, trying to pull away.

"Stop being a damn baby! We're going to figure this out, okay?" he yelled, grabbing both of her arms now in anger. "Just... don't do something stupid!"

Y/N turned to Midoriya. "What the hell am I supposed to do? Just go for a swim until a villain shows up?" she said sarcastically.

Izuku shook his head. "We don't know what kind of quirks the villains have. They could have some kind of tracking or locating abilities. Staying in one place is dangerous," he said. "We need to get you moving, we need to get you to the authorities."

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