Chapter 30 - Sex Talk

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BAKUGOU: Where are you?

TINKERBELL: Can't train today

BAKUGOU: Why the hell not? Fucking coward

TINKERBELL: I'm tired asshole, I don't want to

BAKUGOU: Lazy excuse

TINKERBELL: Fine. Fuck you

TINKERBELL: I draw the line at cardio though

Bakugou snarled in frustration at Y/N's texts. What kind of shit was she trying to pull? How the hell did she expect to get better if she didn't put the work in?

He used the punching bag in front of him to vent his anger. Since when was she the kind of person to give up so easily? She was better than that. They both knew it. He found himself checking the time way more than usual, those 10 minutes feeling like hours.

When she finally showed up, he started regretting pushing her to come.

Y/N had dark circles under her eyes and she trudged into the room like a reanimated corpse. "I'm ready," she grumbled. "Let's get this shit over with." She chucked her bag onto the ground and stretched her arms above her head.

"The hell happened to you?"

Y/N grunted as she bent down to touch her toes. "Therapy."

"Isn't therapy supposed to help?"

"Memory therapy, dumbass," she grumbled at him. "Didn't sleep much."

Bakugou frowned. "Why are you doing it at the asscrack of dawn? Just do it during the day."

"I work during the day, remember?" she said, rubbing her eyes with her fists like a toddler. "Your class's shitty gear isn't gonna fix itself."

Bakugou suddenly didn't feel like working out, which was a new sensation for him. He looked at the clock on the wall above them. 6:30 AM. Class didn't start for another hour and a half. "When did you last eat?"

Y/N frowned, thinking about his question. She started counting on her fingers. "Hmm... think I had lunch yesterday. Yeah."

Katsuki growled at her. "Are you fucking kidding me? Why do you never fucking eat?"

"I'm broke as shit, dude!" She cried out. "I've got like... six dollars in my bank account."

"Why the hell are you so poor?"

Y/N laughed at the ridiculousness of his question. "I don't have a job, man. This bitch is here doing free labor," she joked, jabbing her thumbs into her chest.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING PAID?!" Bakugou roared.

"I'm hiding from international terrorists, dumbass. My finances are the last thing on anybody's mind. They probably just haven't gotten around to it yet."

He stormed over to his workout bag and yanked out his wallet, counting up money from a fat stack of cash and shoving it at Y/N. "For the damn gear."

Y/N shook her head, refusing to take it. "No. I'm not taking your money. They'll probably pay me soon."

"I dont' care, I'm paying you now. Take it or I'll kill you."

She didn't move.

He snarled at her, grabbing her wrist and yanking her out of the gym and down the hallways of the quiet school.

"Let go of me, you dickhead–" Y/N tried to yank her hand from his grip as he pulled her forward, but he was too strong for her. He didn't even acknowledge that she was putting up a fight.

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