Chapter 84 - Secrets

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As nervous as she had been with Hawks, this felt much worse.

Y/N gritted her teeth as she walked through the front door of the dorms, slipping off her boots and hanging up her jacket. Her friends were ready for her; they sat scattered around on the couches watching some drama-- The Bachelorette-- that Denki had chosen.

"Hey, she's back!" Mina gushed, nudging Kirishima's arm. "Hey babe! How'd it go? Did Hawks take it well?" Kirishima and Mina both turned to her in anticipation.

"Yeah, it was alright I guess. I mean, I feel... happier. A lot happier."

Kirishima grinned at her. "Well that was the point."

Y/N sighed. "I still need to tell Kat. Where's he at?"

"He should be getting back from his project soon--"

"Tell me what?" Y/N turned and saw Bakugou walking through the front door. "You assholes keepin secrets?"

"No," Y/N lied. Her heart started pounding in her chest. 

Yeah, this was scarier than telling Hawks. 

It was simple; Bakugou valued strength. He always had. What if he saw her decision as weakness or defeat? Was it cowardly to no longer want it? It isn't uncommon to change career paths... unless you're a hero. Heroes stay in the industry, no matter how hard it gets. They're strong. Resilient. They don't get scared away after a rough encounter.

But Y/N didn't leave out of fear. Her decision to leave came from a near death experience; realizing she wasn't happy. Hero work didn't make her happy, it made her miserable. What she found that she did love was building. Crafting. Being able to support the good in the world without having to be on the field was perfect for her. 

She'd never really had the personality for hero work anyways. Much too... vulgar.

Bakugou cocked an eyebrow at her as he waited for her response. Looking him in the eye was only making her fear worse. What if he saw it as weakness? What if he was disappointed? 

Y/N bit her lip before responding. "I uh... I'm quitting. Being a pro hero, I mean."

Bakugou frowned. "Why?"

She was worried about this. Explaining to him wasn't going to be easy and the nerves weren't helping. "I don't want to anymore."

His furrowed his brow. The frown turned into a glare. "You don't want to? The hell does that mean? You got fucking bored?"

"I didn't get bored," Y/N muttered. "I--"

"You've wanted to be a pro for fucking years. You get a career handed to you on a silver platter from the number two hero and you bail?" He grunted. "What the hell?"

"It's not like that," Y/N snapped. "I wasn't happy."

Bakugou snorted. "Well yeah, it's hard."

"It's not that I don't like hard work, Kat," Y/N retorted. "You know that. I just--"

"Was it the injury?"

"No!" She yelled. She was getting angry now. "It wasn't anything like that, I--"

"This timing is unbelievable," Bakugou grumbled. He was rubbing his face with his hand now in frustration. What timing? 

"I'm sorry my fucking skull fracture was bad timing for you," Y/N spat. "I don't get it. Why the hell are you so pissed? You should be happy for me." Her words were laced with bitterness and it made Kat step forward in anger.

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