Chapter 46 - Burning Up Part II

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CONTENT WARNING: domination, light choking, penetration


Bakugou was positively aching.

Y/N got on her knees in front of him, sliding off the mattress. Her cheeks were still red from her orgasm. He was pretty sure he'd never been this desperate; he clenched his fists to stop himself from shaking with anticipation.

She grabbed his pants and tried pulling them down, but Bakugou swatted her hands away. "No. No touching. Lay down." He grabbed her neck again and pushed her back down onto the mattress. She shot him an impatient glare.

"Why can't I touch you?"

He ignored the question, pulling his pants off. There was an intimidating tent in his underwear that made Y/N feel dizzy. Jesus Christ. She tried sitting up and reaching for him again, but same as before, he pushed her hands away. Y/N was getting frustrated.

"Let me touch you!" She demanded. "What gives?"

He finally looked at her again, this time with a suspiciously proud smirk. "I like when you beg," he said, this time pushing her chest down and lowering her back onto the mattress. "So needy."

Y/N's face burned at his words. She was frustrated, sure, but damn if he didn't know how to make her throb for him. Her eyes lit up with an evil idea.

She spread her legs, drawing Bakugou's attention downward. Her hands drifted lower and she ran her fingers along herself for him to see. A soft moan escaped her lips and Katsuki's smirk faded. He couldn't look away, and his breathing started speeding up as his body felt heavy with desire.

"You're the one who hasn't cum yet, so I don't think I'm the needy one," she challenged, her other hand reaching up to grab her nipple. It was purely to make him squirm, and it was working beautifully. 

Bakugou was pissed now. He crawled on top of the mattress, looming over her and panting before connecting his lips with her neck again. He kept his face there, sucking and licking the skin as he took his underwear off with his other hand. "You're a brat," he growled. 

Y/N glanced down to see him in all his glory and almost gasped out loud. She always knew Bakugou was beautiful, but his dick too? Fucking predictable. Just looking at it made her clench, and she really really needed to know what he felt like. Her heart was racing in her chest.

Bakugou grinned devilishly at her reaction. "Excited, Tinkerbell?" he bragged. "You should be." His hand reached down and he pumped himself a few times as he supported himself with his elbow, making Y/N almost choke at the sight. She could watch that forever.

"Perv," he teased, a small laugh escaping his lips. The sound made her clench harder.

"Just fuck me already, asshole," Y/N grumbled, reaching down to grab his dick, but again he swatted her away.

"What did I say? Hands off," he spat. He reached down to hold his shaft and then paused. "Fuck. I don't have a fucking rubber--"

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