Chapter 9 - First Aid

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Once inside, she closed the door behind her and rushed to the kitchen sink, lifting up her shirt. Her stitches were ripped apart, and the gash that had once been healing nicely was now split open.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

She tried not to let the pain interfere with her train of thought, bending down and searching frantically through the drawers. She didn't even know what she was looking for. Something. Anything.

It was definitely her fault. She agreed to the spar and even egged him on during their brawl-- She should've played it safe, but she was always terrible at that.

How was she supposed to know this would happen? It was supposed to be nearly healed by now.

She heard the door open and she shot back up. Bakugou.

"I'm fine, go back outside," she demanded, turning away so he couldn't see.

"Shut up. What happened out there? Was that.. was that--"

"No, it's not from you. Don't worry about it. Just go back out."

"Stop saying that! Show me the damn cut."

"No! I don't fucking need you to--"

"Stop being difficult! Show me, now!"

Y/N knew she was losing this fight. He wasn't going to back down. She grimaced, giving in, and lifted her shirt enough to show the wound on her stomach.

Bakugou froze, staring. "You need to go to the hospital, like right fucking now."

"No, I don't. I can handle this."

"Don't be an idiot! You can't deal with that shit yourself. I'm calling an ambulance right now--"

"Don't you fucking dare--" She grabbed his arm as he stomped towards his phone on the couch. "Bakugou, I'm serious! Don't!"

"Shut the fuck up, you need real ass medical attention!" He snapped, pulling up his phone app to dial the number.

She raced over to him and grabbed his arm. "Please, don't!" At this point, Y/N was pleading.

"You're being a dumbass! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I hate the hospital!"

He paused, glaring at her, trying to read her expression. He didn't have much to work with; she was glaring right back at him. "Is that it? Don't be a baby." He turned back to his phone, but she snatched it from him. "You little--"

"Bakugou, I mean it. I can't go back there."

This time, he stopped. He examined her, realizing that she was shaking. She was trying to stand up to him, even though he had just beat the shit out of her. Suddenly that bit of guilt started building in his stomach again. "Do you even know how to fucking fix that up?" He asked, pointing at the gash.

She nodded quickly. "I can do it myself. Once I can get my damn hands under control, then--"

He shook his head. "Not good enough. You can't mess around with this shit. This is serious," he growled, pointing at her face.

Panic made her eyes grow wide again. "No, really, I can do it! I just need a minute."

"We don't have a minute. This is going to get really bad if you keep waiting, dumbass." He sighed angrily, then grabbed her wrist and stormed towards the bathroom.

Y/N didn't argue. She didn't dare speak up out of fear of angering him and making him change his mind.

The walked through the doorway of the bathroom. He crouched down, opening the drawers, clearly looking for something he had stashed. "Sit," he demanded, pointing at the toilet seat. Y/N listened, not wanting to make him even more upset. The pain was starting to make her dizzy, but she bit her tongue to keep herself grounded.

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