Chapter 50 - The Photo

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"Thanks for the dinner, man. You've got good taste. But why are you in America anyways? Don't you work at an agency in Japan?" Y/N asked Inasa. She slipped her jacket and beanie back on-- it was far too cold outside not to.

It was her third day back in New York. Inasa had called her after finding out she was back in the states, inviting her out to dinner. Christmas time made the city absolutely chaotic-- they had to wait almost an hour in the cold to even get into the restaurant, but the food was worth it.

Inasa was a good guy. The volume of his voice was a bit jarring at times, but he had a good heart and showered everyone around him in compliments and praise. It was a stark contrast to Bakugou.

"I've got some friends out here! As soon as I found out you were in town, I had to see you. I can't miss out on an opportunity to meet up with the famous Whirlwind! I've still got so much I want to learn from you," he gushed, puffing his chest out as he held the door open for her to exit.

"I dunno dude, from what I've heard, it sounds like you're the one who should teach me," Y/N laughed. "Rank doesn't really mean much. I've seen you in action, and I can already tell you're better with your quirk than I am."

"Nonsense, Y/N! You're a force to be reckoned with. Don't sell yourself short."

They walked down the bustling streets of the city together, the lights from the neon signs so bright it almost felt like daytime.

"Would you like to come back to my hotel room?" Inasa asked.

The question took Y/N off guard. Even after the few hours they'd spent together, she still wasn't used to how blunt he was. When he felt something, he said it. He was very straightforward in his communication.

"Oh. I'm flattered, Inasa, really, but I actually--"

Inasa shook his head and waved his hands. "Say no more, m'lady. I sensed a connection between you and that Bakugou, but I thought I'd try anyways just in case. He's a lucky man!" He took a deep bow in front of her.

Y/N smiled sadly. "Thanks, dude."

"Don't even mention it! I'd still like to train with you at some point, though," he said, winking at her. "Can I take a photo with you before you head back?"

Y/N nodded. "Sure thing!"


"What was that photo you were talking about yesterday, Shitty Hair?" Bakugou grunted, laying hit after hit into the punching bag Kirishima was holding steady.

"Oh. I thought you already knew about it. It's nothing really. Not a big deal at all, you don't even need to see it..." 

Kirishima was stalling and Bakugou knew it. Katsuki stopped his punches and gave the red haired boy a look that he knew all too well. "Tell me now before I melt you."

Kirishima sighed. "Okay, but you won't like it," he grumbled. He let go of the bag to retrieve is phone from his pocket and began scrolling to find the photo. Bakugou didn't know Instagram well enough to understand what he was doing, but he loomed over Kirishima's shoulder anyway.

Kirishima pulled up a picture of Inasa and Y/N. Inasa had one arm around her, pulling her in close, and with the other he was taking the photo. The two of them were beaming at the camera but Y/N seemed to rolling her eyes through the smile.

Unable to help himself, Bakugou snatched the phone from his friend's hand and examined the picture more closely. Were they dating? Had he gone to America with her? His mind raced with questions that each made him feel worse. "Where'd you find this shit?"

"It was on Inasa's Instagram page. I don't think it's a big deal. Inasa has always been an affectionate guy, but it doesn't mean that Y/N--"

"I don't care," Bakugou lied. He shoved the phone back at Kirishima and clenched his fists, preparing to unleash hell on the punching bag.

Kirishima gave him a knowing look. "I think you do, Bakubro."

"I don't! Fuck off!" Bakugou started punching with newfound vigor. The harder he hit, the less he thought about the picture. 

"I'm not an idiot, Kat. I know you guys have feelings for each other. Why are you trying to hide it? I'm honestly happy that you finally--"

"Look, it's not--" Bakugou started, but his words fell flat. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Why was he always so bad with words? "I've never-- I don't-- Fuck!" He sent an explosion from his palms, the punching bag swinging with the impact.

Kirishima watched him patiently, waiting for him to speak. Eijirou had known him for years; he knew that Bakugou had a hard time with expressing himself, and he was happy to wait for him to figure out his words.

"I've never liked someone before," Bakugou grumbled. He stared at the floor, clenching his fists. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing and I fucking hate it."

"She has feelings for you. I'm sure of it. I don't know why she slept with someone last week, but it was probably to--"

"That was me, dumbass."

Kirishima went blank. He stared at Bakugou for several seconds, enough for it to be awkward, but then positively roared with laughter. "Wait wait wait, hold on. You slept with Y/N?!"

"Don't act so fucking surprised, asshole!" He snapped. "Why--"

"What's the problem then? Are you bad at sex or something?"

"I'm fucking phenomenal at sex," Bakugou snarled, jabbing an angry finger at Kirishima's chest.

Kirishima held his hands up in surrender. "Then what's the problem?"

"I don't just wanna..." Bakugou sighed. There wasn't a good way to say it. "I don't just wanna have sex with her."

Eijirou jaw dropped in surprise, a silence passing between them. Disbelieve-- that was the emotion on Kirishima's face. "Hold on. You're... you're in love with her, aren't you?"

Bakugou's face got even hotter. "Don't say it like that, dumbass!"

"But it's true, isn't it? She told me about all the things you've done for her, I should've connected the dots... damn, Kat." Kirishima smiled. "How is it? Do you like being in love?"

"I fucking hate it!" Bakugou snapped. "It's confusing and weird and I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do!"

A different kind of expression painted Kirishima's face now. It was mischievous and conniving. Bakugou didn't like it.

"Sounds like you need some advice. Don't worry my man, I've got just the team."

"Don't you fucking dare, Shitty Hair. I don't need your shitty advice. You guys are going to fuck everything up--"

It was too late. Kirishima had already whipped out his phone and sent out a text.

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