Chapter 16 - Gossip

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"Isn't Mina usually here on Mondays? Where's she at?" Kaminari asked. Him, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou were in Bakugou's room to study. The four of them had enlisted Katsuki's help for the upcoming exam, and he had accepted, but his studying techniques were cutthroat.

"I dunno, I saw the girls running down to Y/N's room. Mina's probably with them," Sero said, his head propped on his elbow as he tried to focus on the book Bakugou had given him.

That was enough for Kaminari. "Time to get some juicy secrets," he said with an evil grin, hopping up and dashing out the door, almost knocking over Sero in the process.

"Oi! Get back here, dumbass! You didn't finish your shitty essay!" Bakugou roared. "I help you out of the damn goodness of my heart, and this is how you fucking repay me?"

"I'll go get him!" Kirishima offered, standing up, but Bakugou grabbed his forehead and pushing him back down into his seat.

"Finish," he demanded, jabbing a finger at the book. Kirishima grumbled something under his breath but obeyed as Bakugou exited the room, on the hunt for Kaminari.

It wasn't much of a hunt. He was outside of Y/N's room, an ear pressed to her door and a finger to his lips, shushing Bakugou. Bakugou rolled his eyes and grabbed Denki's shirt collar, dragging him away. "Stop dude! They're talking about you now!" Kirishima whispered.

Normally, Bakugou couldn't give a shit about gossip. It was a waste of time. He didn't care what people thought of him. Maybe if he listened for just a second though... "No. We're leaving. You're being a dickhead," Bakugou whispered back, this time not letting Kaminari dissuade him. "You have shit to do."

Kaminari sighed in defeat and stood up, not wanting Bakugou to out him to the girls. "Your loss, man. There was some good gossip."

Bakugou didn't want to let Denki win by asking him what it was about. It didn't matter, and he didn't care. He had never cared about what those extras thought of him. "Whatever. Go finish your essay," he grumbled, shoving Kaminari ahead of him as they walked down the hall. 

Before they walked in, Kaminari spoke. "Y'know, I didn't peg Y/N as having someone with bedroom experience," he said, not looking at Katsuki. A small smile was forming on his face-- he was clearly trying to upset Bakugou.

"The fuck would I care? Go write your fucking paper," he snapped, smacking the back of Denki's head as he ran back in.

So she had slept with Hawks. Or somebody else. Or multiple people, for all he knew. Katsuki had only slept with one person in his life, and he hadn't even enjoyed it. 


"It's Kirishima. He says he wants us all to hang out tonight after their study session, but I can tell them no--" Mina started, reading her texts from Eijirou. 

"No, it's okay. I'm already feeling much better getting everything off of my chest. It'll be fun to distract myself for a bit," Y/N said, setting down her empty cup. "And to play matchmaker for some of you guys. You especially, Jiro. I know for a fact that Kaminari wants to get with you," she teased, winking at the blushing musician.

"If you play matchmaker then we can too," Jiro retorted. "You sure you wanna open that gate?"

"Fair point," Y/N sighed. "All right. No playing matchmaker."

The girls all nodded in agreement. What happened that night stayed in Y/N's room, and Y/N felt happy with that. Having a girl gang she could fall back on felt reassuring.

After another hour or two of chatting, they made their way to the common room where they lounged on couches and discussed the upcoming Agency Event that UA was hosting. "Y/N, I wanted to ask you... could you make me a new uniform?" Mina asked excitedly.

"Sure thing, babe. Momo, do you think you could make me some Teflon fabric? If I'm remembering correctly, it should be acid proof." Momo smiled and nodded.

The boys walked in then, Bakugou yelling at Kaminari for something. "I'm trying to help you, fuckface! If you aren't paying attention, I can't do shit to keep you caught up!"

"I'm trying! It's just so boring,"  Denki whined. He plopped down on the couch next to Mina, laying in her lap. "Bakugou is gonna cook me for dinner," He said matter-of-factly.

"Really? I think you'd taste stringy," Y/N teased, poking him.

"Stringy?! Miss, have you seen my biceps?" Before anyone could protest, Kaminari sat up and pulled his shirt off. Everyone groaned, except for Kirishima, who said something about gains and being swole. 

"Put your shit back on, dumbass," Jiro grumbled, but if you looked closely, you could see her cheeks turning pink. She threw his shirt back at his face.

"Do you know if Aizawa is gonna be here tonight?" Mina asked quietly.

Momo shook her head. "From what I heard, the faculty has a business meeting tonight. Why?"

Mina squealed, running out of the room for a moment and then returning with several bottles, an evil grin on her face. "We're gonna party tonight!"

"But it's a school night," Uraraka said. Deku nodded aggressively, agreeing with her.

"Oh, c'mon. We won't have enough to make tomorrow rough. Just enough to make tonight extra fun," she said, popping the top of one of the bottles. "Who wants to play some games?"

"I don't drink," Y/N said. "But I'm always here for games."

Bakugou stood up to leave, but Kirishima grabbed his hand. "C'mon bro, it'll be fun!"

"No it won't. I hate this shit. Last time I had babysit your drunk ass and clean up your puke," he growled.

"I won't drink that much, I promise. Please stay?" Kirishima begged, looking up at his friend with puppy dog eyes. 

Bakugou closed his eyes and sighed, sitting back down, resulting in the rest of the room cheering. "I'm not drinking that shit though. Fucking nasty," he grumbled.

Mina cackled. "Truth or dare, let's fucking do this!"

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