Chapter 44 - Stickers & Self Care

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"What the fuck is Worcestershire sauce?" Bakugou snapped. "I swear Iida is making this shit up." He crumbled up the shopping list and threw it at the back of Todoroki's head.

Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima and Y/N were assigned to go grocery shopping for that week (actually, Kirishima was, but he got carried away inviting people to come with). They'd been scouring the shelves looking for the different items that Iida had listed, but they seemed to be struggling.

"I believe it's similar to soy sauce. Let's check near there," Todoroki said, pointing towards a nearby isle. Him and Bakugou seemed to be the only ones actually trying to shop; Y/N and Kirishima were playing some game with finger guns and running around through the store. Bakugou was about ready to kill them.

"Oi! I'm not getting paid to babysit!" He barked, grabbing Kirishima by the shirt collar as he ran past. "Stop acting crazy or I'll rip your head off." Kirishima pouted at being ridiculed.

"I think I win then, right? You got apprehended," Y/N bragged, pretending to blow smoke away from her finger guns. Kirishima stuck his tongue out at her.

From then on, Bakugou snapped at them when they started goofing off, keeping them in line. Midoriya had gotten lost a few isles back and still hadn't been found.

"I wanna go check out their bike decals. I'll be back in a hot second," Y/N said. As she tried to scurry away, Bakugou snatched her sleeve, tsking at her.

"Stop slacking off. Help with the damn groceries or go home."

"Don't be a dick. It's not like we're crunched for time. Come with if you're so worried I'll take a while," she suggested, heading off down the isle without a second thought. Bakugou snarled in frustration. Why did she never listen?

He followed her anyway, muttering under his breath as he did so. 

Bakugou had to jog after her to keep up. He was angry that she hadn't waited for him, but that anger faded once he found her staring longingly up at a certain item on a shelf above her. He walked over to meet her, trying to pinpoint what she was staring at. 

"Look at those stickers!" She gushed. "How do I choose?"

Bakugou followed her gaze and landed on an abundance of motorcycle decals. There were hundreds of different stickers-- flowers, cats, countries, flags-- but what Y/N seemed to be looking at was the hero merch. 

"I should just get them all, right? I mean, I got my paycheck," she said. It sounded like she was trying to convince herself and Bakugou just happened to overhear the conversation. "I should support the homies."

Bakugou rolled his eyes at how cheesy she was being. "Do what you want, but hurry it up."

Y/N's eyes scanned the self intently. One of them seemed to catch her eye and she laughed. "Hey, check it out, Kat!" She held it in front of his face to show him. "What do you think? Should I get it?"

It was a sticker of Deku giving a big thumbs up, his name in a banner above his head. It was sickeningly wholesome. "Gross," Bakugou grumbled. He looked around for something better, and found the best option pretty quickly.

Katsuki found a sticker of his own. It had DYNAMIGHT in big orange letters over a black explosion. It did look pretty cool. "This one," he smirked. "Put this shit on your bike."

Y/N looked it over and pretended to think about it. "Hmm... shouldn't I get stickers of good heroes?"


"You brat," he seethed, snatching the Deku sticker from her hand. He was about to yell at her some more, stepping towards her menacingly, but she said something that made him stop.

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