Chapter 25 - Fairy Godmother

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It was Saturday, the day of UA's scouting event, and spirits were high.

"Alright, Ochaco, this one is for you," Y/N said, passing over the folded costume.

The girls were in the common room after a sleepover together, and now Y/N was passing out the long anticipated hero costumes to her friends. Her nerves were biting at her; the fear of them being disappointed in her craftsmanship was almost suffocating, but she powered through. This was their big day, and she was proud to see them having fun after working so hard.

Uraraka took the package excitedly and opened the brown wrapping to reveal a white and rose gold uniform, with something intricate on the back--

"Oh my god, are those wings?" Momo gasped.

They were short enough that they didn't add extra weight, but they were designed beautifully. 

"It's actually a jetpack, disguised as wings," Y/N said. "Being able to float on command is incredible, but now you can change direction and hopefully glide if you need to. And the wings are retractable for close combat, so they don't get in the way--"

"I LOVE IT!" Uraraka cried, swallowing Y/N in her arms with a ridiculously tight hug. "I can't wait to try it out! Guys, I have WINGS!" She jumped up and danced around excitedly, the rest of the girls laughing and cheering her on.

Mina was already opening hers, her excitement making her impatient after seeing how cool Uraraka's suit was. When she pulled out the costume and unfolded it, revealing it to the rest of the room, she gasped. "Holy shit, it's perfect!" It was a tight jumper with gemstone accents--Mina's exact brand. "BRB ladies, I gotta go try it on!" She dashed out of the room to change.

After passing out the rest of the costumes, the girls dressed up to show them off to each other. Y/N sat on the couch with her coffee, absolutely beaming at them. Seeing their approval warmed her heart, and she was proud of herself for making such kick-ass equiptment. It felt good to be a part of things.

"Alright Y/N babe, it's time to show us yours," Mina gushed, sitting on the couch next to her.

"Oh, I'm not wearing a costume, remember? I'm not a student," Y/N said sheepishly.

Mina rolled her eyes. "I know silly, I mean what dress are you wearing?"

The silence was deafening, but it was enough to tell the girls what they needed to know. 

"HOW HAVE YOU NOT PICKED AN OUTFIT?!" Mina shrieked. "Girls, this is a total emergency. Operation Get-Y/N-Glowed-Up is official a go. Everybody go check your closets for something that might fit her!"

"We really don't have to do this, I have an old outfit from the states--"

Uraraka shook her head and put her hand on Y/N's shoulder tenderly. "You should dress up in something nice! Just because you aren't going to wear a costume doesn't mean you can't turn heads. One head specifically, if you know what I mean," she teased, grinning at her.

"Oh c'mon, you really think that Bakugou is the kind of person that notices that kind of shit? There's no way," Y/N argued.

"EVERY STRAIGHT BOY likes looking at boobs and ass, Y/N," Mina lectured. "And I can guarantee that cranky blonde has already looked at your boobs a lot."

Y/N laughed. "Alright, let's do it. Dress me up, fairy godmother," She joked, standing up and doing a dramatic twirl.

For the next hour, the girls rampaged through their closets to find something that would suit Y/N. There were clothes absolutely everywhere, and each of them were holding up their picks in front of her frame to see if it would fit. 

"What about pink?" Uraraka asked, tilting her head as she held up an old party dress. "Would that suit her?"

"Hmmm... I think she's more of a dark colors girl," Tsu said, putting her finger on her chin as she thought about it. "Like some deep blues or greens."

"Definitely," Hagakure agreed. "Or a dark maroon. She'd look killer in red." 

Y/N wasn't really sure what was happening, but didn't mind indulging her friends. If she was completely honest, she didn't really care what she wore. It was easier to have people pick for her. 

Mina darted out of her room with a big makeup bag in hand. "I call glam duty!" She cheered, plopping down in front of Y/N and dumping out the contents of her bag. There were hundreds of different makeup products.

"Woah, nice collection!" Uraraka gushed.

Momo picked up one of the lipsticks. "These are very nice brands, too. You have good taste, Mina," she complimented.

Jirou began applying product to Y/N's hair and Momo carefully painted her nails black. "Black goes with anything," she said, focusing very hard to make the paint look neat and tidy.

Mina started applying different makeup products that Y/N would never be able to identify. Some of it was uncomfortable, like the mascara and eyeliner, but some things felt rather pleasant, like blush. Y/N decided that she liked being pampered. She felt like a princess, and that fucking rocked.

Jirou finished with her hair and Momo finished her nails. They joined Uraraka and Tsu on the hunt for the perfect dress while Mina added finishing touches to the makeup.

Mina sat back and admired her work. "Woah," she breathed. "You are hot as fuck, babe."

"You think so?" Y/N asked, holding up a mirror. She looked very different from usual, but... it was nice. She did look hot as fuck. 

"We found it! We found the perfect dress!" Uraraka squealed from the other room. Mina gasped and ran to join them, leaving Y/N hunched awkwardly on the couch. "Y/N, come try it on this instant!"

She made her way to the bathroom, and before she knew it the girls had locked her in there to try it on. It was a black dress, form fitting in all the right areas.

She slipped it on, not quite sure if she was doing it right-- but then she looked in the mirror. "Jesus Christ."

She looked incredible. It was rare that Y/N wore something that accentuated her curves or showed off her cleavage. It looked like this was going to be one of those times. The V dipped just low enough to show a nice amount of boob, and when she turned around, she almost laughed out loud. Her ass looked great, too. This was a hell of a dress.

When she walked out of the bathroom, the girls gasped. 

Mina chuckled. "Bakugou is gonna bust just from looking at you."

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