Chapter 43 - The Onsen

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CONTENT WARNING: nudity, suggestive themes


The next day, Kirishima insisted that Y/N try the outdoor baths to relax after her shift. They were only a few blocks from UA's campus. "They'll change your life. Trust me," he had said. 

Y/N had walked right into his setup without realizing.

It was 10:00 PM on a Sunday; late enough in the day that the sun had set. Part of her was secretly excited. Y/N had only ever been to Japan on business, but rarely did anything recreational. This was going to be one of the first 'touristy' activities she participated in. She didn't know much about the baths. All she knew is that she would be sharing a space with others, and she'd likely be naked. 

Kirishima had mentioned that it was a mixed math, meaning that both men and women would share the hot spring. Y/N hoped that this late at night she would have the water feature to herself. That was what Kirishima recommended at least. He'd never lead her astray, right?

Y/N followed the directions on the signs, cleaning herself under the shower in a wooden cubicle as expected of her. There was a small wooden stool, but it felt so odd sitting down during a shower that she ignored it, opting to stand as she rinsed.

Once she was sure she was properly clean, she wrapped the special onsen towel around her chest (Kirishima was kind enough to lend her one). It was softer than most towels. This shit is made of dreams, she thought as she exited the building.

There were small lanterns lighting the area, shining through the steam of the hot springs. It was beautiful. The air was cold and bit her skin as she made her way to the back of the fenced area. Hopefully, this would keep her away from the eyes of any other patrons, right?

But there was already somebody in the pool. 

"You've gotta be fucking with me," Y/N mumbled.

"The hell are you doing here, Tinkerbell?"

Bakugou was lounging in the bath, his arms up on the sides as he glared at her. The dark sky and faded lanterns made it impossible to see through the surface of the water, but Bakugou was naked. Completely naked. She saw his towel on the ground next to the bath.

"Fuck. Kirishima said-- it doesn't matter. I'm sorry, I'll go," she stuttered, turning to leave. The towel around her waist suddenly did not feel big enough. Was her ass showing?

"It's fucking fine, I'll leave," Bakugou grunted, about to get up. 

Y/N tried not to let her voice give away how flustered she was. She did not want him to get up, because then she'd be able to see all of him, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle that. "No no, I interrupted you, you stay here. I'll go--"

"Just get in then. You already spent your damn money."

Y/N paused for a moment, her heart racing. She was supposed to keep the towel on, right? She didn't dare ask the question out loud out of fear of being wrong, and even if she was supposed to take it off, there was no way in hell she'd do that.

"Jesus, calm down. I won't look."

Fuck. She was supposed to take it off. Well, if Bakugou said she should... they were pretty far away from each other, so it shouldn't matter, right?

Once she was sure he was turned away, Y/N let the towel drop and she tiptoed into the water. The heat encompassing her body felt like a release of breath. The warmth seeped through her skin and reached every part of her, relaxing her body within seconds. "Holy shit," she muttered without thinking. Her muscles unclenched subconciously.

Bakugou scoffed. "What, you've never had a fucking bath before?"

"Not in a hot spring, no," she admitted. "What, do you do this a lot?"

"Every Sunday. Usually I'm the only one here," he grumbled.

Y/N's face burned. "I'm sorry, I wouldn't have come if I'd known. Kirishima said--"

"Calm down, it's fine. I'm leaving soon anyways."

Y/N finally looked across the pool at him. He was relaxed against a rock, watching her intently. The attention only made her feel hotter. Could he see her body through the water? She covered her chest with her arms just in case. "Does Kirishima know you come here?"

"Yup. He comes with sometimes," Bakugou said.

"I'm gonna kill him."

He smirked at her. "What, you didn't come to see me naked?"

"Of course not!" Y/N cried, shrinking down lower into the water at the accusation. 

He tilted his head back against the rock and looked down at her. "I dunno, Tinkerbell, I saw the way you looked at me when you rubbed sunscreen on me. Couldn't stay away?" he teased. There was a wicked glint in his eye.

Y/N knew how red she was getting and she hated it. "You're the one who stuck your tongue down my throat," she snapped. "You sure you weren't excited to see me walk in?" 

"Don't act like you didn't kiss me back. You couldn't keep your fucking hands off me. Bet you thought about my lips for days," he challenged, drifting closer to her.

Y/N glared at him. Every second that passed made her angrier. "And you rubbed your boner on me. Try me." She splashed him before he could get any closer-- he was only a few feet away now.

He growled at her from the splash. "Don't start that. You'll lose."

Y/N didn't care. She splashed him again, harder this time.

He lunged at her, grabbing her wrists and holding them still in front of her chest. The water sloshed around them, the steam parting from the movement. She could see him clearly now. His red eyes stared down at her, an angry glare on his face; he was positively menacing and it made her legs feel like jelly.

"It seems to me like you couldn't keep away from me, Katsuki," she whispered.

"So what if I can't, Tinkerbell?" he said lowly, leaning his face down closer to hers. "You gonna pretend you don't want it?"

Jesus. Y/N was struggling to breathe now. 

He was close enough that they were sharing the same breath, his nose almost pressed against hers, his lips only centimeters away. One small movement and their mouths would be touching. It was intoxicating. Y/N couldn't pull herself away, but she didn't dare move.

"I know you want it," he breathed. "You gonna fess up now, princess?"

"You wish."

He let go of her and pulled away. There were shivers running up and down her spine that she couldn't shake away. Her entire body was throbbing for him; she needed him to touch her again, but he was climbing out behind her. 

"Enjoy your bath, Tinkerbell."

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