Chapter 94 - Big Bad Wolf

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Bakugou fought villains and criminals for a living. How hard could it be to meet his girlfriend's family?

According to Y/N, very hard.

"...Swearing is fine. Actually, I'm gonna encourage it. It'll make my dad laugh. Don't talk shit about the Yankees... actually, don't talk about baseball. That's a whole can of worms we shouldn't open. Fuck, what else?" Y/N tapped her pencil against her list with urgency, her anxiety spilling over and making her eye twitch. "I know I'm forgetting something..."

"It can't be that bad," Bakugou muttered—but it sounded like he was trying to convince both of them and not just her.

"Um, my family's very physical. They'll probably hug you without asking. The TV stays on, my mom likes the noise—and the apartment is small. Like, really small." Y/N bit her lip. "New York is really expensive. It won't be as nice as what you're used to, it'll probably—"


She turned to look at him as only the sound of rain hitting the bus filled the silence. Even from just a glance he could see how nervous she was, her eyes big with worry and her fingers fidgeting with the list in her lap.

"Why're you scared?"

"I'm not scared, I just... they're a lot. I know this is like, super out of your comfort zone, and I thought a list might make it easier but..." She looked down at the list with an annoyed look. "This is just makin' it worse, huh?"

He didn't say yes or no, but responded with a firm, "Put the list away. We don't need that shit." When she looked a bit embarassed he added, "It'll be fine. Promise."

"You're right." Y/N crumbled the paper and put it in her jacket pocket. "Just paranoid is all. It's been a while since I've seen them, too." She looked past him and out the window. "They don't really know the full story."

"Which story? All For One or the Yaoroshi shit?"

"Uh... both."

"Didn't you keep in contact?"

"Of course I did," Y/N objected. "But at the same time, I didn't really wanna worry them, so I left out some of the scarier details. They never really wanted me to do hero work. My parents came around, but Sara didn't."

Bakugou frowned. That name wasn't on the list, and he was sure Y/N hadn't mentioned it before. "Sara."

"My little sister."


Sure, finding out that his girlfriend had a sibling was a little outta nowhere, but it wasn't that bad.


Y/N took a deep, shaky breath before knocking on the door. She was right– the apartment had to be quite small based on how thin the space was between this door and the next. What it lacked in width, though, it definitely make up for in height.

Almost immediately after Y/N's knock, shouting could be heard from within the building. Bakugou couldn't quite make out the muffled words but the volume made him jump a bit. The situation he was in finally seemed to hit him; in a few moments, he was going to meet Y/N's parents.

Shit. What was he wearing? Had he done his hair?

Before Bakugou was able to ask himself another anxiety induced question, the door whipped open.

There were maybe 5 or so seconds of dead silence as the man at the door stared at him. He had the same hair color as Y/N, but a sharper jaw and nose, and he wore a very oversized Yankees jersey.

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