1: Mia

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Spring was usually a busy time for the Red Dawn pack, the pack that I belong to. New leaves on trees, blooming flora, a lot of newly mated couples, and tiny newborns soaking up the lively atmosphere. For the majority of regular pack members, this just meant an improvement in the weather and the chance to gather until later in the evening. For omegas like myself, however, this was not the case.

Omegas are typically domestic creatures. We enjoy and thrive in our home, studies, and the arts in comparison to Alphas who lean more towards sport, politics, and crafting. Some stray from these general norms but aren't typically looked down upon for it. Spring for omegas means we are busier than ever, preparing the pack house for potential visiting packs and other events. Today was one of the particularly chaotic days.

As one of only three omegas in the Red Dawn pack, my responsibilities grew by the day - especially since my fellow omegas are busy taking care of their own ever-growing families. I rose with the screeching sound of my alarm at the ungodly hour of seven in the morning. Unfortunately, today was one of my least favorite days. It was ball day.

Since peace ascended upon the majority of the packs in the Sacramento area, each pack took their turn to host an annual ball to celebrate the harmony and friendships between these packs. I loathed these events for years. Seeing other wolves and especially omegas like myself, find their mates in the most whimsical of settings, under dim light and the stars, always left me really feeling the emptiness inside me that my mate is supposed to fill. I was seventeen at my first ball, back when I first became a pack member - I'm twenty-one now.

Finally gaining the energy to get out of my heavy blankets, I stood with a stretch and grabbed my glasses from my nightstand, groggily placing them on my face. The next order of business was to make my bed and tidy my room - not that anyone would be seeing it, but I took great pride in my cozy room; it always brought me peace. Strolling to my closet to prepare for the day, I pulled out the most comfortable outfit I saw - if I was to be cleaning, cooking, and decorating all day, you bet my ass was wearing sweats and a giant hoodie.

Popping on my slippers, I braided my hair out of the way as I trotted down the giant stairs of the pack house. As the omega with the majority of the duties within the pack, I live in the pack house to assist the Alpha, Beta, and Delta with daily tasks until one of them found their mate and could help me out. Sadly for all four of us in the house, we are still unmated, unhappy and very, very frustrated.

I walked along the warmly lit hallway until I reached the elegant ballroom, seeing other pack members assist the Alpha Don with moving furniture to free up the dance floor. I approached him hesitantly, he always behaved like an asshole on the run-up to events like this, but I understand the stress he was under on days like today.

I tapped him on the shoulder and his body spun around, towering over me. "Oh thank fuck", he sighed, "you're up". Although he was the Alpha, he was always brotherly to me and never abused his rank as Alpha to make me feel lesser than him. "I am indeed", I replied.

The tall alpha wiped the sweat from his brow and promptly leaned down to my height as he grinned. I stared at him dumbfounded, blowing bits of my loosened red hair out of my face. "You dear Mia, are now my right-hand woman", he grinned. "I really need you Squishy, so you will be assisting myself, and our dearest Beta and Delta this evening to greet our lovely guests". Squishy was my nickname in the pack house. The guys told me I turn squishy when I cry, hence the name.

I stood in disbelief for a minute, gathering my thoughts. "So..", I squeaked. Don chuckled and ran a hand through his now sweaty hair as he inspected the area. "So Mia, we are off the hook for the night, we are simply going to socialize, have a great time and if past balls are any indicator, we will be shit faced by midnight".

I beamed at him and laughed, feeling the weight of my responsibility slip off my shoulders. That meant no cooking, no cleaning, and no decorating for me today. All I had to do was dress cute and show up, perfect. Giving Don's shoulder a little slap, I sauntered into the kitchen to help myself to the giant breakfast laid out on the island. Today was definitely a 'pancakes and champagne' day.

Without a worry in my head, I dug into the plate of food in front of me as another omega Helen entered the kitchen, who usually prepares breakfast in the house before her kids get up for school. Thank the Goddess for this woman and her breakfast skills. She stood before me, twisting her black hair into a bun and wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I giggled. "What's with that?" I quizzed. She picked up an apple and bit into it. "Heard there's going to be some new packs coming tonight, some new alphas signed the peace treaty, so guess who might find their mate tonight". She spoke in a sing-song voice, wiggling her eyebrows at me again, making me laugh.

"I don't think I'd be that lucky after four years of ending up drunk and alone in fountains Helen". She chuckled lightly at me. "You never know Mia, your Mrs. Right could walk straight through that door in a few hours", her tone grew motherly. "Don't give up just yet". As I placed down my knife and fork, Helen placed her hand on mine and gave me a smile, which I couldn't help but return.

Even though I remained unsure as to what the evening could hold, tonight would be a good night - mate or no mate.

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