25: Mia (18+)

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"You're in for it now my little mate". I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the thrill of the moment igniting a fire inside me as my mate leaned over me. Her smirk drove me insane, and I could tell she was going to have fun with me for as long as she wanted. I was more than happy with that. Riley trailed kisses all along my body, following them with small bites until I was covered in small red marks from my neck to my thighs, she seemed to revel in my whimpers and thrashing around. Her breath fanned against my neck, then my ear, before she hummed against me. "You're going to scream for me, baby".

I bit my lip, my eyes following her as she disappeared moved off the bed. "Close your eyes, don't open them until I tell you too", she commanded, her tone truly reflecting that of an Alpha. I nodded and closed my eyes, focusing on the sound of my heavy breath as I lay on the bed. Minutes passed before I felt my mate's weight on the bed again. She trailed her fingers from my breasts down to my core, causing me to arch into her touch with a soft moan. "Open your eyes princess", she instructed, power dripping from her voice. My eyes blinked open and widened at her body over mine. What I saw had me losing my mind in desire, begging for the feeling of pleasure I knew she could bring me. Riley had slipped on a strapon in the moments I had my eyes closed. I wanted her inside me instantly.

She laughed at my whining. "Come on, you know how to ask nicely", she asserted, moving forward until the tip was rubbing against me. I let out a breathy moan, gripping the sheets beside me, my legs falling open as my mate moved between them. I pulled together what little composure I had to answer my Alpha. "Please fuck me", I pleaded. "I promise I'll be a good girl". This seemed to be exactly what she wanted to hear. With glazed eyes, she moved her hips, pushing into me slowly. It felt amazing.

Her arms planted themselves on either side of my head, as her hips built up speed until she was pounding into me. I felt the pressure building up in my core, moaning with every thrust. My hands tore down her back, nails digging in as I tried to get a grip on Riley as she fucked me. The pleasure was tingling through my whole body, and I knew this was the mate bond, increasing my senses at the moment. The feeling of having sex with my mate was incomparable and an experience I could probably get addicted to me. Her hips snapped into me at an inhuman speed, her wolf strength and speed probably assisting in this. I didn't care how she was doing it though, I was just enjoying the feeling.

She suddenly stopped her movements. I let out a whine. "What are you-", she cut me off, flipping me over and pulling my hips up, pushing back into me from behind. The pleasure doubled in this position, my hands now gripping the pillow my head was buried in. I screamed into the sheets, my body burning with lust and satisfaction as Riley left sharp smacks on my ass, groaning at the sound. She took hold of my long hair, pulling me up towards her so my back was against her chest. She wrapped an arm around my chest and moved her lips to my hear.

"You like that, hm?" She teased. My eyes rolled back as she thrust into me roughly, allowing me to fall back into the pillow. She growled. "Come on baby, use your words, hm?" I let out a scream as she flipped me back over, fucking me even harder as she held my thighs. "Fuckkk", I moaned. "I'm gonna come". My arms shakily wrapped around my mate, pulling her tightly against me as she continued sliding in and out of me, our moans filling the silent room. My nails raked down her back, earning a groan from my mate.

"Me too baby", she moaned, attaching her lips to mine once more. The knot in my core was ready to come undone as I felt pleasure burn throughout me. Riley's hips picked up speed, slamming into me wildly as we both moaned. I felt myself tighten quickly. Sensing this, my mate bared her elongated canines and sunk them into my neck. I screamed out in pain first, but it quickly turned to pleasure as I felt the bond become complete. My orgasm soon ripped through me and my back arched against her. She held me, riding out our highs as she slowed her movements, eventually stopping; but remaining inside me.

Stars danced in my eyes as I blinked away the aftershocks. My mate let her weight fall on me, the strapon was still inside me and we both spent the next few minutes catching our breath. "I can't believe I marked you", she boasted. "I can't believe it. I marked my mate". I smiled at her, knowing we both felt complete now. Everything felt right. We lay in our peaceful bliss for close to thirty minutes, before we pulled ourselves back to the present. Riley gently pulled out of me and began removing the strap. I let out a breathless laugh. "Wow", I sighed. "I didn't think I could be this happy, but clearly it's possible".

My mate laughed at my figure, sprawled out over the giant bed, my hair a mess, lips bruised and covered in red marks. She stood from the bed, leaning over to place a gentle kiss on my forehead, lips, and nose before walking towards the ensuite bathroom to wash up - if she was tired, she didn't show it. I began to move, sitting up on the bed, staring at the marks we had left with amusement. My feet swung to meet the floor, and just as I stood, I heard the shattering of glass followed by excruciating pain in my shoulder.

An ear-piercing scream left my lips and the searing pain worsened as I tried to stumble towards the bathroom. I heard Riley rushing out, still undressed as she sat me on the bed in a panic. "There's an arrow in your shoulder", she roared. She stared out the window and I could see she was trying to calm down for me. Every breath I took caused me pain, and I could see the wound was gushing blood. It made me dizzy. Now that I was fully mated to Riley, I had access to the pack mind link and could hear the chaos as she reported the incident to her Beta, Delta, and the pack doctor-in-training Dan. We have trespassers just west of the cabin, your Luna has been hit with a spiked arrow, I need assistance right now.

"Spiked arrow? You think it was poisoned?" Riley looked at me fiercely, her face softening when she felt my fear. "Yes baby", she confirmed. My head was spinning as I took a look at the arrow lodged in my shoulder. On the edge of the wound, lay a shredded purple petal, burning into the skin. It was wolfsbane. I looked at Riley, unsure of what to do or say. Wolfsbane was harmful enough when touched, smelled, or ingested - but when it was inside your blood or under your skin, that's when it did the most damage. It was usually fatal. My mate's eyes were holding back tears as she held me as gently as she could, whispering reassurances in my ear. She knew as well as I did what this injury could mean.

My breath caught in my throat. I was unable to breathe as the pain took over my body. Fighting against sleep was becoming a struggle as I sat, blood running down my arm, in the arms of my mate as tears pooled in her eyes. "It's gonna be okay", she sobbed. "You're gonna be okay". The sound of stamping feet and paws could be heard just outside the house now. Help was here. Riley cleared her throat, wiped away her tears, and wrapped me in the loose sheet from the bed. I was in a state of disorientation, standing slowly from the bed as my eyes dropped. "I'm gonna be okay", I croaked, using the last of my strength to squeeze the hand that held me up. As the footsteps and yelling voices approached, pain and darkness surrounded me, my knees gave in and I was met with darkness.

I was on death's door. And I didn't know if I there was any chance of turning back.


Hey, another day another update. I hope you are enjoying this story, let me know what you think of it, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Also what do you think of the new cover??? I think I like it, what about you? As always, votes and comments are appreciated very much! Stay safe and well, thank you!

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