21: Mia

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 I hadn't come in to contact with a Luna before. Don had been somewhat of a lone wolf when I arrived in the Red Dawn pack - kept Pierre and Lucas at arms length, and for a while even me. I never fully grasped the concept. As a human, I was aware that these kinds of roles had died out in the last century; but learning these things as a wolf, took some time.

 It was a well known fact, however, that if I wanted to stand by my mate and assimilate into my new pack, I needed to step up and become a Luna that could be  relied on. My human side made that a little bit more difficult. I wasn't that fast, I had the same strength that I had when I was human...I still needed glasses to make out more than three feet in front of me for crying out loud.

 As I sat on my mate's lap, expressing my interest in my future role, I trembled a little bit. Sure I had seemed confident enough to ask, but this life was still so foreign to me. Riley sensed my nerves as if she could feel them herself. She squeezed my thighs gently and took a breath, breaking the silence that had settled over the room.

"All packs have different expectations or roles that the Luna fills", she explained softly. "It depends on the specific talents and capabilities of each Luna - some are warriors, some are carers and others could be teachers; like I said, whatever they excel at". I nodded along. What I'm good at? Hm.

 My mouth opened long before I had anything to say. "I mean, I can't fight and I can't strategize that's for fucking sure - but, teaching? Taking care of pack members? Kids? That sounds....great". Picturing myself cooking big meals, talking kids through their adolescent struggles, and any other scenario gave me a warm fuzzy feeling I never had before.

 The arms around my waist tightened at that. Being a Luna, being a good mate was my goal and I was determined to meet that goal. "I remember when I was little, the folklore of werewolves and witches was the making of every fairytale....and now I'm here", I mumbled. With that I gave a small laugh and decided to clear the dishes from the table, wiggling free from the grip that held me. My mate let out a nearly inaudible whine. "Hey I was enjoying that", she grumbled. 

 Knowing my mate loved my touch just as much as I loved hers, always brought me joy. The three bigger wolves rose from the table with me, grabbing dishes and cutlery out of my hands - Joey doing so with maple syrup trailing down his chin. Grateful for this, I stood at the opposite side of the sink as dishes made their way through each pair of hands before finally being organized neatly in the dishwasher. 

  A hum pulled my gaze from the running water. It came from Mike. "Luna, I could show you around the study hall and meet some of the kids if you want - I know my little brother is dying to meet you". The formal tone coming from the man with the buzz cut weirded me out, but I agreed with a nod. Meeting the younger generation of the pack was something I was excited for. Seeing cute tots with grazed knees and runny noses reminded me of my childhood. Although my childhood did not include shifting into a hairy were-beast at any point. "Sure", I beamed. "But just call me Mia...you sound creepy".

 Settled on the idea of meeting the kids of the pack, I decided my outfit of choice for the day wasn't going to suffice. Summer was approaching, and the heat and humidity was already killer where the Moon Creek territory was located. No way sweatpants and a hoodie would be manageable. With this information in mind, I left the kitchen without another word and jogged up the two staircases, back to the lovely air-conditioned room I had dragged myself out of not long ago. 

 My closet didn't have many summer appropriate clothes. I wasn't the biggest fan of shorts or crop tops in the heat - I burned too easily. In this case, though, black denim high waisted shorts, a lightweight pink tie-dye crop top, and a high SPF, sounded perfect. I left my hair in the same braid as before, slid on some white sneakers and trailed back down to the hallway, to see Riley walking sluggishly through the bottom floor of the house. I skipped over, pouting my lips, ready to leave an attack of kisses on her slightly puffy face. 

 Instead, her eyes widened in alarm and she grabbed my shoulders firmly, holding me in place right beside the stairs. Confusion bubbled up in my mind. "No kisses?" My mate's eyes fluttered side to side and eventually her head followed, panic evident on her face at this moment. She must have gotten some news through the pack mind link - a rogue on pack territory? A fight? I didn't know what to think. Seconds felt like minutes.

 "Shit", she growled. "My parents are here". I hadn't heard much about my 'in-laws', but the parents of a superior alpha like Riley must have a great reputation. This did not comfort me in any way, but had me tripping over my own feet, scrambling to hide. "Ehm okay", I breathed, walking backwards, moving the hands from off my shoulders. "Soooo...I'm gonna go hide - let me know when to come out, yeah? Greatttt". 

 In my state of confusion, I spun around to run away, but was instead greeted by a firm body. It was Mike. He stared at his alpha clearly awaiting his orders as he patted my head absentmindedly. He was a good seven or eight inches taller than me. This must have looked comical to anyone in the house. My mate instinctively pulled me against her, my back meeting her warm chest, her head leaning on mine and her luscious brown hair trailing over my own shoulders. 

 "Get the whole pack ready for a gathering this evening, their former Alpha and Luna are arriving home after a long time away - they'll want to celebrate. Um, tell Joey to stall until we can make ourselves presentable and get Don over here ASAP, I'm gonna need his help". I could feel her heart pounding against my back. She was nervous. Mike disappeared, looking as if he was on a mission, leaving me to calm the panicking Alpha behind me. 

 Knowing my good friends would be arriving to help gave me some comfort, I was looking forward to seeing them, despite the circumstances. These people were still a mystery to me. I hadn't really thought about my mate's family much. As soon as I arrived here, the focus had become to settle in, and even though I had done so, I felt like an outsider thinking about Riley's parents.

 I pulled my mate up towards our room once more, sitting her on the bed. I stood between her legs and pulled her head into my belly. The tensed muscles in her back and shoulders relaxed at this. I suppose all an Alpha needs in stressful times is their mate. Although she was calm, my mind remained racing. This meant my first meeting with a dominant Alpha and Luna.....as a turned wolf. Yikes. "From what the guys on patrol told me, we probably have forty minutes to get our asses ready to meet my parents", Riley explained, leaning further into my hold. 

 "Okay", I acknowledged, running my fingers through her hair. Worry cosumed me. I bit the bullet. "How do your parents feel about turned wolves?" I knew my mate would jump to my defense in any situation - but it was better to prepare myself for the worst. Pulling herself up, and dragging me into the bathroom, my mate pondered over my question. "My parents retired to go be folklore specialists and historians in New York....if anything they'll probably be fascinated". Good. Fascination was something I was used to. As a turned wolf and foreigner, fascination was normal in my interactions with both wolves and humans. I hummed in response, feeling less afraid of the situation now - but still on edge.

 My desire to impress took over. If I wanted to be a good Luna for this pack, I needed the approval of the previous one. I needed to impress Riley's mother. Deciding thinking was not going to help me any further, I shook my head, then stretched some of the kinks out of my back. "Now then, Alpha, if you don't mind I have to get myself ready to meet the family". My mate's mouth was agape, but she didn't say a word. Gently nudging her out of the bathroom, I blew a kiss in her direction, then shut the door.

 I knew I had to make one killer first impression. 



Hey guysssss, so this is a slightly longer chapter. What do you think? I know this just seems like filler but I promise some juicy chapters are coming next. I would really appreciate votes and particularly comments, so I know what you guys think, what you like and what you wanna see more of!!!! Let me know! I hope you are as excited for these next chapters as I ammmm


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