31: Riley

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I'll be honest. It took me approximately ten minutes to get my head out of the gutter after the flirting my lovely mate had left me with. All I could picture was fucking her with my fingers while she struggled to stand. I really had to pull myself together. I wasn't too fond of the idea of us being apart for the day. It was already late in the day and we hadn't seen much of each other throughout the day. I missed cuddling up with her, hearing her heartbeat as she fell asleep - but I also missed hearing her moan for me while my head was between her legs. I was definitely struggling. 

 I sighed and pulled myself up from my desk, strolling out to find my mate once more - and hopefully control myself. Baby where are you? I mind-linked her. I was still getting used to the fact that I could now communicate with Mia this way since I had officially marked her as mine. My mind was silent for a few minutes until her voice rang out in my head. In the kitchen surrounded by books, save me, please. I smiled to myself and got moving towards the kitchen. It was empty apart from Mia and her pile of books, each full of stickers marking important pages, highlighters thrown everywhere. 

I approached her slowly, she looked frustrated, twirling a red pen in her hand, the other supporting her head. "Any progress?" Her head lifted. "Hmmm", she hummed. "Depends. What do you consider progress?" I gave her a small smile, sitting beside her and rubbing her back. She sighed and dropped the pen and running her fingers through her hair. "I narrowed it down to Celtic origins, it makes the most sense - but between bean sídhe and aos sídhe....I just don't know". I struggled to comprehend the phrases my mate had just sprouted. "What and what?" Mia smiled and laughed gently. "They're mythical creatures from Irish folklore. Bean sídhe are supernatural women who predict death, if you hear their cries, it means someone close to you is about to die. I remember when I was little being told there was a bean sí haunting the second floor of the storage shed in school, I never went near it, I was so afraid". My heart warmed as she shared memories with me, but I remained confused.

 "What about the other one, what are they?" My mate shifted in her seat, facing me as her face lit up in delight. "Aos sídhe are a supernatural race in Celtic, specifically Irish mythology. They were rumored to be descended from the first gods and goddesses of Ireland, Tuatha Dé Danann, mostly compared to fairies. The good kind of fairy though". I looked at her, brows knitted in confusion. "There are bad fairies?" Her lips parted and smacked together just as fast. "Do not get me started on evil fairies, we'll be here for days". I raised my hands in surrender with a small laugh. "I've done tons of research over the years on this stuff, but, fairies and women that predict death? I have my doubts". My eyes flickered to her face as I stared at her in bewilderment. "Babe, you got turned to a wolf as a teenager". Mia sighed as she closed the book in front of her. "I guess you have a point there". 

 I nodded as she stretched her body, leaning it against mine for comfort. My wolf purred in delight at the contact. I desperately wished I could go further, but we had a lot on our plates. My men were patrolling borders, my dad was contacting Mia's old pack and Mia was, well, struggling to come to a conclusion on what she really was. It wasn't a great time to get handsy. "I'm going to see if Don has any ideas when he gets here, that fucker knows everybody, I'm hoping he can help me figure this out". My mate's voice brought me out of my dirty imagination and back to the present. "My dad is currently working on that", I informed her, pushing her scattered books into the center of the glass dining table. She nodded, standing up and leading me to the back porch where the sun shined through the sliding glass doors. 

 "You know your mom wants to hold this ceremony ASAP, right?" She quizzed me. "Is she not concerned that there is a mad man on the loose somewhere around the pack territory?" I snorted in amusement as we stepped outside and sat on the swing seat, facing the large yard behind the house. "My mom would hold a pool party in Alaskan winters, I don't think this is going to stop her, although it does concern me slightly - we definitely need a contingency plan". Mia's small body tensed and went ridged beside me and I could no longer hear her soft breath. Her face paled and her expression saddened. "I know I'm the reason all this shit has happened, I am so so sorry", she choked, holding back tears. "I really thought my life would be simple from here on out, but clearly that's not how the cookie crumbles". She fought back her sadness with humor, typical behavior for my mate; but it still left me with an uneasy feeling and a desire to comfort her. 

 I nudged her arm with my own, catching her attention. "Hey. This is not on you, okay? This is your home now. Your family. Everything is going to be okay, I promise". Her eyes flickered up to meet mine and she nodded gently, mouthing a thank you as we sat and enjoyed the rare peace and quiet. Unfortunately for us, it didn't last long. Just as my lovely mate had settled her head on my shoulder, I heard a lot of commotion from the front of the pack house and received information from my father. Hey kid, heads up. The fellas from Red Dawn are here with some backup. I filled them in on the lunatic, the shooting, the possible magical Luna, and your mom's crazy ideas. Good luck.  I groaned, throwing my head back. Mia stared at me in confusion. "What's up?" I pulled stood back up once more, pulling her up after, smiling when her small arms wrapped around me. I hugged her back, running my fingers through her hair. "My dad got word that your old pack are here, and don't get me wrong, I'm grateful - but damn I can not get time alone with you".

 My mate pulled away and pouted. "I know, it sucks". She was right. It really sucked. I tucked a strand of her ruby red hair behind her ear and latched her hand in mine. "Let's go get these losers settled in", she sighed. We reluctantly trudged back through the kitchen and into the living room where three men stood. Alpha Don, Beta Pierre, and Delta Lucas. Several guards lingered around to common areas but stayed out of their way. Mia grinned and ran to give each of them a hug. "Miss me?" Don bantered. She rolled her eyes. "You wish, I saw you like the other day". Lucas and Pierre made extra efforts to ruffle up her hair, laughing at the state they left it in. "You look like you fell into a ditch-", Lucas laughed, cut off by his Alpha, who had since stopped all joking. I fought back my own laughter as the Beta and Delta dropped their heads and took a step back. 

 I wrapped my arm around my mate's shoulder. "Thank you guys for coming, I apologize for the urgency, but we need all the help we can get". Don nodded, folding his arms across his chest. "Don't sweat it, we need to look out for Squishy over here". I scanned the now busy room. "Let's head up to my office and get started then". After shuffling bags and light chatter, my office was filled with people again. I usually hate having a crowded office, but knew there was strength in numbers at times like these. Mia dragged a chair over to sit beside me, Joey and Mike took their positions beside my desk, and our guests sat around the room facing me. The door finally shut and silence fell over the room for a mere second before Don's eyes flashed black and met mine. 

 "Before you guys go any further, I think there's something you should know".

And so the plot thickens. I'm trying to bring more characters back into the main plot so I hope you like!! I'm trying to maintain consistent updates even though I'm in my second year of my degree and studying! I hope you enjoy my updates no matter when they come! Let me know what you think, I appreciate any and all comments, votes and feedback! Stay safe and well lovelies!

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