3: Riley

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Today was a big day, to say the least. Only a few months ago I had managed to turn this pack around and prove myself as a worthy Alpha. Before the death of my uncle Alpha James, the previous head of the Moon Creek pack, the vulnerable were exploited and taken advantage of. This never really bothered me until I imagined my mate in their shoes. Safe to say I did everything to put a stop to it. 

 James valued his rank over the welfare of those who followed him. When he died from injuries he sustained while fighting rogue wolves in foreign territory, I took over the mantle, and since that day one year ago, I have been doing everything I can to unite this pack and create a safe home that I can one day bring my mate home to. Finding my mate and having her at my side as my Luna was my only personal dream and I could never rest easy at night knowing she was somewhere out there. 

 There wasn't much time to dwell in my loneliness, today was the day the Red Dawn pack was hosting the annual ball, celebrating peace among packs in the area. For the first year ever, we were attending. After taking over the pack, I entered into this alliance with hope for a brighter future for all of us. Ball day meant all those of age either looking for their mates, or those looking to celebrate would dress up in all their finery and enjoy a feast - and I've heard, lots of alcohol.

 For me, this was an opportunity to introduce myself to the packs we had previously been alienated from under my uncle's insanity. It was also a day in which I could flirt, drink and make a few connections with other Alphas and establish a reputation for myself. It was already midday by the time I sat down in my office, anxious to tackle the stack of papers waiting for my signature on the dark mahogany desk. 

 I shrugged off the blazer jacket I had been wearing and sat down, quickly getting through the tall pile of endless documents. It felt endless. My hand moved with eagerness, knowing that everyone in the pack was feeling nervous for the night ahead. I wasn't nervous, but a gut feeling told me that this night was going to have some surprises for me. 

 With this in the back of my mind, I separated the remaining documents into two stacks. I had a shower calling my name, so this seemed like a good time to push the last of my work on to Mike and Joey my Beta and Delta respectively. Taking my jacket with me, I loosened the top buttons of my shirt and paced into the large office beside mine, where both of their desks sat. In all fairness, that pair do little to no paperwork - as I always have it handled. This time, however, I had a ball to prepare for. 

 Without giving them time to argue, I dumped the stacks on their desks and b-lined for the door, shutting it behind me and jogging away - only to have them use the pack mind link to boo me for my less than welcomed actions. You owe us one Alpha, I heard Joey mutter in my mind, you're the one carrying me home tonight.

 I chuckled at their thoughts, hearing Mike continue to boo at me as I trailed up the flight of stairs to my floor. Although the pack house had everything I could ever need on the ground and first floors, I had my floor prepared for when I eventually found my mate. I made sure I had plenty of surfaces to make good use of. If you know what I mean. 

 I continued to think about my mate as I rushed myself into the shower, letting the cold water cool me down as my thoughts grew heated. What does she look like? What does she smell like?.... What does she sound like? My wolf growled from within me. I didn't have answers to any of these questions, but I am sure that she will drive me crazy. And I'm going to love every second of it. 

 Exiting the shower and drying myself off, I left my long hair down, dried it quickly, and got on to dressing myself for the evening ahead. My choice of attire was classy, as I hoped it would work in my favor when meeting other Alphas. I pulled on my black slim dress pants, white dress shirt and began to fix my matching black tie in place, holding it in place with a simple silver tie clip. I pulled on my suit jacket, securing the button in the front, and slipped on my dress shoes, satisfied with the reflection in the mirror. 

 With no more fussing to be done, I left my room, running down the stairs to the main living room where other pack members would be waiting. I was the only female Alpha this pack and many others have ever seen, I desired to impress the male Alphas who I knew would have high standards of me. This was something my Beta and Delta knew quite well already, they were my right and left-hand men and never let me down when it came to me taking over the pack last year. 

 I saw them eagerly waiting by the big pillars in the entrance to the house and laughed slightly as they caught sight of me. "Thank Goddess", Mike groaned, "Can we get this show on the road please?" I punched him in the gut with enough pressure to wind him and rustled his hair as I walked past him, out the door to the awaiting cars. 

 "Joey, Mike - you're with me in the SUV, everyone else will follow". Following my command, the two idiots behind me clambered into the car as I started the car with excitement and anticipation weighing in my chest. I didn't know what this feeling meant, but it's about time to find out.

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