56: Riley (Trigger Warning)

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An hour had passed since we left the pack house, and my mind was a blur. I couldn't shake the fear I felt inside me, but I didn't let it show on my face. I couldn't appear weak to my subordinates and pack members.

I sat silently in the passenger seat as my dad drove, the car shaking as we traveled down rough, winding roads, the mountains becoming more and more visible in the distance. Mia was traveling with my mom, Heidi and Zoe further back as we led the pack to our destination. Images of possible confrontations with Lugh overwhelmed me, as I tried not to imagine losing my mate to him. She was strong, and so was the pack - we would succeed. We had to.

My focus on the mountains ahead remained steady, and soon enough I could see Don's pack and their trail of cars at the base of some steep forestry ascending the mountain. We couldn't see the cabin from where we were, however, we had reliable intel and a great team that would guide us to our desired location. As the car came to a halt, I took a deep breath in.

With a heavy feeling in my chest, I stepped out of the car and stood before the now large group of approximately twenty people, men and women who were skilled in fighting, intelligence and first aid if needed.

"This is it guys, stay close to me and do not act until I give the go ahead - we have one shot at this, so no fuck ups, okay?"

I received a bunch of solemn hums in confirmation and nodded. "Alright then, the Red Dawn pack will be ascending from the West side, we will take the East - alert either Alpha Don or myself if anything goes wrong, we can't let this bastard get away".

My eyes locked with Don's and he gave me a curt nod and turned to his pack, directing them to the far side of the forestry, as his fighters prepared their weapons. There was nothing to say, we both knew the gravity of the situation.

I turned to my pack to do the same, and watched them as they strapped daggers to their hips, several carrying guns at their side. Typically we didn't fight with weapons, but when going against a God, you need all the help you can get. Strapping a dagger on my own belt, I felt some reassurance in its weight.

I clutched my arm, which continued to burn from the Moon Goddess' mark. It hadn't been long since it appeared, but I had so many questions about it. She said she would be here when we needed her, but so far the only presence she had was the annoying mark on that constantly reminded me of how dire the situation was.

Finally, the last car to arrive pulled up a short distance from us. I knew my mate was in there. Before I could even process, my legs began to move and I was running to the vehicle. When I got closer, my heart broke at the sight of her slumped in my mother's arms, a single tear falling down her cheek. She looked paler than earlier, I knew she didn't have long.

In attempt to get through to her, I tried desperately to mind link her.

"I'm going to fix this princess, I promise - it'll all be over soon".

Although my words were meant to reassure Mia, I felt like I needed that reassurance too. I just wanted to see her open her eyes, I wanted to see life in her again.

I carried that determination with me, placing a quick peck on her head. We needed to move out before her condition worsened. Before I could leave, I felt my mom's hand squeeze mine. I could see she had been crying, and it took all of my strength not to break down too. I knew they would be safe with Zoe and Heidi, I just had to remind myself of the end goal.

"It's going to be okay, I'll be back soon mom".

"Please don't do anything dumb, I can't lose you".

"I'll do my best".

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