13: Mia

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I suppose it wasn't my best choice. It wasn't great of me to drop that bomb on Riley, and just allow slumber to take over me seconds after - but what can I say? I still get worn out just like a human. The gratitude I felt towards my extremely understanding mate was incomparable, and I felt safe and accepted in her arms as I dreamed of our future together for several hours.

I could hear the movie she had playing in the background, but I was aware that her eyes never moved from me. It was cute to be honest, and I fell asleep under her stare. Dreams came to me like a kaleidoscope of wishes and hopes, and I enjoyed letting my mind wander. Hopes of what my future with my mate would look like brought warmth to my body.

After getting a much needed night's sleep, my eyes began to open, and welcome the sunlight that shone through the cracks of the black-out curtains. I adjusted to the daylight peeking in quickly and reached over to the nightstand to groggily put my glasses on.

My body was still in the same position it had been in when I fell asleep. My head was on Riley's chest and I could hear her steady breathing and heartbeat as I became more aware of my surroundings. She was still asleep.

Taking this opportunity to appreciate my love's sleeping face, I propped myself up on my elbows and smiled as I gazed at her, she was perfect. Her tan skin glowed and as time passed, she began to stir, reaching her arms out to me. She was looking for me.

"Baby?" She asked quietly. My mate's morning voice was heavenly and it certainly stirred me up inside. The raspiness in her voice sent shivers through my body. Within seconds her instincts kicked in as she smelled my arousal, and she flipped us over, pinning me to the soft mattress with a wild look in her eyes, her hair cascading around us. "Baby, you told me your heat wasn't for another week", she gawked.

I furrowed my brow, "Yeah, it's not, why?" This was confusing, but as I began to focus on the expression on her face I could feel pressure building between my legs. "It's starting now ", she groaned, "I can smell it". Oh fuck, this is not ideal.

Riley inhaled my scent and let out a low growl, her eyes growing wilder by the second and her teeth growing as her desire to mark me kicked in with every breath. One of her large hands pinned both of mine above my head, and she leaned down to kiss me roughly sending sparks throughout my body.

I could feel my body heat rising and every inch of me began to burn with desire, my wolf begging me to let my mate devour me in every way imaginable. Her lips left mine to gasp for air and her free hand moved to roam under the shirt I had slept in. Her fingers instantly attacked my nipple and I let out a choked moan.

"Please touch me", I begged, "Babe touch me more". By this point, I was writing underneath Riley's body. I struggled to free my hands, to no avail, as her lips traveled to my neck leaving bruises as her hand pushed my shirt up. My back arched feeling her breath on my skin, her lips kissing a path to my other breast. With a guttural growl, Riley leaped back off me, heaving breaths in and pinching her nose, eyes squeezing closed as I scrambled to sit up on the bed.

"We can't do this", she started, "Not like this, not now - I don't want to mark you in the spur of your heat". I pouted, the throbbing in my body starting to intensify as her eyes locked on to me. "I know, I'm sorry", I whimpered - I could tell my pheromones were having a strong effect on her and the guilt was kicking in.

She wouldn't budge from her spot, all the way across the room, even though I knew it went against every instinct she was feeling at that moment. My eyes drifted from hers to her hands, balled in fists by her sides. Blood dripped down from her hands to the floor and my heart stopped when I saw this.

"Riley, love, you're bleeding", I choked. Her eyes slowly pulled off of my body that was now kneeling on the bed and fixed on her hands, where her nails had dug crescent moons into her palms - probably trying to restrain herself.

"I'm okay baby, I promise, I just don't want to hurt you", she whispered through heavy breaths. I didn't realize this was going to be so difficult for her, and my heart broke to see how hard she was fighting her instincts. "I have to leave you though - I can't be around you right now though it's too risky I don't want to do something I regret".

I nodded frantically, tears prickling my eyes. "Ehm, yeah, of course - I understand", I choked, playing with my hair nervously. I didn't want to be separated from her so soon after I found her, but I knew she would not be able to hold back like this. Riley took a deep breath. "I am so sorry baby, this is best for you right now", she reassured. My mate took another step back, holding her breath as much as possible. I could tell this was killing her inside.

"I'll send a few mated pack members to make sure you're okay and protect you for the next few days, nobody is going to hurt you - especially not me baby girl". I nodded and held back my tears. I didn't know if it was the guilt, or the burning pain throughout my body that was bringing on tears, but I was determined to remain composed for Riley.

It hurt that I couldn't hug or kiss my mate goodbye. I just had to watch her back out the door with a comforting smile. "Lock the door once I leave, your pheromones are strong and don't open the door unless it's Zoe or Heidi". I nodded anxiously, my head only stopping once I hurt the door click shut. As Riley had advised, I locked the door behind her, running to her closet to envelope myself in her scent - throwing on a pair of her sweatpants, that needed to be tied tightly around my waist, and a hoodie that covered down to my thighs comfortably.

All I could do now until Zoe or Heidi arrived was comfort myself in the bed my mate had just left, and hope my heat was going to be over quick, so I never had to see Riley hurt herself to control herself again. Making my mind up in the first moments I was alone, I decided that she would never have to hold back around me. I want her to mark me, make me totally and completely hers - I want her.

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