33: Mia

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The next twelve hours flew by in a flurry. I zoned out for most of it, thinking over my life up until my move to my new pack. My parents would freak out if they ever found out about werewolves, witches, and Goddesses being real. I missed them. I knew I had a new family, and a new life here in the States, but nothing compared to my home, my country, my culture. Five years ago I was running around the Irish countryside with tiny bottles of vodka stashed in my bag and laughing as my friends set off fireworks in the dark fields near our homes. They were simpler times. Sometimes. Other times, I was crying in the shower halfway through my second bottle of cheap rosé. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it was only a couple of years. Now, here I was, preparing to be officially announced as Luna to my lifemate, and nobody from my old life even knew I was alive.

I stayed trapped in my thoughts, as people ran around me, throwing silk drapes from arched windows in the ceremony hall on pack territory. I didn't even notice Don and Riley were in front of me until Riley reached for my hand. My body jerked and my eyes snapped up to her, pulling me from my mind. "What's the matter, princess?" She asked, her brow furrowed in worry as she brushed stray hairs behind her shoulder. I managed a faint smile.

"Oh you know", I lilted. "Just thinking". Don shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying to interpret my expression.

"About?" He sighed, raising an eyebrow at me, his height towering over me. I could tell he was pushing for an answer, curious as to what exactly was on my mind that had me so out of it all day. I pursed my lips and played with my fingers, lowering my head and hiding behind my hair.

"How different everything is", I mumbled. "What my family and friends are doing with their lives....just little things". My eyes went out of focus once more, my gaze latching on to the marble patterns in the floor as I felt my body sway slightly as I dissociated once more. I could tell the two Alphas were looking at each other and then at me, struggling to find words to respond with. I shook myself out of my trance, plastering on a smile in hopes this sad feeling would drift away if I carried on with my day. "I'm all good, don't worry, just got curious". My mate nodded, rubbing her thumb over my cheek gently.

"Okay baby", she sighed, pulling me into a hug. "You can talk about it any time you want, you know that, right?" I wrapped my arms around her, nuzzling into her warmth as she held me, kissing the top of my head.

"I know", I nodded. "But for now you lot have work to do". I pulled myself away from my mate's hold reluctantly, beaming at her and setting my thoughts to the very back of my mind. We did in fact have work to do. A lot of it. I hadn't done much all day and felt guilty watching everyone else run around doing the heavy lifting. Every time I tried to lift a box, or stand on a ladder, Ellen almost had a heart attack. She made it very clear that I was to stay clear of the work. Don groaned and trailed off to join the chaos, my mate turned to join him, but I pulled her back to me.

"Hey babe, will you help change my bandage? I wanna see if I can leave the stitches uncovered tonight", I pleaded with a pout, holding both her hands in mine. She looked at the crowds of people running around the room and back to me.

"Anything to get me away from this decorating hell-hole". I smirked and lead her back across the graveled ground to the pack house, swinging open the door with a sigh.

"I don't think I have ever been so tired just watching people work", I groaned. My mate laughed at me with an amused expression as we trailed into the first-floor bathroom. I pulled myself up on the counter, peeling my shirt away from the wound. To be honest it stopped hurting a while ago and I had totally forgotten about the hole in my shoulder. Weird, I know. My mate worked with a concerned look on her face as if she thought she was going to hurt me with the slightest amount of pressure. It was cute to see. She peeled back the gauze that was packed onto the wound and her eyes widened in shock. I panicked instantly. "Hey, don't make that face you're freaking me out". She scoffed and examined me once more.

"What do you mean? You're freaking me out, the hole is gone babe", she almost yelled, staring at me. I could pretty much see the gears in her brain working to figure out what she had just witnessed, and when I looked for myself, I saw she was right.

My brain paused for a moment, and I found myself at a loss for words, my face probably contorting in various forms of confusion. My mouth opened and closed a ridiculous amount of times before I finally had something to say. "Perks of being part Goddess...I guess?" I shrugged in disbelief but shook my shoulder in every direction to test the movement. It felt totally fine. At least it meant no ugly gauze bandage anymore.

My mate remained in shock, but like everything else that had gone on thus far, I tried to remain normal and go with the flow, discarding the bandage and adjusting my clothing. I hopped off the counter, holding her arm as she shook herself out of her dazed state. I shot her a satisfied smile, putting the chaotic thoughts to the back of my mind. Just another day, doing Goddess things. I had a duty to fulfill and I intended on doing so as Luna. I had to remain calm and unwavering. As I moved to exit the bathroom, Riley's arm held me back. She spun me around and met my eyes.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, her gaze piercing into me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, determined to carry myself as any Luna would.

"I'm shaken, but I'm okay, I promise", I breathed wiping my hands off my pants anxiously. Her stare burned into me. "I promise". It wasn't a lie, but I also had just shoved all the bad thoughts to the back of my mind. I suppose I would have to deal with them later. Riley nodded, sensing that this was a conversation for another time. I followed her out of the bathroom to the kitchen where we ran into Ellen and Ray packing the fridge full of champagne and wine.

"Oh perfect timing", Ray clapped, giving me a gentle hug and ruffling Riley's hair. I snorted at the new nest on her head.

"Riley sweetie you both have to say your goodbyes until later you have to go get ready to greet guests", Ellen rushed. She looked like she was in her element although Ray looked worn down from the days events. I guessed he had been given plenty of tasks to complete as he was following his wife like a lost puppy.

"Why can't we see eachother?" Riley inquired, fixing her hair. Ellen rolled her eyes.

"For the grand reveal honey". I pursed my lips in amusement and raised my eyebrows at my mate.

"You heard the woman, go get your cute butt ready, I'll see you later". My mate sighed in defeat.

"Aye aye captain", she saluted jokingly. She leaned in to give me a quick peck and cheekily placed a soft kiss on my hand. She left with a wink, but clearly had more to say. I focused back on Ellen and Ray bickering about the champagne when I heard Riley's voice echo in my mind.

You better be ready for what's in store for you tonight babe, you're mine, and I'm gonna make sure you know.

Hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded in a few days I was busy doing an essay for college! I hope you enjoy this update and hopefully I can update again soon! Let me know what you think in the comments and make sure to vote! I appreciate all feedback! Stay safe and welllll


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