4: Riley

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The two-hour drive to the Red Dawn's land was entertaining and a little unnerving to be honest with you. My hands gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles showing my stress level clearly to my men. By the time I realized how nervous I was, we saw warm lights, illuminating the pack grounds ahead of us, we made it.

I slowly turned in, feeling two encouraging slaps on my shoulder from Mike beside me in the passenger seat, and drove up the long driveway to the pack house, seeing cars dotted everywhere across the estate.

As I parked up close to the large white stone building, I took in its beauty. White granite staircase up to the front door that remained open to guests and I saw that the inside was lit up like it was Christmas, fairy lights and candles as far as the eye could see.

I turned to look at Mike beside me, then at Joey behind me and gave them a small grimace as I sighed. "Alright boys", I groaned. "Let's do this, shall we?" The responses I earned were Joey's enthusiastic "Ay ay", and Mike's "Sure, but I'm not driving us home tonight". All I could muster up was a small chuckle and smile as I stepped out of the car, ensuring that my suit sat nicely as we approached the house.

I couldn't tell what aroma hit me at that moment, but the moment my feet began to move towards the house, I smelled the intoxicating scent of lavender, that felt like home to me. My senses were on high alert, my wolf whining in my mind to hurry up and get inside. I didn't fully understand what was going on, so I ignored my heightened senses, as we stood behind a pack just entering the house.

Just as the last few people entered ahead of us, other members of my pack pulled up and followed behind us, giving me and my men space to head in first and introduce the pack. I briskly walked up the steps, the scent growing stronger and more addictive, as my wolf urged me to pick up my pace - I was struggling to fight against it. So, I didn't.

Leaving my Beta and Delta to scramble behind me, I entered the house and looked to find the source of the scent and as it grew closer, my heartbeat quickened. "Mate", my wolf cried, "It's our mate- find her". With no care left to give I frantically looked around and felt my whole world slow down around me as my eyes caught sight of her. I looked into her eyes and felt the universe shake around me. This was the moment I had been waiting for my entire life, and here it was in front of me.

I could see the realization on her face as well, as I slowly advanced over to her. In fear of my words failing me, I gently took her hand and bent down to leave a kiss on the back of it, savoring the sparks I felt from such a small touch. As I regained my composure and stood up tall once more, Joey and Mike were by my side, clearly understanding and enjoying the situation they had just walked into.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was probably 5'3, a good six or seven inches shorter than me, her whole face glowed and the lights bounced off her pale delicate body like she was sculpted by the Goddess herself. Her red hair sat in perfect curls, that bounced with every tiny movement - and her eyes, captivating grey eyes that became so cutely small when she smiled.

A cough came from beside her and I was taken from my thoughts by the men beside her. The tallest of them grinned knowingly at me, "Alpa Riley Wilson", he guessed. I nodded and shook his open hand. "I'm Don, Alpha of this pack, this is my Beta Pierre and my Delta Lucas, and this lovely lady is Mia Sabine, one of the omegas who ensures we don't die - welcome to the alliance and...good luck tonight". With a small laugh and a quick glance at my mate I decided it was only polite to reciprocate the introduction.

"Thank you for having us, this is my Beta Mike and Delta Joey, uhm, if you need any information they know the ins and outs of everything as well as I do", I hurriedly replied, which was another way of me saying "Hey can I go worship the goddess before me now before I literally stop breathing".

The world around me quietened as I stared at her again, Mia, she was truly breathtaking. Laughter erupted around us. "Okay you two go get acquainted, we'll come to find you later", Delta Lucas sighed once he calmed down from his fit of giggles. Alpha Don slapped his chest as he laughed, nodding to me, and gently nudged Mia in my direction as she fussed with the layers of the gown she wore. 

 The conversation continued between them, but my focus remained solely on the gem before me. Opting to go to a more private area to introduce ourselves, I offered her my arm, which she sheepishly took, a blush rising on her cheeks along with a dazzling smile.

"Suddenly I don't feel like mingling for some reason", I joked as she lead me through the gigantic grey hallway, around the ballroom, and out into the garden outback. "Hmmm, strange, neither do I", she giggled, taking a small look up at me as we strolled. As we made our way out to the garden, she stopped suddenly, letting go of my arm to my disappointment, as she caught sight of a server, and plucked two champagne flutes from a tray.

She eagerly presented me with one. "I suppose we should celebrate, shouldn't we?" She proclaimed. I answered her with a smile as she took my arm once more, guiding me to one of the lavish benches that lined the well-lit patio. Mia shuffled to one side of the bench and sat down, patting the bench beside her to signal me to sit down.

I undid my jacket button quickly and sat as close to her as I could, but left enough room so that I could turn and see her face well in the glow. I leaned towards her slightly, with a smile growing on my lips. "I'm sorry but I just can't wait to hear everything about you, Mia, don't leave me hanging".

With a shy smile, she took a sip from her glass and placed it gently down beside her, "So then, Riley, where would you like me to start?" I could feel in my heart that I was in for the best night of my life so far, as the emptiness in my chest was no longer there, but was filled with hopes for my future with my mate.

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