12: Riley

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Seeing my mate surrounded by my pack members filled me with so much pride, I was ready to burst. My wolf felt content as I stared in awe as Mia mingled and chatted with families, children, and even some of the elders of the pack - she was already fulfilling her role as Luna perfectly.

 I stood with my arm remaining around her waist for the hour or so that introductions were exchanged, and frankly, I was itching to go for a run - and I could tell she was ready to leave. I had never seen her in her wolf form which was exciting me more and more by the second, it was finally time to intervene.

 Using the hand situated on her waist, I gave a small squeeze to grab her attention once the last couple had finished introducing themselves. She looked overwhelmed, to say the least. "So I still have to show you the full pack grounds, how about we ditch?" 

 My mate turned into me with gratitude in her perfect grey eyes, as I fixed a stray red hair behind her ear. "I thought you'd never ask", she beamed. I gave her a small smile before pulling her out of the crowd and into the evening breeze. 

"We can shift and leave our clothes behind the house for when we come back", I told her excitedly, already taking off my jewelry as we approached the back porch of the house. I could sense the atmosphere change, my mate's heart practically stopped for a second as she paused behind me. 

 I spun around taking her hands in mine. "What is it?" I faltered. Mia's eyes remained on the ground and her skin grew cold in my hands. "Baby what's wrong?" I was practically begging as my mate silently moved to sit on the day bed by the back door. She let out a sigh and when she finally lifted her head, I saw her eyes were glassy with tears. 

 "I can't shift", she choked. "I'm not like you". My brain paused in confusion, but my instinct kicked in and within a second I was sat beside my mate, pulling her body into my lap - feeling the cold from the wind on her body. "What do you mean, you can't shift - are you sick, is something wrong?" I begged. 

 Mia's tears fell silently for a few seconds. "I told you that I was turned a few years ago", she started. I nodded in understanding, signaling her to continue. "I was born with a human body, a human constitution, and although I have wolf blood, instincts - I mean I'm an omega....despite those things my body doesn't fully change, it just can't".

 My jaw dropped slightly and guilt wracked through my body, I hadn't really thought about this before. "So you only have some wolf characteristics...you can't shift at all", I summarised. She let out a shaky sigh. "Yep, I still get really cold, I get sick just like a human, I don't heal fast at all...the only things that really changed were getting ranked an omega and my sense of smell, my hearing is improved - my eyesight is awful though". 

 My brain was still processing this as my mate leaned into my chest and my hands ran over her exposed waist, which was freezing. "Shit, you do get really cold", I laughed. She slapped my arm with a small grin, "What are you going to tell your pack? They just met their Luna and she's not a proper wolf". I scoffed at the question and picked my mate up, one arm supporting her back, the other holding her legs as she looped her arms around my neck. 

 I kissed her lips softly and pulled away. "I am going to tell our pack that their Luna is someone they should look up to, no matter her rank, or whether she was born a wolf or not. Simple", I assured her. She gave me a beaming smile and my anxious wolf finally settled. She may not be able to shift, but she is still perfect to me. My perfect little mate. 

 "Okay, time for the proper tour, my lady", I cooed. Gently setting Mia on her feet, I linked my fingers with hers and double-checked that she was okay and thankfully, I saw a smile on her face. "Show me the way, my love", she encouraged. We set off to the west side of the pack land, I made sure it was well lit for when the evenings got darker, and I was thankful for it now as I lead Mia around all the gravel streets, where many of the pack members' houses were.

She listened intently for the long walk, even though I knew it was tiring her out. We had introduced her to the pack earlier in the day which took two hours, and here we were strolling around the vast pack grounds into the evening. Although it was a spring evening, the darkness came quite early, and I could sense that my mate was now both tired and cold as she shivered beside me.

 "I think it's time to call it a day, you are going to catch a cold like that", I started. My mate opened her mouth to start a response, but instead, a yawn erupted, I laughed a little, "And you need some sleep, you met a lot of people, you need some time to process". She nodded tiredly in agreement and raised her arms beside me, looking at me with heavy eyes. "Carry me", she asked cutely. 

 Knowing I could never say no to my mate, I scooped her up in my arms easily with delight and began the trek back to the pack house. She placed quick pecks on my cheek as I walked and hummed in my ear quietly, I loved it. Everything about her is so inviting and addicting. 

 As we approached the pack house, I could tell no one else had returned for the night - Joey and Mike were probably still with the rest of the pack, celebrating the arrival of their Luna. Mia was twirling strands of my hair in her fingers, quite comfortable in my arms as I pushed open the door and carried her up the stairs. 

 We made it upstairs quickly, and I was glad to see that my mate's rosy cheeks were returning to their normal color as she warmed up inside. I set her down on the edge of the bed and she let out a series of yawns as she kicked her shoes off. "Okay sleepy head, time to change for bed - do you mind if I turn on a movie while you get some shut eye?" I asked as I disappeared into my closet to change into some basketball shorts, opting to sleep in just my sports bra since I always ran quite warm.

 "Of course I don't mind my love", she quipped. "Can I sleep in your shirt though?" I smiled at this request, taking the shirt I had just removed with me as I left my closet. "You sure can babe". I handed my white shirt to her as she trotted to her own closet, only needing a few seconds to change into some pajama shorts and my shirt.

 It was insanely cute and big on her petite body, and I savored the view before me as she climbed into the bed beside me. I lay on my back, head propped up on some pillows and my arms wound around Mia. Her head was comfortably laid on my chest and arms wrapping around me and her leg thrown between mine and she grew quiet. 

 I stared down at my mate, her eyes were closed softly as she welcomed sleep - but, to my surprise, they sprung open. "Fuck, I forgot to tell you", she groaned. "I do get a heat cycle". My eyes widened - I hadn't thought of that either. "When does it start?" I asked in a panic. She remained in her comfortable position, not moving an inch. "Next week", she replied. 

 With that confession, her eyes closed once more and she let sleep take her. She looked content and peaceful, and although I was overjoyed to see that - I was now mentally preparing and worrying about next week's chaos. My mate was already so tempting, I couldn't even imagine what her heat would do to me.

 It was time to say my prayers to the Moon Goddess - next week I would be totally and utterly fucked. 

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