35: Riley

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The evening progressed pretty smoothly, which I honestly wasn't expecting. Everyone (Joey and Mike) was on their best behavior, mingling with others in the vast crowds that surrounded the long tables and dance floor. Mia had been running around like a headless chicken trying to formally introduce herself to important figures in different packs. I felt for her. When I had become Alpha I had to do the same and it was exhausting trying to smile all the time and laugh along with whatever someone says. I stood leaning against one of the marble columns in the room, trying to focus on the conversation that was going on around me, while my mate finished up her duties.

"Come on dude", Pierre sighed sympathetically, slapping Joey on the back. "You know you'll find your mate when you least expect it, you can't force these things". Both men wore pained expressions, and my heart went out to them. I had gotten so lucky with finding Mia when I did. I was so close to giving up, but then I found her and my whole life changed.

"Guys, these things will happen when the Moon Goddess wills it, your time will come, I promise you that", Don said, pointing his half-empty bottle of beer at the guys. I nodded in agreement, but felt I had nothing to contribute, so I remained in my thoughts, wondering about the unmated people around me.

"I guess you're right, this just sucks", Joey sniffled, shaking off the conversation as he sipped at his beer. My eyes scanned the room once more, searching for my mate. Panic flowed through me when I couldn't spot her. I couldn't smell her either. I shoved my bottle into Pierre's hands as he shot me an inquisitive look.

"Where is Mia? She's supposed to be here at all times unless I give an order otherwise". I rushed around the hall, squeezing around crowds to look for my mate's scarlet hair. I heard a yell behind me and felt Don's hand grip my shoulder.

"Cool down there Alpha, she's just by the door with your parents", he chuckled, spinning me around to see my mate in a group hug with my parents, laughing while they bickered. My heart instantly settled, my blood pressure returning to normal as I marched over, pulling her against me.

"You scared the shit out of me", I breathed, inhaling the scent of her lavender shampoo as I closed my eyes. She let out a giggle and wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't worry I wouldn't skip out without telling you anything", she beamed. "I'm just taking a breather, I'm exhausted already". I felt for her, those heels must be killing her feet and she must be constricted in such a tight dress. I really needed to stop thinking about that dress, it was dangerous to say the least.

"Good, we need to be vigilant if we're going to make this plan work", I sighed, wishing things could just be normal for once. I smoothed down my clothes as we stood in silence, analysing the chatting crowds. It was nice to see my allies at such a turbulent time, it allowed me to really see that I had so much support.

We had hired some pack members to play music for the night. Mostly classical but some variations on modern classics too, it was calm and not too overwhelming which I enjoyed. The music quickly turned to another modern song, the strings of the violins softly playing in harmony. I turned to my mate, bent down and kissed the back of her hand. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

She blushed and smiled at me. "Of course my dear Alpha". With her hand in mine, we moved to the dance floor, many others following. She stood before me in her five inch heels, still a decent amount shorter than me. I placed my hands securely on her waist, feeling her shiver at the contact as she wrapped both of her arms around my neck as we swayed to the music peacefully. We were in our own world, it was like no one else existed in the moment. I didn't want it to end.

"You know", she drawled, leaning her head on to my shoulder. "I really, really like it here". I lifted her chin up, to gaze into her sea green eyes.

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