52: Riley

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I wasn't too surprised by Mia's announcement of a party to be honest. She had reason to celebrate; she was reuniting with essentially her family. In light of the occasion, the rest of the day was spent chasing Mia around the pack grounds while she frantically informed various people of the joyous event.

Finally, the day had arrived. My mate had risen with the sun and I found myself alone when I woke, to my disappointment. I pushed the covers off of my body, and shuffled groggily to the bathroom. I remained half asleep while I showered, emerging soon after to prepare for the day. The plan was to welcome members of the Red Dawn pack and have a barbeque, since it was one of the last days of summer.

Memories of the last party for the Luna ceremony we held flooded into my mind, and I recalled images of my mate's frantic appearance as she fought. It scared me but, I was damn proud of how she acted as a Luna. My fear turned to a smile as I recalled her badass skills, and the bastard Kyle who was quite quickly swallowed by the earth thanks to her power.

I decided to shake off these thoughts while I got dressed, carefully putting on black slacks and a short sleeve white button up. I combed out my long hair in annoyance and threw it up in a slick bun, before setting off down the stairs. I was unable to distinguish between conversations throughout the house, due to the massive amount of hustle and bustle in each room. I hurried down the last steps of the marble stair case and darted straight into the kitchen where my mom and Mia stood.

My arms wound around my mate's waist with a squeeze and she turned around to grace me with a dazzling smile. I glanced over her outfit, a long white sundress with puffy sleeves and a long skirt, paired with sparkling new red converse to match her curled hair.

"Good morning cutie", she hummed, shutting the open fridge which was conveniently full to the brim with beer, champagne and various other alcoholic beverages.

I laughed at the sight. "You sure there's enough alcohol?"

My mate and mom rolled their eyes in unison. My mom gave my shoulder a light nudge.

"Ha ha, very funny. You know this pack likes to drink my dear".

I snorted. "You mean you like to drink dear mama". Mia giggled at our interaction, as my mom huffed in amusement and ran her fingers through her dark brown hair that matched my own.

Taking a seat at the kitchen island, I glanced around the open space, my eyes drifting to the shining new patio door. "Huh, I wonder if we're gonna need another remodel after this party too".

My joke was received with slightly amused glares from both my mother and mate. "Although", Mia mused. "I wouldn't be surprised if Pierre or Lucas end up destroying the place, they are not good with alcohol - despite you know, the whole wolf thing".

She stood across from me, behind the sink, wiping down the counter tops.

"Well I heard from a little, or big birdy rather, that you my dear are the one we should be worried about when alcohol is involved". I hid my smirk as I waited for a response.

Her hands stopped moving and she struggled to hold back a smile.

"I'm not that bad. In my youth, I was known to black out quite often - but in comparison to those two idiots, I'm the responsible one".

The kitchen erupted in laughter, and my mother tried to get words out between fits of laughter. Her hand slapped her thighs, trying to calm down.

"In fairness, Mia is technically a human, just with omega wolf attributes".

"Yeah, that's right, you tell her Ellen".

I reached over the island, tickling my mate's stomach in response. She jumped away with a cute yelp and swatted her hand in my direction with a pout.

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