49: Riley (18+)

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Since waking up after the strange series of events the night previous, I felt a sinking anxiety in my chest, which overwhelmed my senses and prevented me from thinking straight. My thoughts and eyes automatically drifted to my mate. How her cheeks were always a little rosy after waking up, making her look more innocent than she actually was; how enticing the curve of her hips looked, and along with this, an obscene amount of indecent images circulated through my brain. Despite my unshakeable awareness that Godly interference was the most important issue at hand, I couldn't take my focus off of her.

The anxiety and desire grew minute by minute, as I followed my mate down the stairs to the second floor offices, my eyes fixed on the sway of her ass as she rushed to the meeting. Her smell, her body, her voice - all of my senses were focused on her, and although she was oblivious, it felt like she was teasing or provoking me. I decided to mind link my Beta, informing him that today's meeting would be a short one. I was running low on patience.

"Hey asshole don't drag this meeting on, or I'm gonna lose it". Silence ensued until we reached the last step of the stairs.

"Sure thing Boss - womanly issues?"

I rolled my eyes at his words, which were evidently laced in sarcasm.

"Watch it Mike".

Before I knew it, I was sitting at my desk, cracking my knuckles and bouncing my knee to try to dispel the feelings taking over my senses. Mike smirked in my direction and I had to stop myself from flinging the desk lamp at his smug face. I held back my annoyance and simply prayed to the Moon Goddess that the bastard would be blue balled for all of eternity.

I had never experienced anything like this. I was notoriously calm and collected, I could usually control my feelings, especially my desire - but ever since marking Mia, it had gotten more difficult to ignore the temptation to make a mess of her wherever we were. If I didn't control myself, I would end up throwing Mia over my shoulder and leaving - meeting or no meeting.

Despite trying to push these feelings down for the duration of the meeting, my brain continued to figure out the cause of my uneasiness. Was I just anxious? Was I paranoid? No, the answer was - I was stupid.

After way too much thought on my part, I figured it out. It was the simplest, and most obvious explanation of all. It was my rut.

I had never experienced a rut before, usually it only happened to mated Alphas, and this would be my first experience - although from hearing Zoe and Heidi's experience, I knew that this was going to be a rough couple of days. Most likely more rough for Mia than for me.

Images of my mate under me and her face contorted in pleasure stuck in my mind, and her beautiful moans rang in my ears. I wanted to hear them. I wanted to dominate her.

I continued to ignore these feelings as the meeting continued. With tense hands, I showed everyone the new mark on my arm and continued on auto-pilot until the heat throughout my body was unbearable and conversation was a muted hum in my ears. I struggled to hold it together. With everything said and done, I ended the meeting, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Great, I did it. I finished the meeting - the bare fucking minimum. I held in my frustration once more.

"Mike, Joey - I need you to train anyone who is willing to learn until Zoe and Heidi return, mom, dad, I need you to research what this mark means".

The sinking feeling throughout my body overwhelmed me and I couldn't speak in fear of scaring my mate. I mind linked my parents, and the two idiots smirking in my direction.

"All of you leave, take everyone out of this house and do not come back until I tell you to".

My parents looked at one another, with funny grins on their faces, nodding at me before leaving. My Beta and Delta held back laughter, hiding their faces from Mia's view. They probably guessed what was going on.

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