44: Mia

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 Although I seemed pretty damn confident about this whole situation, I was sort of shitting my pants at my newfound reality and I could see Riley analyzing my face as we strolled up the driveway to the familiar house I had once lived in. Usually Alphas and their mates dressed in business or formal attire when visiting other pack houses, but clearly that rule went out the window for us, as Riley confidently wore her black sweats and an oversized green tee. I, on the other hand, chose to wear baggy blue jeans and a cream cardigan, burying myself in the baggy fabric and hoping no one would be able to see my heart pounding out of my chest. I kicked gravel as I walked, my eyes stuck to the ground. I hadn't been here in a while and I would be lying if I said it didn't feel weird to knock on the big white door I used to run down the stairs to answer every day. My mate moved forward, knocking without hesitation, and soon the door swung open to reveal the face of my dearest annoying pal, Pierre. He looked like shit. 

 "Oi", I started, some of my anxiety leaving my body. "The fuck happened to you?" He groaned at me, his body leaning on the open door as he stood before us in only underwear and socks. Riley snorted at his appearance, her hand slipping into mine. 

 "Someone went too hard on the booze I see", she taunted as Pierre eyed us with an annoyed look. He pulled the door open further, and gestured for us to come in. The house seemed eerily quiet as we entered, the marbled white tile sparkling as if it was freshly polished. It was an unusual sight. 

 "Don is in his office upstairs with the other dickhead". I nodded turning to look at him as he tugged at his blonde hair. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to chug my weight in coffee - before I succumb to my hangover". With that, he slammed the door shut and dragged himself through the house to the kitchen, which looked like it had been revamped since I was there last. Riley squeezed my hand, pulling my focus back to the task at hand as we climbed up one of the two massive staircases in the hallway. 

 The dark brown wooden door to Don's office was left wide open, and I could clearly see a small group waiting for us inside. Don, Lucas, and two unfamiliar women sat in various seats around the room, engaged in hushed conversations that I couldn't pick up on. My feet stopped and I remained stuck at the top of the stairs, my sweaty hand latching on to Riley's with a death grip as nerves shot through me. I knew this was going to be a really weird conversation and I was getting pretty sick of 'weird' after everything that had happened. 

 My mate turned to look at me with a worried expression as soon as I faltered, unsure of how to console me as my fight or flight kicked in. Her solution, however, definitely worked. With a firm hold, she took my face in her hands and smashed her soft lips against mine unexpectedly. The air in my lungs left me and I soon melted into the kiss, familiar sparks and tingles erupting inside me and I was becoming increasingly aware of a blush creeping onto my cheeks as she pulled away, leaving me in a calm, dazed state. 

 "What was that for?" I breathed, shaking myself out of my shock. Riley just grinned and ran a thumb over my bottom lip, her smile growing as my breath caught in my throat from the sensation. I was starting to heat up head to toe, wishing her lips were still on mine. 

 "Your nerves were starting to freak me out so I decided to reset you", she shrugged, smiling. I furrowed my brow in slight confusion and shook my head, breaking into a beaming smile before we heard footsteps coming towards us. Riley turned to look over her shoulder, and I stood on my toes to see Don leaning in the doorway with an expectant look. 

 "You two kids ready?" The mood instantly became serious and I inhaled a deep breath to settle myself before we followed him into the office, the creaky door swinging shut behind us. Don took a seat behind his large oak desk, maps and papers tossed around and crumpled. Riley comfortably settled in a large armchair beside the two strange, identical young women who wore solemn looks and all-white attire, their piercing grey eyes looking as if they could see into my head. I panicked and went between sitting and standing four separate times while silence settled over the room. Eventually, I just dropped down on one of the leather sofas, allowing my hair to fall around my face to hide my embarrassment. Riley's hand stretched out and rested on the small of my back, rubbing comforting circles that soothed my chaotic brain. 

 "So", Don started with a sigh. "Alpha Riley, Luna Mia - this is Abigail and Jacinda, they're local witches that the pack has worked with over the years". My mate gave a curt nod and I greeted them with a small wave as they finally smiled at me. Don had never mentioned anything about working with witches in the past, and although I was curious, it wasn't the time to get into that. 

 The slightly fairer woman, Jacinda leaned forward. "Miss Mia", she bubbled. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My sister and I practice witchcraft derived from Celtic tradition - once we heard that Lugh might have a daughter close by, we had to come to meet you". Riley sat up, curious at what the witch had just said. 

 "Wait, you know about this guy?" She frowned, her eyes flickering between the two witches and her hand stopping its movements on my back. I held back a pout, I was really enjoying that. 

 "Of course, Lugh was our patron when we first started practicing, now we work with him from time to time", Abigail chimed in, tucking her black hair behind her ear. My jaw dropped slightly and my head snapped towards Don. 

 "Oi, did you know any of this when you called me?" Don shook his head, his hands clasped together in front of his face as his elbows leaned on the wooden desk. 

 "Nah I just learned about this a few minutes ago", he admitted. I relaxed a little, turning back for further explanations. Abigail cleared her throat and continued. 

 "Our family has been protected by Lugh for centuries, he ensures our safety in exchange for the ability to walk the earth once more". My jaw dropped. "As you know the Gods disappeared from civilization after war and invasion kept rolling on to the island of Ireland millennia ago. We cloak his presence on earth, in exchange for his magic, which protects us and allows us to practice". 

 "So, you know my 'dad', who has essentially paid you to be able to fuck his way around the world?" I was met with hesitant and quizzical nods, everyone's heads turning to look at me, waiting for me to say something else. 

 "Well then, where is he and what does he want? Why is he reaching out now? I was doing perfectly fine without him". Frustration bubbled inside me, mixed with my now constant anxiety and I wanted to stand up, walk out of the room and forget about this whole thing. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't an option. I shot a pleading look at Riley, who stared at me with worry as our new witch company hummed and mumbled. 

 "We can't say", Jacinda sighed, flattening her white smock, trying to avoid meeting my eyes. "But, we know his approximate whereabouts". 

 "Well, tell us". Riley leaned forward, taking over the conversation. This allowed me to sink into a strange numbness and zone out, dissociating from the situation before I freaked out. I slouched in the chair, barely blinking, as the conversation continued. 

 The sisters fumbled with their bony fingers, elbowing each other to decide which one would speak next. A low growl came from my mate, pulling me back to the moment and I saw Don eye her nervously. He spoke before she could say anything to his witch buddies. 

 "He's camping out in a cabin at the base of the mountains, two hours south of here", he breathed, shooting an apologetic look at me. He could have easily told me this ten minutes ago, but I remained sitting there with rage boiling inside me. I sat up, burying my head in my hands with a groan. 

 "This was a very long-winded way of telling me to go fucking find out for myself", I mumbled, pulling myself out of the comfortable couch cushions. Riley stood with me, a pissed-off look on her face and I'll be honest, I probably looked furious too. My eyes met Don's, ensuring he knew we'd talk later. I spun on my heel as we walked out the door, flashing a plastered-on smile at Abigal and Jacinda as they said goodbye. I felt bad for behaving like a brat in front of them, they did seem like pretty nice girls.

 "Well ladies, I apologize for the dramatics - one tends to fly into an unpredictable rage when faced with 'daddy' issues". They managed a small giggle and smile at my attempt at humor and I turned to my mate. "Back to God hunting we go". Her fingers laced in with mine. 

 "Happy hunting", Jacinda waved as we marched out of the room in a determined manner. 

Happy hunting indeed. 

Hiiiii guys I know it's been a couple of days since I last posted, I've had a rough few days and I'm only starting to feel better. I apologise if this isn't the best chapter, but still let me know what you think, I always appreciate your feedback in the comments! I hope I'll be back soon with another, better update. Stay safe and well

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