43: Riley

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I definitely wasn't expecting that. I had been calmly basking in the world of my dreams for obviously quite a while, surprised to wake up without my mate's body beside me. Usually, I was the first one to rise in the morning, and I'll be honest I didn't like how cold the bed felt without her clinging to me. When I eventually gathered myself enough to wander out of our room in sweats and a hoodie, I was met with absolute chaos. My eyes were still barely open when I stumbled upon my mate marching out of my second-floor office, clearly on a mission. I stopped in my tracks as she saw me. 

 "So, I think my dad is the god of war and we really need to find him". My eyes shot open and my brow furrowed as I tried to process this information, deciding to pull Mia back into my office. My eyes trailed over her figure hungrily, but I shook it off and shifted my focus to the insanity that was my life now. I took a seat behind the desk and gestured for her to sit. She shook her head, bouncing her foot off the floor, an anxious aura exuding from her body. It was just a little bit unsettling. 

 "What are you talking about?" I quizzed, fighting back a yawn. I had been up all of five minutes, but clearly the supernatural never rests. 

 "I had a chat with Don and there is a fuck ton of stories, rumors, and hearsay on the possibility that the god of war, Lugh, is out there fathering children across the globe". My mate practically panted with nerves, shaking the books and papers she held in her arms at me as if this all made sense. 

 "But you have a dad", I replied skeptically, twirling a pen in my hand, fighting off the desire to have my mate sit in my lap. Mia sighed and flopped down in a leather chair opposite my desk. 

 "I know". I leaned my elbows on the desk, the gears in my head struggling to work. I was more of a fighter, a punch first, ask questions later sort of girl - this shit was definitely not my strong suit.

 "Surely there would be some sort of sign", I mused. "You know, like a divine sign". My mate slid down in the chair in defeat, still clutching the bundle of papers to her chest, her fingers picking at the skin on her hands in an anxious manner. 

 "I mean, there have been some signs". My eyes widened and I stood in shock. As far as I was aware the whole magical blood thing was my mate's crazy shot in the dark to connect to a higher power, not some sign from a god to go and stab herself in the hand.

 "What? You never said anything", I pressed, slightly pissed that she had hidden this from me and pissed that this motherfucker made her slice her own hand open. She nodded in understanding and stood. 

 "I know", she mumbled. "It's just that...it's not really easy to tell anyone about the weird voice in my head - I just sound crazy". My anger and annoyance flew out the window and I felt myself understanding her instead of judging her. I reached a hand out and swiped my thumb gently across her cheek, managing a small and encouraging smile. 

 "When you guys were dealing with the rogues, I felt helpless", she confessed, her eyes not meeting mine. "I was just staring as you fought and waiting for the worst to happen...". Her voice trailed off as she began to lift her head slightly. 

 "What happened?" My curiosity had obviously been piqued the day it all went down, but after a couple of days, I pushed it to the back of my mind, deciding it was just another issue that would resolve itself. Clearly, I was wrong. Mia swung her head to look out the office door, scanning for any signs of eavesdroppers, and deemed it safe to continue. 

 "The more helpless I felt, the angrier I got. That's when I kept hearing these whispers, like a power calling out to me. At first, I thought it was the Earth Goddess, Danu, but as it got clearer it sounded like a man's voice. After that I just let the power come to me, and it was like everything made sense - I just knew what I had to do". Her voice came out panicked as if she feared recalling the events of that night. I placed my hands on her cheeks, steadying her shaky form as her eyes finally gazed into mine. 

 "What did the voice say baby?" I asked, hoping that I wouldn't get some haunted-doll-type answer. I could get down with most supernatural entities, but I sure as hell did not fuck with haunted shit. 

 "It just kept saying draíocht, fuil agus díoltas - magic, blood and revenge", her voice whispered, as if she was explaining it to herself. Her face contorted in thought, silence falling over us for a few seconds and suddenly she tensed. "How could I be so dense? It makes perfect sense". My mate began to pace around the room, leaving me standing in my almost permanent state of confusion. I felt extremely dumb.

 "Care to explain?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked me up and down, opening her mouth as if she was about to speak and closing her lips just as fast. She marched towards me, took hold of my hand, and pulled me towards our bedroom. Once we were in the door, she steered me towards my closet, tossing clothes at me as she rushed to change.

 "Yep. As soon as we get in the car, we need to go to Don's. Now". I raised my hands in surrender and listened to her, not able to make sense of her behavior, but hoping I would get that explanation soon. Within minutes we were both dressed and put together as much as possible, although I have to admit I stayed in sweats and lazily left my hair down, knowing it was probably tangled as fuck. 

 It didn't take long for us to hop in the car and begin our journey to the Red Dawn's territory. I was full of questions but didn't need to ask, as Mia instantly began her lecture on how exactly she knew her 'dad' was this weird revenge-obsessed god of war. I drove with one hand on the wheel, the other latched on to her cold thigh as she rambled through her speech, looking as if she had just downed way too much espresso. 

 "Lugh was one of the magical people of the Tuatha Dé Danann, that explains the magic part - he has lots of myths in relation to magic. Check. He also killed a king named Bres by using magical blood to poison him, which explains the blood part. Check", her breath came out ragged as we drove over bumps and around sharp bends. Her hand clasped mine on her leg. "He also killed a guy for revenge after one of his wives had an affair - he was absolutely dead set on revenge". 

 "Check", I added. I was beginning to understand the full picture, but I still had many questions that I wasn't sure Mia could answer. She already looked troubled, so I kept them to myself for the time being but made a silent pact to myself to get her far away from her the moment the situation got hairy. I knew she could defend herself, but this was a whole unknown world we were stepping into. The gods had remained hidden for millennia for a reason. Now that one had come out of hiding, knocked up some mortals, and tried speaking to their child, it could only mean trouble - and my mate would be at the center of it. I had to stay vigilant and be prepared to sacrifice my life for Mia if it came down to it.

 "So", I finally spoke, not daring to let my uncertainty show. "We have a good idea about your possible magical God dad - what now?" I was dreading the answer to my own question as we began to pull up to Don's house, parking right in front of the house. We sat in silence for a minute, before Mia looked at me with fire in her eyes. 

 "Now, we hunt down the son of a bitch and see what he wants with me".

Hey guysss, I feel like this chapter isn't great, I'm struggling at the minute but I hope you all still enjoyed! Let me know what you think in the comments, I appreciate any and all feedback and I am so so so grateful for the love and support! Stay safe and well!

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