9: Mia

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After lots of hugs, tears, and well wishes, I knew it would hurt my heart to leave the pack that had been my home for the past four years - but I knew leaving my mate's side for a moment would hurt even more. Since I turned I had always been needy, clingy, and anxious when those I was close to disappeared for any period of time. My mate was no exception.

As we stood surrounded by my pack members - or former pack members, should I say, I squeezed Riley's hand, renewing my confidence in my decision to leave with her after just meeting her. As a turned wolf, my body was more delicate than those who were born into wolf blood. I was a little bit slower, weaker, and less aware than the wolves around me and my body only changed closer to the full moon - and many in the pack referred to my 'condition' as being only 'semi-functional' as a wolf.

This meant that leaving my mate may be more physically painful than emotionally painful for me. My wolf and my human sides both desired to be held by our mate. I want her, now and forever. "Well, my love", I sang, "Let's go home". With a squeeze of my hand, she led me out the door with both Mike and Joey following suit as we waved back at the crowd forming out the front of the pack house.

I would miss it. How could I not? It had been a whirlwind of a night and my life had just done a 180 spin, if I was still human this would be deemed irresponsible - but I'm not human anymore and this is how the werewolf world works.

We approached the black SUV quickly and Riley hurried to open my door and help me in, ensuring my seat belt was fastened before walking to the driver's side and hopping in. Very chivalrous to say the least. She quickly settled herself in and gave me one last questioning look as if to ask 'are you sure this is what you want?'

"Hey, I have a new home to settle in to and it's already one in the morning - let's go", I laughed, crushing any doubt she had about bringing me home with her. She laughed with me and her face released the tension it had been holding as she smiled and began to drive away from the house, all of us waving at the figures as they became smaller and smaller.

"I don't think I've ever been this excited in my life", my mate confessed. Excitement was buzzing through the car as she kept one hand on the wheel and used her free hand to link our fingers as she drove. "Me neither, if I'm being honest", I admitted. I couldn't wait to see my new home, make new friends, and have a new role in the Moon Creek pack.

"Every single person we spoke to tonight spoke highly of your cooking, so, uh, you're on dinner tomorrow Mia", Mike bantered. I looked back and shot him a confident look, "Sure thing". I turned my head further to see Joey passed out asleep, legs laying over Mike and his bright covered in drink and food stains as he snored lightly. I could tell this guy was a character alright.

Looking back at my mate, whose eyes were focusing on the road ahead of her, I admired her features again. Her striking brown eyes, arched brows, sharp cheekbones, and plump lips that made me want to kiss her, as her expression tensed and relaxed on and off as she drove. This is the face I will get to see for the rest of my life and I thanked the Moon Goddess for giving me such a perfect mate.

As the silence in the car quickly hit me, my eyes grew heavy and I pulled Riley's jacket over my body like a blanket and sunk further into my seat, thankful for the heating in the car. I soon drifted into a dreamless sleep and in what felt like no time I felt a gentle hand on my face. I woke with a small yawn and saw the time on the car dash - it was 3 am.

I turned to look at Riley who was laughing quietly at my sleepy state and slowly pulled myself out of the car with her help, stretching out my stiff limbs as I took in the scene around me. "Welcome home", she said, wrapping her arms around me from behind.

My eyes widened at the house as my sight fell upon it. It was a large three-story house, with neutral stone covering the outside as warm light shone illuminating it. Gray brick paved the driveway we began to walk up and my amazement grew by the second.

"Holy shit this place is gorgeous", I breathed. My mate took her hands away from my body to my dismay. "I know, and it's your new home...our home". I looked into her eyes and felt myself slip into a trance at the love they held. "Come on, time to go have a look inside", she encouraged. I nodded enthusiastically and as soon as my foot began to move forward, Riley began to protest. "No, no way - I'm supposed to carry you over the threshold, my Luna", she whined.

Within a second, strong arms were under my legs and supporting my back as she pulled me into her arms with a satisfied grin. "Well I'm certainly not complaining", I giggled, pulling her face towards me for a soft kiss. She moaned slightly into my lips.

Realizing the situation that we would find ourselves in if we continued, we pulled away smiling like idiots, as she walked forward towards the readily opened gray door. We entered the house, over the threshold and I was gently set down on my feet as I took in the layout of the house.

"It's stunning", I admired. "It's so open, so spacious - the acoustics must be insane". The open plan first floor was centered by two staircases going up to the second floor and on the left side was a gigantic black and white-themed kitchen and on the right a sleek white living area.

"You would be exactly right", Joey said as she shook his sleepy state off. "Uhm, we're gonna head to bed for the night and we'll be up bright and early to properly welcome you and give you the grand tour of the house and territory". I nodded in appreciation and found myself happily confused as the Beta and Delta pulled me into a warm hug and proceeded to run up the stairs to the second floor, already half stripping off their suits for the night.

"I suppose we should probably do the same", Riley chimed, pulling me into her side, placing a kiss on my head. I hummed tiredly in response. I would love to see the entire house, but I was fighting sleep off as I stood in the brightly lit space. Sleep sounded good.

A calm silence lingered over us for a second as we approached the stairs. "Uh..so no pressure, like, at all, but do you want me to take the couch tonight or what would you prefer?" She asked in a panic. I shot her a sleepy grin. "No, no couch, I wanna sleep with you, if that's okay", I replied. I was far too tired to hold any reservations about sharing a bed, I just wanted to fall asleep in her arms.

With a happy nod, my mate took my hand and gently pulled me up one flight of stairs, through a door which she hastily locked, and up another flight of stairs to a gigantic bedroom that took up the whole third floor. It was like something from a dream.

The walls and decor were black and neutral colors, on the darker side and a warm hue fell over the room as the fireplace in the corner warmed the space. On either side of the room, there were two doors, leading to the bathroom, a living/movie room, and two closets - I'm guessing Riley thought about having a mate in advance. How cute.

I wandered over to the queen-sized bed in the center of the room and flopped down on the soft sheets with a sigh. I was exhausted. "Well, what do you think?" she asked as she pulled me off of the bed and into a hug. "I think I have never been this comfortable in my life, have fun getting me out of here in the morning", I joked. "We'll see", she laughed. "Come on let's get you ready for bed".

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