42: Mia

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It was dawn again by the time we had both settled down for the night and I laughed to myself as I stared at mate, passed out and snoring lightly as she slept, clearly very satisfied with her work. I had slept a few hours, but woke with the sun and felt like I had rested enough, so I swung my trembling legs over the side of the bed, smacking my forehead with a giggle as I tried to stand. The muscles in my thighs and calves wanted to give out and leave me in a heap on the floor, but I leaned on whatever I could use to keep me upright.

This was pretty entertaining - and hot. Riley really did a thorough job. I shook out my muscles and stumbled to my closet, pulling on a baggy white shirt and grey gym shorts, deciding that comfort was definitely going to be key for my recovery. I twisted my hair into a messy bun and carelessly secured it on top of my head, looking somewhat like a hedgehog, and proceeded to slowly tread out of the room, cringing as I stared at the two flights of steep stairs in front of me. I lifted one foot to start my descent and heard a door open on the second floor, looking to see Mike coming out of his office, stifling back a yawn. He paused when he saw me and instantly smiled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Goddess", he laughed. "You need some help there Mia?" I laughed with him, landing my foot down and gripping on to the railing beside me.

"Nope", I declined with a pop. "All good thanks". He rolled his eyes at me.

"Suit yourself - but I'm not gonna take the blame when you fall". I shrugged in response and carried on my ridiculous waddling down each flight of stairs until I reached the ground floor. Mike followed behind me, sighing at my pace. He said he didn't care, but I could tell otherwise. Finally getting impatient with my slow hobbling, I felt his two hands on my shoulders, steering me into the kitchen where Joey was engaged in conversation with Riley's parents. If they were aware of what went on the night before, they didn't show it.

 Ellen beamed at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and giving me a gentle squeeze. "Good morning honey", she greeted warmly. I smiled at her motherly love and greeted her back.

"Morning". The kitchen had a calm atmosphere, and I gazed around looking at the repaired or replaced furniture and appliances. The large glass table that once sat across from the kitchen was now replaced with a long ebony wood dining table. Joey sat at it shoveling bacon into his mouth.

"I'm sorry", I mumbled guiltily, my eyes glued to the floor. "It was my fault the house got destroyed and I wasn't even here to help fix it up". Ray clapped a hand on my shoulder, vigorously shaking his head.

"No way is this your fault kid", he protested. "I mean - you're 'divine intervention' or whatever you want to call it actually saved our asses". I smiled slightly, but my smile fell from my face as the events of that night ran through my head again. The power that I had felt, the ease and comfort that came with it. It felt foreign, yet somehow, it also felt familiar. I sighed and met Ray's eyes.

"Thanks Ray", I replied gratefully. Taking a deep breath in I shook off my weird emotions and decided to investigate this so called divinity of mine and what it meant for me. I had studied the dying mythology of my country for years, always curious about these supernatural beings and deities - but never could have imagined I was one.

"I'm going to check in with Don and see if he has any useful information for me". I received a series of hums in response and turned on my heel to climb back up the stairs to Riley's office. The mind link I had with Don and my previous pack didn't work at this distance and I didn't have my own phone to call with, so I sat myself down in the comfortable spinning office chair and made use of the landline, dialing the number hastily.

 I spun back and forth in the chair while the phone rang a few times until it was answered. "Hello?" I heard Don's voice on the other line.

 "Hey shithead", I drawled. "Listen, I was wondering if you have any more information on this whole me being part Goddess business?" Don laughed lightly on the other side of the phone.

 "Actually, I made a few calls". I straightened my posture, perking up at this.

 "And?" There was a brief pause.

 "And", he retorted. "The name Lugh kept coming up - I don't know what it means, personally I think he sounds like someone with severe phlegm issues". I snorted and rolled my eyes. I'm certain he could picture it in his head.

 "Uncultured swine". Don scoffed back at me but allowed me to explain. "Lugh is a Celtic, more specifically Irish, God of war - typical man, obsessed with revenge and proving himself y'know?"

 "Yeah yeah whatever", he sighed. "Anyways, whatever he is, he's definitely got some connection to you - apparently his following has revived in the last two centuries and he's rumored to have fathered some children over the last few hundred years". My breath caught in my throat and all joking went out the window.

"Okay", I stammered, my free hand flailing about in confusion. "So, I need to find out what in the actual fuck that has to do with me....any ideas?" I heard Don's heavy boots hit off his desk.

"I thought you'd never ask", he continued. "I've got a friend of mine - a witch, coming to the house to help me piece it together, she's mated to Grant the engineer". I bit my lip and hummed in acknowledgment, the whole situation still seeming too surreal to be possible.

 "I'll drop by as soon as possible, but first, I'm going to do some more research on my possible father", I sighed, bidding farewell and hanging up the phone, zoning out as I sat trying to process reality.

 I had a dad. He was in every picture with me from when I was just born. He raised me. He yelled at me when I was sloppy, taught me how to ride a bike. Sure he was emotionally detached, but I loved him nonetheless. He always looked out for me. And now I was being told my dad might not be my dad? Fuck.

 Tears brimmed in my eyes and I allowed them to flow freely, numbness taking over me as I breathed heavily and stared at the hardwood in front of me. This was too much. It was all too much. I wasn't a demi-goddess, I wasn't invincible - sometimes it felt like I was still the seventeen-year-old kid who wound up in a strange place with no family or friends around her. I honestly didn't know where I got the strength to not freak out when Kyle had shown up. Was it really divine intervention? Or had I just lost it?

 Realizing how ridiculous I seemed, wallowing in my own doubts and insecurities, I took a deep breath and wiped my tears roughly. I needed answers and I was going to get them, so I resolved to get my ass up and moving. With arms full of papers and books, I kicked the office door open, coming face to face with my sleepy-looking mate. My heart instantly warmed watching as she stretched, her abs peeking out a little bit. She looked cute, but I wasn't about to tell her that. She'd have me back on that bed in seconds. I sure as hell wasn't ready for a repeat of yesterday already.

 She blinked her groggy eyes open at me and observed my probably crazy-looking appearance. I found myself stuck for words, unsure of how to relay the chaos of the morning to her, so I let the first ones that came to mind fall out of my lips.

"So, I think my dad is the god of war and we really need to find him".

Back to the dramaaa oooo. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I wrote it mostly on a bus lol. Let me know what you think in the comments below, I appreciate any and all feedback from you guys, your support really means the world to me! Stay safe and well out there!

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