45: Riley

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Being an Alpha meant putting on a front most of the time. I had to be confident, fearless, and unwavering in front of everyone - except for her. Mia didn't expect me to be 100% sure of anything. In front of her, I was just me. That's why I felt comfortable expressing my many concerns about hiking to the mountains to hunt down a random god. I grew up with the supernatural, sure, but the realm of gods and goddesses was uncovered territory for wolves. The Moon Goddess was the unseen force guiding us throughout our lives, the one who chose our mates for us - other than that we had no involvement with a higher power.

After deciding to take the scenic route home, driving around sharp bends and down small roads, blasting music as loud as we could tolerate, we made it home. The sun was beginning to set in the summer sky and I was thankful for the dissipating heat. My mate scrambled dramatically out of the car, groaning over the weather and how she 'wasn't built for it'. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, pulling her into my side as we strolled into the pack house, awaiting the curious questions from everyone. Shockingly, the house was eerily quiet. My thoughts raced as I thought about why no one was home as my mate looked around in confusion.

Mia frowned a little and looked at me, trailing her finger along the marble countertop. "Well it's far too quiet for my liking right now", she sighed. I huffed in agreement, leaning against the counter and straining my ears to hear for signs of life in the house, but no one was around.

"I can't hear anyone, come on, let's go look outside", I suggested, offering my hand to my mate, which she grabbed with a small grin. I tugged her into my side, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as her hand wound around my waist. She had been wearing a smile all day, but I could tell she was shaken over the whole situation. Just when her life began to settle, something new came along to shake it up. We trudged out the newly installed patio door into vast green grass that stretched for miles, and all of it was ours. 

 In the distance I could begin to make out the cluster of my family and friends, crowding around a barbecue, like any normal family. My breath caught in my throat as Mia took off running, screaming to my mom to save her some wine and chicken. My mom threw her head back, a cackling laugh leaving her body as my mate embraced her in a hug with a greeting.

 The lowering sun shone tangerine rays on the scene before me. I knew this image was going to solidify itself in my memory for as long as I lived. Seeing the woman I loved smiling despite the hardships we faced, becoming a part of my family, my life, my pack. It gave me the warm, fuzzy feeling inside that I always hoped I would find someday. I found it. 

 My eyes lingered on them for a few moments longer, my body relaxing from its tense state despite the upcoming challenges and I felt lighter as I paced over to my family. My dad lifted his eyes from the food and shot me an understanding smile, his mouth full of chicken and coleslaw as he gestured to the lavish feast that was laid out of two picnic tables in the middle of the grass. "You gonna eat or what kid?" I laughed lightheartedly and sat fixed myself a plate full of mouth-watering dishes from grilled corn and salsa to steak. 

 Although my appetite had faltered from the earlier conversation with the two witches Don introduced us to, I allowed myself to indulge, feeling my muscles relax as the sound of my mate's laugh graced my ears. The weather was still warm, but I could see goosebumps rising on Mia's now bare arms as a breeze washed over the table. 

"Come here you little cutie", I beamed. I lifted my arm, allowing Mia to scoot into my side as she picked up some loaded tortilla chips and dug in. She nestled silently into my body, as the table grew silent, my mom and dad exchanging glances, quite obviously communicating through the mind link. My dad tilted his head in our direction, and my mom met my eyes. I gave her a inquisitive stare, earning a deep sigh. 

 "Alright kids, what is going on, everyone in the pack wants to know - and frankly we would like a little insight too, we're worried". My mom's worry didn't go unwarranted, to be fair, although I was unhappy with her timing. My mate's body went rigid, as she removed herself from my hold and sat up, now staring at her food as if it made her nauseous. I took advantage of the mind link, just as my parents did, and squeezed her thigh. 

 You don't have to say anything, I know this is hard, I reassured her. She turned to look at me briefly, but I studied her stare. She placed her hand on top of mine, it was cold. I could feel her nerves but she persisted.

 I know, but I've got this. I trusted that she had it, I never doubted this woman for a second, she was capable of amazing things even through hardships. The whole table stared at her, as she adjusted herself to face them, her ice cold fingers still gripping mine anxiously. Her breath trembled as she did so. 

 "Lugh has been among civilization for a long time, we can't say for sure how long, or what he wants - but he has witches doing his bidding and is trying to get through to me for some reason and I wholly intend to figure it out". My mom's bottom lip shook as she tried to speak. 

 "Mia, honey, whatever you need we are right behind you, dealing with the gods has been out of our realm until now, but we will do anything we can to help", she spoke gently, sensing the now tense atmosphere that had returned. My mate's nails dug into my palm, as I saw her eyes become glassy. She was trying not to cry. The wind swept strands of scarlet into her face - she didn't move it away, instead, she remained frozen in the moment, fighting her emotions down. 

 "I know", she whispered in response, biting at the skin on her lips. I squeezed her hand in mine, and she lowered her glance to where our hands sat, on my knee, and took in a sharp, shaky breath. 

 My dad cleared his throat, trying to end the conversation. That job had already been taken, however. Joey broke the silence, shoving noisy tortilla chips in his mouth, unphased by the discussion at hand. His bare, hairy legs stretched out the side of the picnic table, as he bathed in the sun like a skinny gorilla in short shorts and a tank top that was a bit too snug. I snorted in amusement. 

 "Dude, you need to get some longer shorts", I taunted throwing a fork at his chest and reaching up to cover Mia's eyes. "This is not appropriate for my lady to see". He grunted, throwing the fork back on the table, as everyone erupted in laughter. The sound flooded my system to warmth once more, as small hands pulled mine down.

 I noticed the sun was barely visible above the horizon now, warm orange light shining its last rays on the woman beside me. Green eyes met mine, still glassy, but filled with more than just sadness. They reflected courage, hope, and determination into mine and I felt myself falling further in love with my other half. As the table bustled with life and laughter, I leaned my head against hers as we giggled, ignoring the people around us.

 "I love you, every bit of you", I breathed, taking her face in my roughened hands. 

 "I adore you", she whispered back. "Forever". I hummed, liking the sound of that word. 



Ahhhhhh guys I did it!!!!! First chapter back! Sorry it took so much longer than promised and it is probably not my best work, but I hope this gets me back into the swing of things. I hope you are all happy for the return of Mia and Riley! Let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for almost 100k reads holy shit! Your support means the world to me, truly. I will be back super super soon with some juicy developments! Until then, take care of yourselves...


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