19: Riley (18+)

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I climbed the stairs as if my life depended on it, my wolf making me aware of the scent of our mate's arousal so close. It was driving me insane. Her teasing, her breathless voice, her kiss - all of it had brought years' worth of desires to the surface.

Practically kicking the door off its hinges, I carried my mate through our bedroom, carefully placing her on the bed and leaning myself over her. For so long I had dreamed of this, and imagined what it would be like to have my mate writhing under me, wanting me - and finally, she was here.

My tiny little mate lay under me like a dear in headlights and I loved it. Although the room wasn't very bright, it had enough light to show her pink cheeks and bruising red lips. Her eyes caught mine and I looked for any sign of hesitation. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

She nodded her head vigorously. "Yes", she panted. "Please...". I couldn't say no. My wolf was egging me on to just rip off her clothes and get to it, but I needed to take my time. I leaned down, letting my body rest on my mate's as I connected our lips. Her tongue met mine as we kissed and I allowed my hand to grab at her thigh, pulling her leg around me.

I was so close to where I wanted to be; between her legs, making her scream for me. My mate was becoming breathless as the minutes passed, running her hands up and down my back and pulling at my shirt. I bit her bottom lip as I pulled away, earning a pretty moan. It was like music to my ears.

I leaned back, taking in the sight before me. "You can kill me for this later, but I'm not dealing with this right now", I growled as I freed her from her turtle neck and skirt, throwing them behind me in a hurry. I could tell Mia was pissed at the treatment of her clothes, but I was too busy savoring her bare skin.

My breath caught in my throat seeing the matching champagne-colored set of lingerie she had. "Did you wear this for me baby?" I asked. Uncertain as to how to react, my little mate bit her lip and nodded. Fuck, this girl knew just the way to get me going. "I thought I'd throw it on just in case".

I hummed at her response, letting my eyes admire every inch of her that I could see in front of me. She stared at me shyly, as my hands trailed down her sides, delicately following the line of her curves. "Fuck", I groaned. I could smell her, dripping for me and I needed to have her - now.

Without waiting a second longer, my hands made work of ripping the final garments from Mia's body. She wouldn't be too happy with me in the morning, but I could deal with that. Maintaining eye contact, I leaned over her once again, holding myself up with one arm, the other getting to work at teasing my precious mate.

My fingers gently brushed over her body, making their way over to her right nipple, running over it as it became hard. Her back arched towards me as I began playing with it, leaving kisses on her cheek, down her neck, until I took her left nipple in my mouth. Her breath came in choked whimpers, her hips trying to grind into me for relief. I loved it.

I teased her for a few minutes before I decided neither of us could take anymore. Lifting myself slightly, my hand traveled down her body to the bundle of nerves she was practically begging me to touch.

I stared into her eyes. I knew this wasn't her first time or mine - but I wanted to be gentle. My thumb circled her clit and her mouth fell open at the sensation, her breath quickening as I picked up the pace. Mia moved her hips against my hand, whining for more contact. "Babe please", she groaned. "I need more".

"You want more baby? Then you get more". Moving myself to the end of the bed, I positioned myself between her legs, drowning in the scent of arousal. My arms wrapped around my mate's small thighs, pulling them open to give me access. Her pussy was already wet for me, her hands already pulling at my hair and my wolf was ready to taste her.

My tongue caressed her folds and I felt like I was experiencing heaven as I tasted her. I flicked her clit with my tongue and set a steady rhythm. Moans began to fill the room, getting louder and louder and I relished the sound. I had wanted this for so long.

At this point Mia was arching her back, her legs shaking and hands holding my head where it was. Although, it's not like I was going anywhere. "Fuck that feels so good", she moaned. I picked up speed with my tongue, loosening my grip on one of her legs to allow one hand to move in between them.

Two fingers easily slid in, she was dripping. I growled against her pussy. This was nirvana. I was actually fucking my mate. She was almost screaming my name as my fingers curled towards a specific spot. I could feel she was close.

"Don't stop", she begged, "Please don't stop". Well, if she asks so nicely, I can't say no. My fingers pick up their pace as I suck on her sweet spot. She tightens around my fingers and her moans turn into screams, her legs shaking and closing around my head as she cums. I keep going, slowing down to let her ride it out.

"Fuck baby you taste amazing", I groaned climbing back up over Mia to see her face. Pink cheeks, breathless and half-closed eyes. I guess I did my job right. "That was...that was amazing", she sighed tiredly. I chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Sleepy are we?" She shook her head but I could tell. "What about you?" I smiled. "Next time babygirl, I promise". A yawn escaped her lips, as I brush my hand against her cheek pulling the covers over both of us. My little mate moved towards me, settling her head on my chest, hand gripping my shirt as she fell asleep. Cute.

Guess I tired her out. Can't get any better than that.


Soooo this was my first time ever writing 18+ content so it's probably awful but I hope as time goes on I improve. Let me know what you think of this chapter and the story so far in the comments please and thank you!!!!!!


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