30: Riley

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 To say the current situation in my office was chaos, would be an understatement. My office was now crowded with warriors, strategists, my Beta, Delta and my dad who's face was turning bright red in frustration. Maps with big red circles and crosses lay flat on my desk and pinned to the walls of my spacious office, and tensions ran high as we discussed our options. We had already been at this for hours, and all I wanted to do was run to my mate and hold her - but I knew I had to do this properly, to ensure her safety and the safety of our pack. I sighed, running my fingers through my damp hair. "He couldn't have gotten through the border without help, it's impossible no matter what way we look at it", my dad pointed out. I had to agree with him. "You're right", I mused. "But this doesn't sound like a plain and simple revenge plot, there has to be a reason this guy is risking his ass to get to a Luna, to appease his obsession". I shuddered at the thought. 

 My Delta, Joey dropped his head with a sigh. "I think we need to approach this differently". My eyes snapped up to where his voice came from. "What do you mean?" My brows furrowed in confusion. "I've been struggling to understand how Mi- I mean Luna, recovered from wolfsbane blood poisoning so quickly". My eyes remained on him, waiting for him to elaborate. Mike nodded in agreement and cut in. "I think what Joey means to say is, what if our Luna was never fully human - I mean I have studied the folklore and the history of turned wolves and have never heard of someone surviving". My brain all but exploded as I pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned over my desk. "Never fully human? What else could she possibly be?" Shrugs came from each corner of the room, but my dad looked as if he had an epiphany, tugging anxiously at the collar of his black shirt. 

 "Dad?" I stressed. His eyes met mine with a nervous glance. He opened his mouth to speak but only produced a sigh. "Listen, Riley, I think we need to investigate all of our options here - talk to Mia about her family history, I mean, she comes from a place rich in folklore and otherworldly history - I heard she pulled an arrow out of her shoulder unassisted. She's tiny for Goddess' sake, there has to be an explanation for that". I bit my lip, absorbing my dad's words. He was right. They were all right. Until we know exactly what is going on, and what we're up against, we can't assume anything. "Okay - for now I need two more people on each patrol shift, reports of anything unusual should be sent directly to myself or your Beta or Delta. Extra training sessions will be available to all pack members who want to attend. I will follow up with your Luna. For now, keep your mouths shut until we have further leads. Do I make myself clear?" 

 Nods and responses came instantly. "Good. You are all dismissed". Bodies shuffled out of my cramped office, but my dad remained sat in front of me as I groaned and tugged at the hair on my scalp. "Listen, kid, I don't think Mia is wise to the fact she never has been fully human - we need to get as much back up as we can on this, look for any previous indicators, that sort of thing". I agreed with him, pushing myself out of my chair, standing with my arms resting on my desk. "You're right", I grumbled. "We need Don and his crew here, they lived with her for years, maybe they have some ideas, can I leave that to you?" My dad nodded and patted my hand. "Sure thing kiddo". I gave him an appreciative smile and stretched out my tight limbs. I hadn't gone on a proper run in a while, my wolf was itching to get out. For now, though, I followed my dad out of my office and began the search for my mate.

 It didn't take long for me to find her, curled up in a blanket in the leisure room as she watched in amusement as Zoe and Heidi screamed at each other, playing video games. I didn't want to disturb, so I slid myself in beside my mate, catching her smile as she saw me. I pulled her close to me, letting her cuddle into my body. I loved the feeling. "Soooo", she probed. "How was the meeting? Any leads?" My mind was on alert as soon as she asked me, unsure of what to say in case I freaked her out. My eyes flickered between her and her friends. "Let's go somewhere else first", I insisted. Mia nodded and stood with me, leaving the blanket behind her as she followed me back up to my office, taking in the chaos that was left behind. 

 She sat across from me as I held her hand, a confident smile on her face. I knew she was trying to reassure me that she was okay. "So far, we don't have any leads on his whereabouts, but we think this could be bigger than a revenge plan". She looked at me in confusion. "Baby, all of us are at a loss over your recovery. Of course, we are so grateful that you are okay, but that should have killed you - you even ripped out the arrow yourself. We think something else is going on here". Her face contorted in confusion as she rested her head in her hands. "I still don't follow". I bit my lip contemplating how to approach this as delicately as possible. "We don't think you were ever entirely human, no human, wolf or turned wolf could have survived what you did so effortlessly", I explained. Her expression neutralized. I didn't know what she was thinking. 

 "What do you mean? If I wasn't human what was I? What am I? I don't understand", Mia quivered. Her hand trembled slightly in mine, I could tell she was overwhelmed. I took a deep breath and she followed, calming herself. "I have studied folklore for years and years and never saw the signs - I suppose it's not a bad thing though". My mate groaned and rubbed her eyes. "Why does everything have to be soooo complicated?" She sighed in frustration. "I know baby", I whispered reaching over to squeeze her arm. My eyes shifted to where her wound was, bandaged under her clothes. I fought down my anger as I thought about the bastard who hurt her. A loud groan from my mate broke me out of my thoughts as her hands slapped the desk in determination. "Okay, I guess it's time to hit the books, I need to figure this out before your mom has this ball thingy fully planned". My eyes widened. 

 "What did she do?" Mia laughed at me, my mouth agape and my eyes bewildered. "She wants to throw a ceremony for me since I am kind of the official Luna, I think it means a lot to her". My heart warmed and my expression softened. She was right, Mia was now the official Luna to the pack. My Luna. Just thinking about it brought a smile to my face. "My mom loves any excuse for a party, but I think it would be good to celebrate it. I finally marked you, I think that's a cause for celebration". My mind wandered back to when I marked her, my body growing hot at the thought. I'm sure my mate could sense this. She rose from her seat. "I'm going to go do some research before you jump me", she giggled, pecking my cheek and moving towards the door. She left me with a wink and a flirty smile. I tried to pull myself together and do some research of my own, but her voice pulled me out of focus two seconds later.

"If you're this hot and bothered now, just wait until you see what I'll be wearing".

Hi everyoneeee! How are you doing? Did you enjoy this update?I really appreciate any and all feedback left in the comments, so make sure to vote and leave your thoughts please and thank you!!! Stay safe and well!

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