54: Mia

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Several hours had passed since Ellen dragged me back to the party, and I was definitely feeling the warm friendly welcome of the alcohol I had consumed. The anxious pit in my stomach was no longer from the stress of current events, but rather what type of bullshit I would do or say while under the influence. Although my aim was light tipsiness - I was drunk as shit.

I was perched on the lap of my mate, my arm around her shoulder as she held tightly on to my waist laughing at my giggling outbursts. Riley was still sober despite drinking a fair amount thanks to her Alpha genes, however my little human genetics decided that four glasses of wine was definitely enough to get me fucked up.

Pierre and Lucas were also evidently feeling the effects of the several bottles of champagne they had each chugged, as they slurred energetic encouragements to Mike, Joey and Don as the three tossed a football around in the garden. I let out a sigh, becoming aware that I was definitely very, very drunk.

Riley laughed lightly as I turned to face her. Her eyes scanned my face, and her fingers traced my arm. "You're cold, do you need anything?"

Before I could even respond, she leaned backwards, pulling off her large fleece lined denim jacket. Without hesitating she wrapped it around my shoulders.

"There. Much better my love". She was too fucking cute I couldn't take it.

I giggled softly, trying to suppress a smile as I leaned in to connect our lips. I let my tongue trace her lip lightly before pulling away, leaving her with a wink before turning back around to join see Don taking a seat across from us. Riley's hands stiffened after I pulled away from her face, and I could feel her body shift underneath me as she tried not to focus on the kiss.

A few seconds later, she cleared her throat and settled back into her seat again, her hands wound tighter around me. I fought back my smile once more.

"Hey big fella", I hummed taking in Don's appearance. I had never seen him absolutely shitfaced before, but I was guessing from the way he struggled to look at me without his eyes crossing slightly, that he was well past drunk.

"Hey kid", he sighed back. "How ya doing?"

I picked up my glass of champagne, put it to my lips and swallowed the last of it. Riley chuckled, patting my side.

"I am amazing, thank you for asking Donald".

"Don't call me Donald, you know that's not my name".

I poked my tongue out at the man sat across from me.

"Alright. Lightweight". I knew that would annoy him, and annoying Don had always been my favourite activity to do while under the influence.

"Says the girl who blacked out on vodka shots and almost set Lucas on fire".

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the recollection of that memory. My mate chimed in, confused.

"She what?" I turned to face her, setting down my empty glass.

"So basically", I started enthusiastically. "Some Alpha was hitting on Lucas, trying to get in his pants, and I picked a fight after too much vodka".

Riley furrowed her brow, "How does that have anything got to do with almost lighting up Lucas?"

Don smirked at my mate. "This was several years before Mia learned any type of self defense. She broke some fingers tryna punch the guy, then tried kicking him in the balls to get him away from Lucas. When that didn't work either she grabbed hairspray and a lighter and went to town trying to get him out of the house - she briefly singed Lucas' hair, but she did get him to leave".

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