2: Mia

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The day flew by, to say the least. My conversation with Helen turned into her dragging me all over the pack land, dropping into other houses to say hello, play with some of the smaller kids and share our excitement for the evening. After wasting my free hours this way, I leisurely trodded back to the pack house to start preparing myself for the evening.

As much as I loathed these events in the past, I couldn't help but feel a tingle of happiness burst through me at the thought of being dressed up and being around unbelievable amounts of free booze.

Without making any trace of a mess, I ran back up the two flights of marbled stairs to my room, itching with anticipation. This year was my fourth year attending these balls, my fourth year away from my home country and I could feel my happiness grow every day I spent as part of a pack. Setting myself down on the loveseat at the foot of my grand bed, I undid my braid and threw off the baggy clothes I had been in since the morning.

I made my way to my ensuite bathroom, hurrying into the giant glass door shower and under the water. I savored the feeling of the water hitting my skin and hummed as I lathered my body. I was giving myself two hours to get ready, which was probably not nearly enough time, but I suppose I do well under pressure. I don't really give myself any other choice.

Careful not to let the fresh red color fade out of my hair, I washed my hair in cold water. By the time I got out of the shower, I was freezing cold, but at least I smelled like lavender now. I suppressed the thought of my mate and what she might smell like, and wrapped my body and hair in towels, and made my way back into my room for the heavy preparations.

I blow-dried my hair in record time, throwing it on top of my head with a hair grip in order to start my makeup. The goal was to glow from head to toe and cover up any blemishes my nerves had brought me over the past few days. This was usually easy enough for me as I got used to my same old routine over the years.

I set to work with my brushes, ignoring the noise of my floormates running from room to room asking for tie clips, waistcoats, and other last-minute things. It seemed as though I was doing better than they were. Ugh, men.

Curling iron at the ready, I hurriedly curled my entire head of hair in bouncy curls and took a diamond hair clip, and used it to secure some hair out of my face at the back of my head, making quick work of each task. Finally, it was time. Time for the dress.

I had never felt more excitement than at this moment. Butterflies swirled in my stomach as checked the time on my phone. It was 6.30 pm, thirty minutes until our guests would arrive. My dress hung perfectly on my closet door and as I took it down and admired it in my hands, I couldn't help but smile.

It was perfect in every way. It was a pale blush color, with off-the-shoulder puffy sleeves, a tight corset bodice, and a full princess skirt. I could hardly contain my joy whilst putting it on, it felt like a dream. I truly felt like a princess.

As soon as I had finished tightening up the back of my dress, I heard a small knock on my door followed by three large men, my floormates, barging into my room. It was almost time to greet our guests, thankfully I wouldn't have to be alone for the night. I shared the third floor with the Alpha Don, the Beta Pierre, and the Delta Lucas, all tall, attractive, muscular men - all still afraid of me on my period.

Bright blonde-headed Pierre bounded towards me in all his grey finery and squeezed me in a hug. "Squishy you look incredible, who knew you had it in you", he mocked. I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed the last of my accessories and shoes as Lucas helped me with my necklace. Sometimes they could be useful.

Once I was completely prepared, we exited my room, ensuring to lock the door from unwelcome creeps. Don offered me his arm and I took it with a grateful smile as we all began our descent down the stairs. Heels and stairs - not a good idea alone.

"Guys it's almost seven, time to get this show on the road", Lucas informed us as we took our post in the hallway to the ballroom. As if on cue, the first of our guests began to arrive at the door. They were let in by some of the pack members close to my age and made their way to us with polite greetings and thanks.

In no time at all, there were almost one hundred people in the ballroom, two or three packs we were familiar with. I guessed that it was time to meet the new packs and their Alphas, always a daunting task for an omega like myself. We are viewed as valuable assets for packs due to our domestic nature and some can be taken advantage of, luckily for me, I landed myself in a good pack.

As soon as I gathered my thoughts and courage, another group arrived in the hallway, but something was different. I could sense something odd about this pack that piqued my wolf's interest. My senses enhanced as I caught an addicting aroma of fresh pine. I scanned my eyes over the pack approaching us and Pierre shot me a quizzical look. He knew something was going on.

Finally, the pack stood before us, and I lifted my eyes worriedly to greet the Alpha of our new allies. As soon as I met the brown eyes before me, my senses screamed at me and I was captivated by the woman towering over me. Quickly losing any coherent thought I had my mind went blank. One word echoed through my brain, as she reached out and gently kissed the back of my hand


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