39: Riley

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 The few hours we spent snoring our heads off had me feeling refreshed when my eyes blinked open to the bright summer sun burning through our windows. Mia's head lay on my shoulder, she was still dead to the world and I presumed she'd probably be out for the next few hours. I carefully lifted her head off of me, placing it gently down on my pillow. She sighed and nuzzled into my scent on the fabric. I smiled to myself and stretched out my limbs, standing up from the bed, placing one last kiss on my mate's cheek. I strolled over to my closet, pulling off the clothes my mom had thrown me the night before, inspecting my body in the full-length mirror in the closet. All my injuries had pretty much healed up, only leaving faint red marks behind - Mia wasn't as lucky as I was though. I pulled on a sports bra, and old black training clothes I kept handy. 

 Well, boys, I spoke through the mind link to Mike and Joey, get your asses in gear and gather our fighters outside for a bit of sparring.

I fucking hate you, Mike replied. Joey seemed to have a different mindset. 

Ready for me to take you down? He bantered. I smirked to myself, knowing that I could take on both of them at once and still win. 

Humor me, I shot back. Our dynamic as a group was always like this. We liked to annoy each other. Well, I liked to annoy them. They were too chicken to risk annoying me. They did it once. Neither of them could sit for two days I kicked them in the ass so hard. 

 Tying my chocolate brown hair up into a neat bun, I stared back at my mate, the sunlight bouncing off her porcelain skin. She looked content and my wolf was happy to see her wrapped up in our sheets, safe and sound. Knowing that she was sleeping comfortably, I felt ready to leave our room and jog down the stairs, renewed with energy as I trailed into the kitchen. My dad stood by the toaster, shoving slices into his mouth while my mom sipped her black coffee on the opposite side of the island. They both looked drained. 

 I leaned my elbows on the counter, a grin on my face as I watched them carry on sluggishly. "I'm really glad you're feeling better kid, I really am", my dad sighed, still wearing his suit from the night before. "But - if you could leave us old folks to wallow in our exhaustion that'd be great". I rolled my eyes and snorted, picking up a slice of his toast and shoving a corner in my mouth. 

 "Keep acting like old folks and I'll put your asses in a home". I heard my mom splutter an objection to my joke and spun on my heel as my dad threw bread at my head. I swiftly dodged and made my way outside, into the blistering sun. It was a hot day, my favorite for training and I saw that my warriors, Beta and Delta were already set up. Shocking. 

 I strolled over to the clearing of dirt just a little way into the forest and was met with enthusiastic greetings. I nodded in acknowledgment of my men and turned to the two idiots beside me. Mike stared at me with an annoyed 'what do you want from me' expression on his face. I leaned in closer to him. "What's the situation with the other packs?" I asked in a hushed tone. Joey pushed Mike out of the way to get my attention and faced me with an amused look. 

 "Alpha Don took his men and pack home a couple of hours ago, he didn't want to disturb your or our Luna", he explained. "The rest left when your dad escorted them out of the venue last night". I nodded and turned back to my warriors, all of whom stood arms crossed against their chest, stoic expressions on each face. It had taken me a couple of months to gain the confidence and respect of these men as a female Alpha, but now they were too afraid to talk back. They understood my position and that was important. 

 "I'm sure you all heard about the incident last night", I addressed them. "Although your Luna took care of it quite skilfully - you all need to be equipped to deal with any threat that comes through our borders". They kept quiet, listening to every word from their Alpha. 

 "Your Beta and Delta will be assisting me with sparring today, you must be able to fight with or without a weapon, so that is how we will proceed - partner up and get started". Once I finished speaking, the group split into partners and the fighting commenced.  I took a breath and inhaled the lavender scent of my mate close by, looking over my shoulder to see her perched under the shade of a tree in a pair of tiny denim shorts and a tight white crop top, her nipples poking through. She definitely did that on purpose. My eyes widened and I struggled to gain my composure as she gazed over at me and shot me a cheeky wink. Mike and Joey scratched their heads in confusion and trodded over to me. 

 "Sooooo", Mike groaned. "What do you want us to do?" I took one more look back at my mate, who shot me a wink as she twirled her red locks around her finger and bit my lip, my eyes not wanting to leave her figure. I took a deep breath and settled my whining wolf. Two could play at that game. I pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in my sports bra, my abs on show. I didn't need to look back, I could smell Mia's arousal from where I stood. I smirked, stretching out my arms. It was time to show her just what her big bad Alpha was made of. 

 "Both of you will be sparring me", I said matter-of-factly. They looked at me in a mixture of amusement and curiosity. 

 "Are you doing this to impress your mate?" Mike quizzed, nodding his head in her direction. I grinned devilishly. They both chuckled. 

 "Okay - we're in, but don't go crying to her when we kick your ass", Joey chimed in. I held back my laughter and got in position as they took their stances. 

 "Oh dude, you're about to get your ass handed to you", I jabbed back.  

 With that, they took their opportunity. Joey went for my lower body, whilst Mike threw punches towards my abdomen and face. "Aw cute", I taunted, dodging their advances towards me before sweeping my leg behind Joey's knees, leaving him on the ground. He scrambled to his feet and let Mike step forward. Although they were my two best fighters, other than myself, their attacks were almost childish and I avoided them with ease, swinging my fist upward to connect with Mike's chin, landing some heavy punches on his stomach while I had the chance. 

 His body hit the ground with a thud and he rolled over, catching his breath again. Joey took this as his chance to charge towards me. He was a great fighter, although he didn't put much thought into his offensive moves. In one swift motion, I kneed him in the balls, effortlessly throwing him back against a tree, leaving him choking and spluttering on impact. 

 "That all you got boys?" I grinned, hardly even breaking a sweat. Both of them groaned in response, pulling them to their feet. 

 "I always forget about that strength", Mike grunted. "You fucking brute".  I threw my head back in laughter, clapping my hands in front of me as I gave them a minute to gather themselves. My eyes turned to my warriors, all of whom had been providing each other with tips and feedback, ensuring they gave their all. I was impressed. I let my attention briefly drift back to Mia, who was squeezing her thighs together, her eyes not leaving my body. 

  Like what you see princess? I asked through our mind link, smirking to myself. I could smell her from where I stood, a fair distance away. I strolled back over to my men, handing them both a bottle of cold water from the cooler that sat by a tree.

 Fuck yes, I want you to throw me around like that, Alpha, she replied. I held back a growl and kept my gaze forward, not trusting myself to hold back if I looked at her. I loved that she called me Alpa. It drove me crazy. 

  Mike and Joey shook their bodies out, ready to spar again. With one last glance at my mate, I shot her a look, knowing my eyes were clearly black with desire. I was definitely going to fuck her senseless as soon as I got the chance. 

 You asked for it baby, I hope you know what you're in for. 

Heyyyy it's me again, with another updateeeee! I hope you guys are liking Riley's character, she is hard to write to be honest but I'm doing my best! Let me know what you think in the comments, I appreciate any and all feedback you guys give me! I hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe and welllll!

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