14: Riley

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I knew I was fucked the moment I smelled her. She was wet, practically dripping, and my wolf urged me to take her right there. I had her pinned beneath me, satisfied as she wriggled under my body, begging for me. It was a sight I had wanted to see since the moment I laid eyes on her, but as I pushed back against my instinct I could see my mistakes.

The delicate body of my mate was now littered with dark purple bruises all around her neck and chest, her wrists a lilac shade from my grip - her body was burning up. This isn't right. Within seconds of realizing what I had done, I was across the room trying to control myself from hurting Mia any more than I had already.

She looked startled and confused as she sat to face me on the bed, I knew she was upset - but I was struggling to hold myself back. I couldn't forgive myself if I hurt her and she seemed to understand. Minutes passed as I fought against my wolf, as she urged me to rip my mate's clothes off and devour her on the spot. I had to go.

She drew my attention to my bloody palms, concern evident in her face but it soon passed. She was staying strong, for me. "I'll send a few mated pack members to make sure you're okay and protect you for the next few days, nobody is going to hurt you - especially not me baby girl". Unable to take a step forward, I shot my mate a soft smile as I held my breath and backed out of the room slowly.

"Lock the door once I leave, your pheromones are strong, and don't open the door unless it's Zoe or Heidi". By now the addicting, tempting scent of my mate's arousal was almost dizzying and before matters could get any worse I had shut the door behind me, hearing it lock before I began running down the stairs.

My frustration was growing as I got further away from Mia, my wolf whining, and my body filled with energy I needed to get rid of. Thankfully as soon as I had entered the open plan living room, I saw a group of pack members including Mike, Heidi, and Zoe sitting around on the velvet couches, staring at me with worry.

Mike rose first, as everyone became silent. "Alpha you're bleeding, and I can smell your mate's heat from here, what do you need?" I could always rely on Mike. We always got confused as siblings as we both had similar tan skin and brown eyes and hair, he was like a brother to me in a lot of ways - and a great Beta too.

"I need every non-mated pack member out of here now", I demanded. "Zoe, Heidi please take care of Mia until her heat subsides - I hurt her, I just can't be near her right now". Zoe and Heidi were a mated couple, both high-ranking fighters within the pack and some of my closest friends. With understanding looks emerging on their faces, they stood up from their seats. "Of course Alpha, we will make sure nothing happens to her - everything will be fine", Zoe reassured me. Heidi removed her arm from her mate's waist to give me an encouraging pat on the back. "Don't beat yourself up Alpha, go take Joey and Mike and go for a run - you three can stay in our house tonight, we'll take good care of our Luna".

My breath finally began to even out and my heart unclenched slightly. I knew Mia would be in good hands and it would only be four or five days at most that I would have to keep my distance. Although, for wolves who had found their other half, that was a long time.

"Uhm yeah, that sounds like a good idea", I stuttered. Seeing that I was still in the sports bra and shorts I slept in, I sighed. Joey, can I borrow a shirt - we're going for a run. The mind link was always useful for times like this. In seconds, Joey ran down from his office, a pained look on his face as he threw me a black muscle shirt, rubbing his hand over his buzz cut. "Caught the scent as soon as I left my office - can we get out of here?" He asked in an agonized tone.

The guilt snuck back up on me, thinking about the bruises I had left on my perfect mate's body. I could tell Mike and Joey were feeling guilt at the temptation they felt from Mia's scent. I let out a small growl at the thought of anyone touching my mate and the whole room became quiet as I marched towards the front door, swinging it open. "Mike, Joey", I bellowed.

My Beta and Delta followed me without question, and we emerged out into heavy rain and dark clouds. The rain poured down on us mercilessly and I welcomed the sensation as I continued towards the forest. It had been a while since I ran perimeter with Mike and Joey, probably since I took over as Alpha. Not wanting to talk anymore, I made use of the mind link once more. Let's run perimeter, need to take my mind off things...and head's up we're crashing in Heidi and Zoe's until Mia's heat subsides.

Understood Alpha, was the response I got soon after. My clothes were already completely soaked as I moved behind a tree to shift. It had been a few days since I last shifted and my bones were stiff as they popped and cracked into my wolf form and my dark brown fur. I felt a bit of relief already, but my mind was still running at a mile a minute and I needed to get rid of some energy.

Without looking behind, I took off; running with ease through trees, over stumps and boulders, making my way towards the edge of my land. My Beta and Delta were hot on my heels, the rain still pelting down on us as we took care ensuring that no breeches to our perimeter were made. Although the run did help me shake off some of the tension in my body, I was still longing to touch my mate. These next few days would be torture.

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