37: Mia

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 I tried to maintain my fearless state as I spun and caught sight of my tormentor. It brought back traumatic memories that I had shoved down for so long, but I was determined to appear unphased. I stood with my knife right above Kyle's heart as he wore a sickening smirk, his hand leaving bruises on my wrist as I used every ounce of strength I had to pierce his skin. My arm wouldn't budge. He cackled madly and looked me in the eye. "You shouldn't have come here", I grunted. "You're sick".

"Oh, now, now I think you should be thanking me, hm?" I heard Riley struggle and growl in my direction, I knew she wanted to help but she was kind of busy trying not to get killed. I was on my own. 

 "Oh, for raping me and leaving me for dead? Or for betraying me in the foulest way? Or for turning me? I would like to know what you think deserves thanks". I roared in his face. Although I was a good foot or so shorter, I sized him up like any other opponent, fury igniting within me. Kyle hunched over in laughter as if I had delivered the punchline of the century. I remained vigilant, trying to shake my wrist free from his iron-clad grip. It didn't work. 

 "I'm the reason you are here today Mia", his attitude changed, his face becoming stoic and cold. He took another step closer, inches from my face, I wanted to gag at how bad his breath smelled. "Everything I did...was so you would reach your potential. You need to look at the bigger picture". My brain was struggling to keep up with the bullshit coming from this guy's mouth.

"Bigger picture my ass. Leave. Now. Or you'll leave in pieces". The chaos around me didn't calm, but soon all attention was drawn to me. Kyle wrapped his clawed hand around my neck lifting me up above him, constricting my airway leaving me struggling to breathe and dangling in the air. I refused to let go of my knife, which he seemed to think was very funny as he touched the tip of the blade with a finger, ruby red blood droplets dripping out. 

 "Little girls should learn not to talk back. Should I teach you some manners?" His eyes were crazily wide, his greasy hair flopping in his face. I felt sick to my stomach. I heard whimpers and yelps behind me, but couldn't focus on anything other than my tunneling vision and lack of oxygen in my body. I choked and spluttered, scraping at his hand, kicking my legs in fury. I was sick of this. Sick of being tossed around, sick of being treated like a toy, like I was less than everybody else. I was over it. 

 Just as my vision began to darken, the noise behind me silenced. Footsteps confidently pounded towards me and I prayed that I wasn't facing my last moments. "Take your filthy hands off my mate, or I'll slice them off and let you bleed out where you stand". Riley's voice was a welcomed addition to the conversation, she had come to my rescue. I felt my weight being released and I fell to the grass, coughing and trying to catch my breath as my legs crumpled. 

 "So the big bad Alpha has to protect the little demi-Goddess", his voice grated my ears. I looked up at him from where I sat, holding my now bruised neck. I hadn't let go of my knife. I refused to. Riley stood in front of me, blocking my view of him, it took me a minute to notice she was completely naked - but she didn't seem to care. She stood proudly, blood dripping from her shoulder and abdomen, her hair tangled and wild. Her dominance was incomparable. 

 "How do you know about that?" She growled, canines lengthened. Kyle stared her up and down with a grin. 

 "I've known all along", he bragged, eyeing his men who were now crawling back behind him. His numbers had dwindled, but even with Don, Lucas and everyone else - we were outnumbered. Snippets of the night he turned me, my first memories of being in Don's pack, and my new life flashed through my mind like a puzzle. I was struggling to put it together though. He had known all along. That was the reason he befriended me, that was the reason he turned me and why he stood in front of me. 

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