18: Riley

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 I could feel and hear my heart beating madly inside my body the moment my eyes fell upon Mia. Her color had improved since I last saw her, although her pheromones were still present in the air. It was obvious I was having a hard time holding myself back.

My wolf fought against my resolve. It made no sense to her that I would deprive myself of the pleasures of my mate's heat. It was a temptation that was hard to fight, her scent was so sweet it was intoxicating - but I couldn't force my mate into something on temptation alone. If we were to do this, we would do it right.

We stood in the kitchen, and I felt the amused gazes of Heidi and Zoe on me as my hands remained protectively on Mia's waist. Her small figure fit perfectly in my hands and against my body. Heidi sighed and removed her arms from around Zoe. "Well now that your beloved has her tea and her pheromones are dissipating - I think we can take our leave".

Zoe nodded, playing with her platinum braids. She shot me a funny look, as if she felt for me. "You're right babe", she smiled. "Let's give these new lovebirds some space". Her taller mate grabbed her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it as they made their way out and back to their house.

Silence loomed over Mia and I for a few moments before she finished the last sip in her cup and looked at me. "So", she mumbled quietly. "How do I smell?" I couldn't help the smile that erupted on my face at her sort of awkward question. I took in her scent around me - it was weakening. "Insanely tempting", I laughed, "But it's dying down now, I think you're good".

Our eyes met again, both of us smiling and we didn't need to say a word to know that we both needed to unwind after the chaos that was the past few days. "Come on cutie, let's go chill", I sighed. Mia nodded, moving away from my arms just to put her mug in the dishwasher. "Time to put on a movie", she grinned, pulling me with her towards the living room.

We settled on the clean black L shaped couch, pulling a fluffy blanket around ourselves as my lovely mate cuddled into my side. Damn, I could get used to this. I turned on the TV as I wrapped my arm around Mia's petite shoulders, pulling her closer to me - if that was even possible.

"So what looks good?" She asked, flicking through the vast entertainment Netflix had to offer. I smirked as she looked up at me inquisitiveness. "You". The response I got was an eye roll and a smile that she obviously tried to bite back. I wasn't lying though, she did. Even without the temptation of her pheromones now, I wanted to feel every inch of her and hear her moan for me.

Not paying attention to me, Mia squinted at the TV through her glasses - maybe it was time for a new pair. She settled on one of those Transformers spinoff movies and dropped the remote beside her as soon as the movie began to play.

The living room was dark, the only light coming from the TV and LEDs that surrounded it. It did however, give me enough light to see every bit of the  gorgeous face nuzzled into my chest. I'm sure by now she could feel the pounding of my heart against her cheek as well as my leg that was bouncing wildly as I tried to control myself. It wasn't easy.

Only minutes into the movie, I was trying to distract myself by observing the room around me. It was too open. Or maybe too busy. Suddenly I was pulled from my task by the weight beside me shifting to my lap. My mate had abandoned the movie and was no straddling my lap, her skirt now barely covering her underwear and her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Could you relax my love?" She asked, staring into my eyes. My wolf roared inside me to just push her on her back and mark her. "Baby girl", I growled. "I can't relax, not when you smell so good..not when you look so tempting - if you don't move you will regret it".

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and challenged me. "Why would I regret it?" She teased, seduction dripping from every syllable. Her hips moved closer to mine slowly and my hands instinctively grabbed her now bare thighs. Fuck. My mate is on top of me, serving herself up on a silver platter with a pretty smile on her face.

"I don't want to hurt you, or pressure you but fuck me it is so hard not to take you right here". My cute mate seemed to take in my words before leaning in and kissing me with her soft lips. My resolve broke a little bit at this point and I slipped my tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss as I pulled her into me by her waist.

We sat for Goddess knows how long as I felt my control break under her kiss. Her lips were addictive to me. We soon separated, coming up for air and I saw her now swollen lips and dazzled eyes. Mia placed a hand on my cheek and I welcomed the feeling. "You won't hurt me", she whined. "I want this too...I want you so badly..please".

With that last word, every last bit of restraint I had disappeared. My mate wanted me. And here she was, grinding her hips into mine with small whimpers, practically begging to fucked senseless. Although my wolf seemed to agree that for our first time, maybe I wouldn't be too rough. Mia was small, and it felt like she would break if I held her too tightly sometimes.

As if she knew I needed to be pulled from my thoughts, she connected her lips with mine again. It was electric. With no more hesitation, I picked her up, her legs wrapping around my waist and her lips making work of kissing my neck as I rushed up the stairs towards our room.

This should be interesting.

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